
Cabbage for weight loss – useful properties, diet menus and contraindications

Cabbage is an incredibly popular vegetable for weight loss, offering numerous beneficial properties and diet menus. It is packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help promote weight loss and good health. Additionally, diets rich in cabbage can improve immunity, regulate digestion, and reduce cholesterol levels. Furthermore, cabbage is low in calories and can easily be incorporated into various recipes. However, it is important to note there are some contraindications to keep in mind when consuming cabbage.

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Doctors allow the vegetables of the cruciferous family with any, even very strict diet and in large quantities, but they rarely talk about how cabbage is useful for weight loss and what it brings to the body. How does weight loss occur with this product and will it be useful to everyone even outside attempts to burn fat? How to enter it in a diet and what effect to expect?

Useful properties of cabbage

The importance of this product is difficult to overestimate – mainly cabbage is known only as a fighter for the full work of the intestines, but this is not all of its merits and opportunities. Their long list is due to a set of vitamins, pectin, acids, but protein is of particular importance. The primary benefit of cabbage for weight loss lies in its nutritional properties – especially Brussels sprouts, which have as much as 4.8 grams of protein per 100 g of product. Calorie content also makes it ideal for weight loss – a portion of 100 g contains about 30 kcal.

Any cruciferous:

  • useful for obesity and diabetes;
  • help cleanse blood vessels;
  • expel toxins;
  • quickly satisfy hunger.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

This product surprises with an interesting property – chemical treatment does not reduce the number of its positive qualities: when fermenting, the vegetable remains just as useful for the figure and for health. However, from the point of view of the ability to burn fats, fermentation even acquires an additional advantage due to the components with which it is prepared and the substances that it produces during fermentation. Benefit:

  • lowers cholesterol;
  • helps the functioning of the intestines;
  • works as a diuretic;
  • may affect metabolic processes;
  • it is digested slowly, so you will not feel a surge of hunger soon.

There is even a sauerkraut diet, although it has a long list of contraindications, as it is dangerous for people with erosive stomach lesions, high acidity and kidney problems. With hypertension, you should also not resort to such weight loss, and if you rarely ate vegetables earlier, this diet can provoke flatulence. The main point – sauerkraut should not be the main dish even during weight loss: it is mainly put for lunch or dinner.

Sauerkraut in a plate


Laminaria is not cruciferous and by its nature is algae, however, the name “sea kale” has long been attached to it, so it makes sense to consider it on a par with other species. With relatives of the cruciferous family, its effect on the intestinal function is related, but the high iodine content is more famous and significant, as a result of which endocrinologists are often recommended to use kelp. It favorably affects the thyroid gland and hormonal levels, which has a relationship with metabolism and extra pounds..


The thermal effect on cruciferous representatives does not make a shorter list of their services to health – stewed cabbage for weight loss is just as good as fresh. The only difference is the rate of assimilation: dietary fiber softens and is much easier to digest. The main advantage of the dish is low calorie content, GI and fat content, but this applies only to options prepared at home, without prior frying, without butter.

Cabbage juice

Fiber from a fresh vegetable is often difficult to digest, especially if a person suffers from digestive tract disorders. In such a situation, the doctor may recommend the use of cabbage juice. It appears in a number of detox systems for short-term weight loss, because if you drink it daily, it cleanses the body and establishes stools. Cabbage juice for weight loss is appreciated for:

  • ability to block hunger;
  • mild laxative effect;
  • low calorie content (16 kcal per 100 ml);
  • a positive effect on the nervous system that suffers during strict diets.


Most small people (including children) like small dense white inflorescences forming a small fork more than traditional hard cabbage leaves or green terry “buds” of broccoli. They are softer, sweeter, well suited for mashed potatoes. Such a variety is no less useful than the other cruciferous “relatives” – the same low-calorie, also has a positive effect on digestion, has a large amount of dietary fiber, therefore it saturates with quality.

However, there are moments that put these inflorescences above the rest:

  • fiber is not as coarse as that of white, so it’s easier to digest.
  • allowed even the most sensitive stomach and gastritis.
  • useful for diabetes.

