
Fasting day on kefir – benefit and harm. Reviews on the results of a fasting day on kefir

This post examines the benefit and harm associated with fasting by consuming kefir. It already has several positive reviews from those who have tried it, detailing how their complexion improved and their weight decreased due to this routine. The healthiest way to approach this is to limit food intake to only consuming unsweetened kefir throughout the day. Not only will this improve digestion, but will also enhance the body's ability to fight diseases. Furthermore, there are certain measures to be taken, such as drinking plenty of water, snacking on healthy snacks, and avoiding activities, which can cause more harm than good. Overall, fasting day on kefir can be a great choice for those looking for a healthier lifestyle.

The content of the article

For each person, regardless of whether he wants to lose weight or not, fasting days are necessary. Nutritionists recommend including a kefir fasting day in your weekly diet in order to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, cleanse your intestines, and set your body to self-clean. Such a cleansing will help subsequently get rid of excess fat, because good metabolism contributes to the normalization of the body, including weight control.

Features and rules for holding fasting days on kefir

To set the body to self-cleaning, it is necessary to do unloading for 1 day once a week. Over time, the frequency of unloading is reduced to 1 time per month. This is enough to normalize the body. During such days, kefir can be combined with other products, for example, cereals, vegetables or fruits, juices, cottage cheese, honey and even chocolate. Besides:

  • Do not use salt, sugar.
  • Sugar is replaced by honey.
  • You must drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Calorie intake should not exceed 400-600 kcal.

Kefir with fruit filling

Health benefits and harms

Kefir unloading is a useful method of cleansing the body, which helps to normalize its work. However, it is not recommended to use more often than 1 time per week, and subsequently 1 time per month, because such self-restriction can no longer contribute to improvement, but to a decrease in metabolism. If you apply it wisely, then it is possible to achieve the following positive aspects:

  • Gastrointestinal cleansing (kefir for unloading is better than milk, due to its composition of bacteria).
  • Liver function improvements.
  • Improvements in blood composition and its functions.
  • Elimination of toxins.
  • Weight loss.
  • Health Improvements.
  • Rest for the whole body.
  • Activity increases.
  • Brain Improvements.

The benefits of dairy products

Variations of kefir fasting days

It is advisable to include exclusively kefir in the diet of the fasting day, but not necessarily. A person can try different diets based on kefir and choose the one that will be most acceptable to him. There are a lot of mixed diets. Here are 7 types of diets that can be used during unloading: pure kefir, apple, buckwheat, with bran, cottage cheese, with vegetables or fruits, cucumber. Elena Malysheva will tell you more about fasting days in this video:

Clean option

Pure kefir unloading consists exclusively of kefir. Other products can’t be eaten even in small quantities, but you can use different kefir, for example with fruit filling, bio-ether or low fat. During the day, you can take any of them or all at once. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water (2 l / day). So that such a diet does not harm the body, it must be prepared: enter and exit the diet smoothly. So for dinner before the unloading day and for breakfast it is allowed to eat only light food and not overeat.

Monokefir diet

On buckwheat porridge

The unloading diet based on kefir with buckwheat consists of 1 cup buckwheat and 1.5 liters of kefir. Buckwheat must be consumed steamed (in the evening before an unloading day, pour 1 cup boiling water, wrap it, put in a warm place), do not salt. Such buckwheat is allowed to fill with kefir or is, washed down with it. Flavoring with greens is allowed. For the day you need to eat the whole daily norm of kefir and buckwheat. This is a good option for those who are not easy to limit themselves to large amounts of food, or need energetic nutrition. Another diet option is kefir with rice.

Buckwheat unloading

Apple Unloading Day

For unloading in this way you will need 1.5 kg of apples, 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 liters of water. Apples and kefir are used alternately, with an interval of at least 1 hour. Also, do not forget to drink water. Such a diet will not only cleanse the digestive tract, but also remove toxins accumulated in the body – this is its feature. It favorably affects many processes in the body, enriches it with vitamins, favorably affects the work of organs and general well-being..

Unloading with apples

Kefir curd

For this unloading you will need cottage cheese (400 g), kefir (1 l), as well as honey and berries (if desired). This is one of the few ways that allows you to enrich the unloading diet with honey and fruits. During the day, you need to drink kefir 5-6 times and eat cottage cheese in small portions. They are allowed to mix, eat separately or combine in one meal. Cottage cheese can be flavored with honey and any berries, kefir is also your choice. A good option for those who are not easy to limit themselves in a variety of foods.

Unloading with cottage cheese

In combination with fruits and vegetables

A one-day diet with fruits and vegetables on kefir involves the use of a quantity of these products that is comfortable for you, but you can not overeat. Vegetables, fruits, nuts are allowed to eat in different forms – in salads, whole, in the form of yogurt (crushed in a blender in a pulp state, drenched in kefir). It is forbidden to heat products, as well as salt, sugar them. Be sure to drink 1 cup of kefir before bedtime.

Unloading with bananas and other fruits

To cleanse the body and reduce weight with bran

Unloading consists of receiving exclusively bran (2 tbsp.spoons 3 r / d) and kefir (1.5 l). Bran is soaked or washed down with water (1 cup). Kefir is drunk at intervals or while taking bran. Bran contains fiber, a huge amount of useful substances, contribute to the intensive cleansing of the body, the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, toxins, accumulated feces (it is better to plan for the weekend). On the eve of such a day you need to eat 3 tbsp. spoon bran, washed down with 2-3 tbsp. water (for 1-2 hours) to prepare the body for a change in diet. Bran can be replaced by oatmeal.

Kefir bran bran

Menu and recipes for kefir-cucumber fasting day

Your daily diet during such an unloading will consist of cucumbers (1 kg), kefir (0.5 l), herbs, a small amount of feta cheese (if desired):

  1. Breakfast – salad with cucumbers (200 g), herbs, without salt. After 20 minutes, drink 1 cup of kefir.
  2. Second breakfast – 200 g of cucumbers without kefir.
  3. Lunch – a salad of cucumbers (200 g), greens soaked in feta cheese. Drink water after 20 minutes.
  4. Snack – 200 g of cucumbers.
  5. Dinner – salad with cucumbers, herbs in vegetable or olive oil.
  6. The second dinner (before bedtime) – 1 glass of kefir.

Cucumber unloading


A healthy person kefir fasting day will only benefit, but if there are some health problems, such a diet can harm. At risk are people:

  • With intolerance to milk and dairy products.
  • Gastrointestinal problems (mucosal disorders, diarrhea, gastritis, perforation, fissures).
  • With general weakness of the body (due to illness, malnutrition).
  • During pregnancy, lactation (unloading is allowed only with the permission of a doctor).
  • If necessary, take medications that cannot be combined with dairy products..

Kefir diet: contraindications

Reviews on the effectiveness of fasting days on kefir

The benefits of kefir unloading

Attention! The information presented in the article is for guidance only. Materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Comments: 2
  1. Oakley

    Can someone please share their personal experience with doing a fasting day on kefir? I’m curious to know if it has any benefits and potential harmful effects. Any insights or reviews on the results would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Gabriel Campbell

    Can anyone share their personal experiences or reviews on the benefits and potential harm of a fasting day on kefir? I’m curious to know if it is an effective and safe method for fasting.

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