
90-day split diet: product table and results

The recent 90-Day Split Diet has shown positive results and has proven to be an effective alternative to conventional diets. This diet consists of a product table that aims to help boost metabolism, stabilize energ, and provide essential nutrients to the body. The product table is a collection of natural supplements and foods that help enhance and balance overall nutrition, which is key to any health-focused diet. The distinct qualities of this diet provide users with enhanced physical performance, increased mental clarity, improved digestion, and reduced feelings of fatigue. Additionally, the diet has helped many people reach their nutritional goals and improve overall lifestyle. The 90-Day Split Diet is a great alternative to the normal approach to dieting and a great way to improve overall health and well-being.

The content of the article

Every woman dreams of being a beautiful woman with a perfect figure. Someone is constantly training their body in fitness centers, someone is tormenting himself with exhausting diets, and someone is just waiting for a miracle to happen, and excess weight will go away on its own. Such a miracle exists – a 90-day diet of separate nutrition. Nutritionists from Slovenia Breda Hrobat and Mojca Polyanshek not only came up with this long-term diet, they published a book that has become a bestseller in many countries. Saying goodbye to extra pounds forever, using separate food – the main task of a 90 day diet.

Basic principles of a 90 day split diet

What is the secret of a 90 day split diet? The fact that not all products are compatible with each other is known to many and used with success. A diet built on the axiom of separate nutrition allows you to lose 20 kilograms or more in three months. The disappearance of excess weight is gradual, without torment. Most of all, this method of losing weight is suitable for those who have a lot of unnecessary kilograms. During the diet, you don’t need to deny yourself anything, although you still have to take into account the calorie content of the products. Separate nutrition days are divided into four cycles that will be repeated.

By slightly reducing portions and distributing the consumed foods by composition, during the diet you will help the body choose the right path. As a result, metabolism will be improved, the gastrointestinal tract will work without interruption, metabolism will normalize, and body fat will begin to melt. To experience the excitement in the process of losing weight, before the start of the first day of the diet, find out your exact weight, take measurements and write down. At certain intervals, do these manipulations, and you will notice how the weight stably disappears during the diet.

Protein plant foods and carbohydrates

Daily menu

By dividing your diet into four diet cycles by day (protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin), you will completely rebuild the body, which will begin to work like a clock, delighting with new achievements in weight loss. Arrange the days during the diet in a strict order, and every twenty-nine should be unloading. During the day of fasting, they consume only purified or mineral water without gas. Then the cycle starts over.

Food should be at least three times a day, food – only high quality, water at least 1.5-2 liters. The first meal no later than 11 am, the last – until 20 hours. Break portions of food into parts where the lunch will be slightly larger than dinner, with each cycle gradually reducing them. Alcoholic beverages during the diet are prohibited. It is not recommended to drink coffee containing and sugary drinks. Juices are equivalent to eating.

Diet Products

Protein days

Each diet cycle should begin with a protein day, when only protein-containing foods (fish, meat, eggs, dairy products) are consumed. Do not mix proteins – one day eat eggs separately from meat, fish from dairy products:

  • Breakfast. On any day in the morning, have breakfast only with fruits that you can replace with raisins, dried apricots, and prunes. Add a few nuts. Drink a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. For lunch, you can afford a piece of lean boiled or stewed meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, turkey). Dishes with fried foods are best avoided because they will contain more calories. Instead of meat, you can cook low-fat ocean fish or seafood, in the same amount you can eat two eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of cheese. As a side dish, prepare more salad from fresh vegetables, except for those that contain starch. Allow yourself a slice of black bread, better than yeast-free. Finish dinner with a cup of light broth.
  • Dinner. You can repeat the lunch diet by halving the amount. In the evening, remove bread and broth from the menu. If you ate meat for lunch, then for dinner it must be only it.

Starch days

On a day like this, use foods rich in starch – cereals, potatoes, legumes, whole grain breads:

  • Breakfast. By tradition, the day should begin with a glass of berries, juice or several fruits.
  • Dinner. For starchy day, boiled rice, potatoes, peas, beans, soy, chickpeas are suitable. Stew them if desired with a minimum amount of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Add a serving of vegetable soup and a slice of whole grain bread to your diet.
  • Dinner. Repeat the daily set of foods except bread and soup. Do not forget to reduce the serving by half.

Carbohydrate days

In those days devoted to carbohydrates, it is allowed to eat cereal products, pastries without eggs and yeast, pasta (durum wheat recommended), unsweetened cookies. If you are a sweet tooth, allow yourself a small piece of dark chocolate:

  • Breakfast. A few pieces of any fruit. You can replace them with nuts, dried apricots, raisins or a glass of berries. Drink your favorite juice.
  • Dinner. To your preference, cook vegetable-filled pizza or hard pasta with tomato sauce. Biscuits, savory cookies, pancakes without milk and eggs are allowed. Add to the diet buckwheat or prepared from millet, barley porridge.
  • Treat yourself to a few cubes of dark chocolate after light carbohydrate dinner, consisting of cereal porridge and stewed vegetables.

Vitamin days

You can eat any fruits or vegetables that you like on such diet days. For a change, eat some unsalted seeds, nuts:

  • Breakfast. Start your day with fresh fruit and a glass of juice. Eat some berries.
  • During the whole day it is allowed to eat any fruits, vegetables in various combinations – fresh, baked, in the form of mashed potatoes and salads. Juices, unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks will do. Variety of menu with dried fruits, which greatly dull the hunger.

Vegetables as Vitamins

Separate diet product table

Before you begin the countdown of the 90 day diet of separate nutrition, it is important to understand the essence of the compatibility of products among themselves. If all food products are divided into subgroups, then there are three main ones:

  • Squirrels, digestible with acid secreted by the digestive organs.
  • Carbohydrates, split in an alkaline environment – the salivary glands of the oral cavity
  • “Live Products” – the basis of building material for the whole body, obtained by the body without the cost of digesting food.

Having carefully studied the table below, you can find a pattern which groups of food products are combined during a diet and which ones are best consumed separately. Compatible 1 and 2, 2 and 3 product groups. You can not combine those that are in 1 and 3 groups:

  1. Meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, legumes.
  2. Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, greens, berries, juices.
  3. Grains, bread, sugar, potatoes, preserves, compote, honey.

Product Compatibility Chart

The right way out of a 90 day diet

After the end of the diet, it is important to make a smooth transition to ordinary food. If you have achieved the desired result in three months, and your extra pounds have disappeared, then the body has received a tremendous cleansing. To maintain harmony and a healthy state of the body, try to adhere to the principle of product compatibility in the future. If you are not completely satisfied with the achieved indicators, you can repeat the diet, but not earlier than after three months. To maintain normal weight, you can repeat the diet once a year according to the reduced program – 15 days.

Feedback and Results

Attention! The information presented in the article is for guidance only. Materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Comments: 1
  1. Aurora Kelly

    What specific products does the 90-day split diet recommend and what have been the results experienced by those who have followed it?

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