Cauliflower Forks

Is it possible to lose weight on cabbage

Given the low calorie content and a large amount of fiber, all varieties of cruciferous have a beneficial effect on the figure, however this product is not one of those that can be consumed at each meal due to its too active effect on the digestive tract. Even the diets in which it is included require the mandatory use of other vegetables and fixing elements – cereals, pasta. This is a rare product that can be eaten even before bedtime..

What is the most useful cabbage for weight loss

Nutritionists unanimously make it clear that all types of this vegetable are equally valuable for those who decide to lose weight or maintain good body quality. They have approximately the same energy value, they also have a similar effect on deposits, so the choice between them is mainly carried out with an eye to taste preferences and some individual nuances:

  • Proteinaceous white is valued for tartronic acid, which accelerates weight loss by burning fat.
  • Broccoli is famous for its “negative” calories, because in a 100-gram serving only 20 kcal.
  • Small heads of Brussels sprouts taste specific, but the protein in them is the most, and therefore the satiety is higher.
  • Colored is easier to digest, has a softer effect on digestion, gives maximum freedom to culinary creativity.
  • Peking does not have a cabbage flavor, but in calories it is even more interesting than broccoli – there is only 16 kcal, as in leaf lettuce.

Cabbage diet

There are a lot of effective methods of weight loss with this product: experts advise simply replacing them with the usual side dish or making dinner as a rule with stewed cabbage with vegetables, and weight loss will not take long. A more effective but tough measure is a special cabbage diet, which can be short-term (one or two days) or long-term (up to a month).

For 10 days

During weight loss through this system, your stomach may disappear, the volume of your hips may decrease, and cellulite will begin to dissolve. A cabbage diet for 10 days, implying unlimited consumption of all types of this product, and in the morning coffee, helps to lose 6 kg. In addition to cruciferous ones, chicken breast or fish (200 g per day) and a couple of any (excluding bananas) fruits are introduced into the diet.

Fresh Cabbage Salad with Herbs

For 7 days

Cabbage soup is the core of this weekly weight loss method. The recipe involves the use of a whole set of vegetables:

  • bell pepper;
  • celery;
  • carrots;
  • green onions;
  • bunches of different greens.

The ratio can be varied arbitrarily, but when losing weight cabbage soup suggests that the main component is white cabbage, and not the rest of the vegetables, i.e. their number is minimal. Some nutritionists allow the use of brown rice if the weekly menu looks too “hungry.” A cabbage diet for 7 days, during which you need to eat the soup (volume is not limited) and any vegetables and fruits (up to 1 kg per day), and in the last 2 days – boiled chicken, helps to lose 5 kg.

Minus 24 kg per month

The pretentious name of this diet is relevant only for owners of excess weight, in whom most of the outgoing volumes are water. A person with average parameters, looking for a method of rapid weight loss, will lose no more than 6 kg. This cabbage diet “minus 24 kg per month” has a flexible menu, in some points of which you can show imagination:

  • For breakfast, tea, coffee or vegetable juice up to a glass and a boiled egg without yolk.
  • For lunch, you need to cook any kind of cruciferous with a small portion (100 g) of lean meat.
  • You have to have dinner with a salad of fresh vegetables – a portion of up to 300 g.

The disadvantage of this method of losing weight is only 3 meals, the inability to make a variety due to legumes and seafood, which are not combined with cabbage. Cereals, nuts and seeds are also prohibited due to calorie content, although they do not harm weight loss as part of a healthy diet. Keep in mind that vegetables on this diet need to be cooked without oil – it is advisable to boil or steam.

For 3 days

Are you worried about how to lose weight in a short time and accelerate metabolism? Try the 3rd day to eat only boiled or stewed broccoli (1 kg per day), drink 2 cups of kefir with honey in the evening, and eat an orange in the morning. A cabbage diet for 3 days is one of the strict weight loss methods that strike health, but they make sense for unloading, cleansing and moving to a healthy diet.

Broccoli inflorescences

Fasting day

This is the only option for losing weight with this representative of cruciferous, which does not involve the use of third-party products. Daily cabbage unloading is suitable only for those who do not suffer from frequent diarrhea, flatulence and heartburn. Nutritionists recommend that if you want to lose weight in a day with cabbage, do this on the weekend, because you will be chased by hunger, and mental activity will decrease due to a deficiency of complex carbohydrates. The menu of this “diet” does not differ in balance, since it involves:

  • 4 times a day, the use of just squeezed cabbage juice (0.8 l total per day), which can be mixed with carrot juice to make the taste more pleasant;
  • 5 times a day, the use of any type of cabbage in a stew / boiled form, portion up to 200 g;
  • salt cannot be used in cooking, but you can add onions, celery and cucumbers.

