
How do liposuction of the abdomen and sides

Liposuction is a procedure used to eliminate unwanted pockets of fat on the abdomen and sides of the body. This procedure is safe and effective and can reduce troublesome fatty pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise. This type of liposuction is minimally invasive and has fewer risks compared to traditional surgeries. Most patients find the recovery time to be shorter and less painful than with other body sculpting techniques. Furthermore, the results of liposuction of the abdomen and sides are impressive and long-lasting.

The content of the article

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure during which the doctor removes excess fat from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and other parts of the body. With its help, you can reduce the bulge, improve the contour, make the figure attractive. Removed fat does not return, but after a while, deposits may appear elsewhere. Liposuction does not relieve cellulite, doctors do not recommend it as a way to lose weight. It is important to remember that this is not a method of treating obesity, since the operation does not eliminate its causes, does not affect the development.

Who needs fat pumping?

Contraindications for surgery

The procedure is prescribed to remove deposits that a woman or a man cannot get rid of through diet or exercise. Liposuction of the abdomen is a type of surgical operation, sometimes causing complications. It does not make sick people.

A person must be completely healthy, meet the following requirements:

  • Overweight does not exceed 30% of normal.
  • He has elastic, elastic skin, otherwise it will sag.

Surgery is prohibited in the following diseases and conditions:

  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Clotting problems.
  • Increased thrombosis.
  • Exacerbation of chronic or infectious diseases.
  • Kidney, liver problems.
  • Heart, vascular disease.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Mental disorders.

Types of abdominal liposuction

The progress of the operation depends on the device with which the doctor will pump out the fat. He can use a laser, vacuum, ultrasound or special drugs when working. These methods are combined using a thin tube (cannula), through which fat is pumped into a special container. Distinguishes their principle of action.


Exposure to fat vacuum

To remove fat from the abdomen surgically, the doctor makes an incision on the skin through which the cannula is inserted. The tube is connected to a vacuum device, which the surgeon gradually moves. The tool destroys fat deposits under the skin, after which the device can pump them out. The procedure is traumatic, often leads to blood loss, the appearance of bruises. Plus of this method – the surgeon evaluates the result of work during, and not after surgery.

Doctors use 2 methods of vacuum liposuction – dry (classic) and wet.

The second method is less traumatic procedure. Before the operation, the doctor injects the patient with Klein solution. It is prepared from medications that produce anesthetic and vasoconstrictive effects. Under the influence of the solution, fat cells increase in size. In this case, the veins, arteries, capillaries become smaller. Fat is not removed by cannulas, but by a thin needle.



The doctor introduces a device that emits waves through an incision in the skin. Ultrasound destroys fat, connective tissue fibers. Deposits can be easily pumped out through the cannula..

The procedure gives a good result in places where subcutaneous fat tissue has a high density..


Laser Fat Removal Surgery

Fat removal surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor makes an incision, after which a cannula is inserted under the skin, inside of which there is an optical fiber. Laser energy is passed through it..

Waves destroy the shells of fat cells, they exit naturally in liquid form.

The laser melts adipose tissue, fuses small vessels, and reduces the risk of bleeding. The procedure stimulates collagen synthesis, which provides skin tightening in the operated area.


A person is given an injection in the stomach

If a person is afraid of surgery, he is offered drug liposuction. During the procedure, the doctor injects a special chemical drug.

The medicine turns fat into an emulsion that leaves the body naturally.

Non-surgical liposuction lasts 45 minutes. To get the result, you need to spend from 4 to 16 sessions. The injection is performed once a week..

How do liposuction

Pumping fat

If you decide to have an operation, carefully choose a clinic. Be interested in the price of services, customer reviews. Pay attention to the qualifications of the doctor, the cleanliness of the room, the convenience of the ward. Make sure medical staff can quickly help in an emergency. The operation includes the preparatory phase, the procedure. Next, a rehabilitation period follows..


