
11 best ways to remove facial hair

This WordPress post includes the 11 best ways to get rid of facial hair, detailing quick and easy-to-follow methods that are safe and effective. The post reviews and compares shaving, threading, waxing, depilatory creams, laser hair removal, electrolysis, and several other at-home and in-salon methods. With detailed instructions and helpful tips, the post covers each solution's pros and cons, providing readers with the information they need to make informed decisions about their unwanted facial hair.

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Facial hair is a problem for many women. Dark hairs cause an inferiority complex, self-doubt. You can remove an external defect with special instruments and devices, home and salon procedures. Prior consultation with a cosmetologist.

Why do women have facial hair

Unwanted facial hair is both an aesthetic defect and a symptom of disease. Their growth is enhanced by puberty of teenage girls, pregnancy, menopause, when a natural restructuring of the hormonal background occurs in the female body. Other provoking factors are known:

  • nutrition features (pork, beef, eggs, tofu, poultry);
  • taking medications (corticosteroids, oral contraceptives);
  • hereditary factor (genetic predisposition);
  • nervous shocks, depression, stress;
  • violation of the functions of the endocrine system (hyperthyroidism);
  • oncological diseases.

Causes of the appearance of facial hair in women

Permanent Hair Removal

It is better not to shave unwanted hair, otherwise they grow faster, become tough, dark. After using a razor, a woman faces a bristle problem. A good solution is facial hair removal, which is offered in a beauty salon.

During the session, hairs can be removed along with the bulb, so they do not grow again (disappear forever).


A bunch of light affects the hair follicle. At high temperature, hair growth stops, the bulb is destroyed. Positive changes in appearance are noticeable after the first procedure. The number of laser hair removal sessions depends on the intensity of facial hair growth, varies from 3 to 8 procedures. Characteristics:

  • Contraindications: herpes, infections, diabetes mellitus, oncology, pregnancy, lactation, skin injuries, moles and age spots, varicose veins, bleeding disorders (hemophilia).
  • pros: speed of facial hair removal, lack of side effects and pain during the session, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the treated areas.
  • Minuses: high price of laser hair removal, medical contraindications.
  • Price: from 1300 rubles for 1 session.

Laser hair removal on the face: before and after photos


Unwanted facial hair is removed with light pulses of different durations. The photoepilation method is painless, the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation. Light flashes increase the temperature in the hair follicles to 80 degrees. The capillaries are clogged, local blood supply is disturbed, the bulb atrophies. Conduct from 3 to 8 sessions. Characteristics:

  • Contraindications: skin diseases, age spots, moles, scars, pacemaker, tan, diabetes, varicose veins, hemophilia, lactation, pregnancy, age up to 16 years.
  • pros: minimal risk of epidermal injury and secondary infection, skin rejuvenation effect.
  • Minuses: superficial burns, the effectiveness of the method only for dark hairs with a high concentration of melanin, the risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Price: 4 thousand rubles for the whole person (1 procedure)

Photos before and after photoepilation

Elos hair removal

This expensive procedure combines the effects of a bipolar current and a light pulse. It is much more effective than laser hair removal. Brunettes and blondes can remove facial hair in this way. Elos hair removal creates a high temperature in the bulb itself, destroys the follicle, stops the growth of unnecessary hairs. Beauticians prescribe from 2 to 5 procedures. Characteristics:

  • Contraindications: systemic blood diseases, damage to the nervous system, metal implants, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus), hypertension, impaired blood coagulation.
  • pros: painless removal of all types of hair, the absence of side effects and complications, high efficiency, quick results.
  • Minuses: high price, medical contraindications.
  • Price: 1-2 thousand rubles for the removal of the “antennae”.

Elos Hair Removal


This is a progressive method of hardware cosmetology, where the hair bulb is finally destroyed under the influence of low-voltage electric current. Electrolysis is used against vegetation on the cheeks, above the upper lip, in the forehead. The number of procedures depends on the problem area: on the forehead, hair can be removed in 3-4, eyebrows in 2, cheeks and chin in 4-6 sessions. Characteristics:

  • Contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, oncology, pregnancy, lactation, a tendency to allergies.
  • pros: instant result, the possibility of applying to different parts of the body, increasing elasticity, skin rejuvenation.
  • Minuses: high cost, method pain.
  • Price: from 500 to 1500 rubles for 1 session.

Photos before and after electrolysis

Hair Removal Methods Temporarily

With the help of depilation, facial hair is temporarily removed. Only hairs rising above the surface of the skin can be removed, and the bulb continues active growth.

For many girls and women it’s more convenient and cheaper to visit a cosmetologist once every 2-3 weeks than to deal with unwanted facial hair using methods of hardware cosmetology.


Facial hair is removed with a special wax mixture. The procedure is carried out in a beauty salon or at home. A liquid, warm mixture is applied to the zone of increased vegetation, strips are attached from above along the entire length. When the wax solidifies, it is removed from the skin by tearing off the strip against hair growth. Most often, legs are shaved in this way, waxing leaves irritation on the face. For a temporary result, 1 procedure is enough, after 2 weeks the session is repeated. Characteristics:

  • Contraindications: violation of the integrity of the skin, infectious processes, intolerance to the components of the wax mixture, varicose veins, impaired blood coagulability, diabetes mellitus, oncology, severe forms of cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases.
  • pros: 2-week result, no hematomas, hair removal at home, budget solution.
  • Minuses: procedure pain, allergy and skin irritation, ingrown hairs, contraindications.
  • Price: 500–1200 rubles for 1 session.