Slimming Cabbage Recipes

If a white sheet appears before you thinking about the need to cook this product deliciously, you should familiarize yourself with the sections below, which discuss simple dietary cabbage dishes. All of them do not violate the canons of even very strict diets, and by caloric value they hardly exceed 150 kcal for a standard volume of 100 g. All these dishes can be eaten at night.


Light, nourishing, fresh, elementary according to the principle of creation – cabbage soup for weight loss will save you if you do not have enough time to work on a full dinner or in case of a sudden evening attack of hunger. You can put sauerkraut here instead of broccoli, but then the soup will be sour. For satiety, nutritionists advise to pre-cook 1.5 liters of chicken fillet broth (non-greasy, but nutritious) and cook soup on it.


  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • broccoli – 400 g;
  • onion – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Put all products in a saucepan at the same time..
  2. Pour with water to cover completely.
  3. Cook until soft, mashed with a blender.

Broccoli cream soup in a plate


A good dish for weight loss, which does not even require a recipe with a photo, can be a quick vitamin salad. You can change the composition at your discretion: make assorted vegetables, or use only different types of cabbage. When losing weight, it is important not to introduce salt here, but keep the components fresh. A salad dressing is not needed if there is no carrot.


  • white cabbage – 1/4 pc.;
  • celery root;
  • pickle;
  • bell pepper;
  • bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the stump from the fork, chop the leaves.
  2. Cut pepper and cucumber into strips, grate celery. Add cabbage chips.
  3. Sprinkle with dill.

Boiled cabbage

A classic quick dinner or side dish for any meat is any boiled cabbage that nutritionists recommend cooking with mineral water to get a pleasant taste even without salt. The most successful option for such a technology is color. Spices are not used, no additional products, so the list of ingredients is not given..

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 150 g of inflorescences with a liter of still mineral water.
  2. After boiling, cook for about 15 minutes.

Boiled cauliflower

Diet Braised Cabbage

Food for weight loss should be nutritious, but have a low calorie content, and this embodies this recipe for stewed cabbage. It is focused on white, but you can similarly work with color, Brussels, broccoli. In the last minutes of stewing, you can supplement the dish with tomato paste – it will not hurt to lose weight if it has a natural composition.


  • cabbage forks;
  • bulb;
  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • olive oil – 1/2 tsp;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion, chop. Brown in a greased skillet.
  2. Add cabbage chips, chicken pieces. Fill with water and put the lid on top..
  3. Stew for 45-50 minutes, guided by the readiness of the chicken. To salt.

To whom cabbage is contraindicated

This product, ideal for weight loss, seemingly built from one pluses, is not safe for everyone and equally useful. Firstly, it conflicts with potatoes and legumes. Secondly, there are contraindications:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • violation of the gallbladder;
  • high acidity of the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer.
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Comments: 3
  1. Aspen

    What are some specific ways that cabbage can aid in weight loss? Can you provide some examples of diet menus that incorporate cabbage effectively? Are there any potential health risks or contraindications associated with consuming cabbage for weight loss?

  2. Leo Hayes

    What are the potential negative effects of cabbage consumption for those trying to lose weight? Are there certain types of cabbage that are more effective for weight loss? Can cabbage be incorporated into a diet without causing any adverse effects?

    1. Cameron Turner

      Cabbage is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a great addition to a weight loss diet. However, consuming large amounts of cabbage can lead to bloating and gas due to its high fiber content. Certain types of cabbage, such as red cabbage, have higher levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, which can be beneficial for weight loss.

      Moderation is key when incorporating cabbage into a diet to avoid any adverse effects. It is important to balance cabbage consumption with other nutrient-dense foods to ensure a well-rounded diet. Additionally, cooking cabbage can help make it easier to digest and reduce the chances of experiencing digestive issues. Overall, incorporating cabbage into a weight loss diet can be beneficial as long as it is consumed in appropriate quantities and balanced with other healthy foods.

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