Preparation for surgery

  • Before the procedure, be sure to take a blood test, make a cardiogram, abdominal ultrasound.
  • Tell your doctor about recent illnesses..
  • Reduce the number of cigarettes, quit smoking if possible. Tobacco negatively affects healing and blood coagulation.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, allergy medications..
  • 10 days before liposuction, stop drinking medications containing salicylates (Aspirin, Alka-Seltzer, etc.). They thin the plasma and may cause bleeding during or after surgery..
  • 2 weeks before liposuction, give up hormonal, birth control. They cause bleeding.
  • Tell your doctor about your period. The procedure can not be done during this period and 5 days before and after menstruation.
  • 2 weeks before surgery completely give up alcohol.
  • Exclude food intake in the evening before liposuction. The stomach should be empty. Vomiting often occurs after anesthesia in patients.


Operation doctor

The operation is performed by a plastic surgeon. It lasts from 30 minutes to two hours.


  • A person is given a local anesthetic. If you need to remove a lot of fat, perform general anesthesia.
  • When anesthesia works, the doctor makes small incisions on the sides of the abdomen..
  • Through the holes introduces a thin tube (cannula).
  • The device destroys fat cells.

After surgery, it is better to leave the wounds open so that fluid flows through them..

Doctors disagree about suturing. The cuts are small, and the amount of substance leaked is large.

Surgeons use two methods:

  • Leave the wounds completely open. Minus of the method – high probability of infection, scar formation.
  • Sew the incision only partially, leaving room for draining the fluid. Scars are small, but the substance lasts longer.


Compression underwear

The recovery process depends on how many areas are operated on, whether additional sessions are needed. Liposuction is a simple procedure, so a person can go home in a few hours. If the doctor has removed a lot of fat, you need to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days.

Within a few weeks, sensations of pain in the operated area, bruises and swelling will be possible..

Most people return to a full life in half a month.

To heal faster, adhere to the following rules:

  • Wear compression underwear, elastic bandages. This will reduce puffiness, help the skin smoothly tighten.
  • Refrain from intense exercise, weight lifting, visiting the sauna and solarium.
  • Take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. This will prevent the development of infection..
  • Take an LPG massage course, which will speed recovery, help to avoid tightness, tighten skin and remove swelling.

The risks

Abdomen after failed liposuction

The likelihood of complications increases if the surgeon worked on a large area.

The risk increases the performance of several procedures during one operation.

The following problems often arise:

  • Numbness of the operated area. In most cases, it is temporary, but may become permanent..
  • Uneven contour. Sometimes in the area from which the fat was removed, tubercles appear on the skin, making it less smooth..
  • Accumulation of tissue fluid in the subcutaneous tissue. When blood vessels rupture, plasma seeps into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation.
  • Chronic or temporary pain.

Complications that are rare:

  • A puncture of the internal organs of the cannula. It occurs when the tube penetrates too deep..
  • Wound infection, which occurs with poor care, poorly performed operation.
  • Embolism. A piece of adipose tissue comes off, enters the blood vessel and with the flow of blood penetrates the lungs, brain, heart. If the main artery becomes clogged, death is possible.
  • Sensory disorder due to nerve compression at the site of liposuction.


Belly before and after the procedure

Although fat cells from the operated area are removed forever, with uncontrolled nutrition, they can appear in other parts of the body. To maintain shape after liposuction, follow a diet. The diet should include protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products.

Exercise regularly or exercise. Eliminate sedentary lifestyle.

How much is liposuction of the abdomen in Moscow

Fat removal is a cosmetic procedure that most insurances do not cover, its average price in the capital:

  • Whole belly – 95 thousand rubles.
  • Bottom or top – 50 thousand rubles.

The cost of liposuction includes:

  • Narcosis. The amount depends on the time of surgery and medication. One hour of anesthesia costs 3.5-5 thousand rubles.
  • Surgeon Cost. Removal of fat from the area of ​​10×10 cm – from 9 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • The number of days you need to spend in the hospital. A day’s stay costs 3-6 thousand rubles.
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Comments: 1
  1. Wyatt Anderson

    Work? What is the procedure like and how long does it take to recover? Can you provide information on the potential risks and complications associated with this surgical procedure?

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