Sugar paste depilation differs from waxing technology. A layer of warm viscous caramel is applied to the problem area, it is expected to solidify, removed in the direction of hair growth. The result obtained lasts 3-4 weeks, after which the session is repeated. In preparation for shugaring, the technique (manual or bandage) and the consistency of sugar paste (soft, medium, dense) are individually determined. Characteristics:

  • Contraindications: warts, moles, papillomas and age spots in the treatment area, infectious processes, mechanical damage and suppuration of the skin, furunculosis, diabetes mellitus, oncology, epilepsy, pregnancy, lactation, under 16 years of age.
  • pros: natural composition of sugar paste, affordable price, hair removal at home, good tolerance.
  • Minuses: redness, skin irritation, short-term effect, medical contraindications.
  • Price: 800–1800 rubles for 1 session.

Facial shugaring

How to get rid of facial hair at home

Traditionally, tweezers, a dense thread, a spring or a manual epilator are traditionally used on the face to combat unnecessary facial hair. Cosmetic procedures are time-consuming, but qualitatively remove excess hair for 2–4 weeks, do not require financial costs, are well tolerated.

Hand Epilator

Structurally, it is a spring with two movable handles. The device is tightly pressed to the problem area, first squeezed, then loosen the handles. If the hairs fell into the spring, it is sharply pulled back. The hair removal procedure takes from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours or more. The process is long, women prefer manual electric epilator. Characteristics springs:

  • pros: low price, no irritation and inflammation after the session, minimal risk of complications.
  • Minuses: Depilation pain, inconvenience of use, the need to repeat the session every 2 weeks.

Manual face epilator


An elastic metal spring is first touched to the problem areas on the skin, then it is rotated, the cannon hair is removed. A woman experiences slight tingling, discomfort, pain. Perhaps temporary redness of the skin. Beauticians consider spring to be an obsolete depilation tool, but its effectiveness is beyond doubt. Characteristics:

  • pros: simplicity, repeated use, autonomy, 99 percent result, cost, no side effects.
  • Minuses: epidermis irritation, ingrown hair.

Hair removal spring


A way to remove facial hair is cheap, but the vegetation appears faster. The procedure is time-consuming, requires regular correction. The hairs are pulled out with tweezers: first they pick it up, then they pluck it sharply. Characteristics:

  • pros: short-term effect, home use, ease of procedure, budget option.
  • Minuses: risk of bristles, ingrown hair.

Plucking facial hair


An effective Asian technique for removing facial hair regardless of the cause of their appearance is trading. Unnecessary vegetation is removed with a dense cotton thread. More often, the procedure is performed to correct the eyebrows, remove the gun above the upper lip. Characteristics:

  • pros: safety and harmlessness, improvement of hair structure, long-term result for any type of skin, lack of local irritation, budget solution.
  • Minuses: the need for skill for the session, the risk of skin injury, the need for regular correction after 2-3 weeks.


Folk remedies for hair removal

Home methods of facial hair removal are selective. Popular folk remedies with recipes:

  • Pour the shells and partitions of walnuts with 150 ml of 70% alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 7 days. Wipe problem areas of light or dark hair on the face daily with an alcohol solution. Course – up to 3 weeks.
  • Mix 5 g of castor oil and ammonia, add 2 g of iodine. Fill the composition with 35 ml of water, mix. Treat problem areas 2 times / day, do not rinse with water.
  • Dissolve in 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l baking soda, mix. Moisten a cotton pad with a solution, attach to the problem area, cover with polyethylene, fix with a plaster. Do not remove the compress all night. Wash with warm water in the morning. Perform the procedure until the excess facial hair disappears..
  • Burn the walnut shell. Put the ash in a glass bowl, add so much water to make a thick paste. Leave the composition in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Apply the finished mixture to the problem areas 2-3 times a day, do not wash after 20 minutes. Perform the procedure daily until the facial hair disappears..
  • In equal proportions, combine hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. Moisten the sponge, attach to the problem area, do not clean for 20 minutes. To bleach hair, use the solution 2 times a day until the complete loss of unnecessary hairs. After the session, use a children’s hypoallergenic cream, any moisturizer.
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Comments: 5
  1. Indigo

    What are the most effective methods for facial hair removal?

    1. Caleb Montgomery

      The most effective methods for facial hair removal include shaving, waxing, threading, and using hair removal creams. Shaving is a quick and easy method, but the hair grows back quickly. Waxing removes hair from the root, providing longer-lasting results, but it can be painful. Threading is a precise method that is great for shaping eyebrows and removing fine hair. Hair removal creams dissolve the hair at the surface, but they can cause skin irritation in some people. Laser hair removal is another effective option for long-term reduction of facial hair, but it can be expensive and may require multiple sessions. Ultimately, the best method depends on individual preferences, skin sensitivity, and desired results.

  2. Oakley

    What are the most effective and safe methods for removing facial hair?

  3. Noah Price

    Can you please provide more information on the 11 best ways to remove facial hair? I’m curious to know if any of them are suitable for sensitive skin or if there are any potential side effects to be aware of. Additionally, are these methods suitable for both men and women? Thank you!

    1. Wyatt O'Connor

      There are several effective ways to remove facial hair. For sensitive skin, it is best to opt for methods that are gentle and less likely to cause irritation. Some of the recommended methods for sensitive skin include threading, sugaring, and using facial hair removal creams specifically formulated for sensitive skin. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are also suitable for sensitive skin but may require professional assistance. When it comes to potential side effects, some methods like waxing and depilatory creams can cause redness or allergies, so it’s essential to do a patch test before using them. These methods are suitable for both men and women, but keep in mind that facial hair growth patterns differ between genders, so certain methods may be more effective based on individual needs. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist to find the best method for your skin type.

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