
How to get rid of sweating feet

This WordPress post provides a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of sweating feet and relieve the associated issues and embarrassments. It outlines how to make lifestyle changes like wearing moisture-wicking socks and sandals, using protective sprays, soaking in vinegar and baking soda, and using antiperspirants. All these easy-to-follow tips can effectively help treat hyperhidrosis and stop excessive sweating of feet. Additionally, it provides information on over-the-counter products which are useful for treating the symptoms of sweaty feet, making this post an invaluable resource for anyone looking for remedies.

The content of the article

More than 5% of people worldwide suffer from wet feet. Everyone’s feet are sweating, but some are sweating excessively. Before you deal with a problem, you need to find out its cause. You can cope with sweating in several ways, the main thing is to choose the right one so as not to harm yourself.

Causes of sweating

Causes of foot sweating

The body has mechanisms to protect against overheating. One of them is sweating. Its volume is very individual, even in one person it varies depending on temperature and other factors. Sweating is considered increased if more than 600 ml of fluid is released per day. This condition is called hyperhidrosis. It happens general and local, sweating of the legs belongs to the last.

The cause of general hyperhidrosis is external factors. Hot weather or stale air in the room leads to a temporary increase in sweating, this is considered the norm. Some diseases also provoke severe hyperhidrosis. These include, for example, tuberculosis and hypoglycemic coma. Increased activity, sports and emotional stress cause physiological sweating. With heavy loads, a person loses up to 5 liters of fluid per day.

Sweating legs cause:

  • Poor hygiene.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Flat feet.
  • Tight shoes.
  • Fungal infection.
  • Very spicy food.
  • Severe stress.
  • Heredity.

Methods of struggle

Foot odor

Doctors of different specialties are involved in the treatment of excessive sweating of the legs. Hyperhidrosis is often not an independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of the disease. Before going to the hospital, the physiological causes of sweating should be ruled out. This problem is indicated by such manifestations as a change in smell, texture, and color of the liquid. The doctor will determine the cause of the violations and prescribe the appropriate treatment..

The main ways to eliminate sweating:

  • diet;
  • hygiene;
  • remedies for hyperhidrosis;
  • surgical intervention;
  • healing procedures;
  • folk methods.

Hygiene Advice

Foot hygiene

  1. Wash your feet daily, preferably in the morning and evening..
  2. Use an antibacterial soap with tea tree or eucalyptus essential oils.
  3. Make contrast baths alternating between cold and hot water.
  4. Wipe your feet thoroughly after water procedures, especially between your toes..
  5. Wear socks and shoes only on dry feet..
  6. Use foot deodorant.

Anti sweating

To combat hyperhidrosis, there are a number of special drugs. Conventional antiperspirants do not always help. Depending on the cause, the doctor may recommend external pharmaceutical preparations. These include, for example, Formagel, Teymurov paste and Formidron. Medical ointments and powders have their contraindications, so their independent use is dangerous.

With a mild form of hyperhidrosis, cosmetics can be used.


Antiperspirants for legs

Funds are available in several forms – powder, spray, ball, stick, gel, cream. The choice depends on personal preferences, since all types act on the same principle. To eliminate sweating of the feet with an antiperspirant, it should be applied immediately after a shower. Do not forget about the area between the fingers – the greatest amount of moisture and bacteria accumulates there. For this, it is more convenient to use an aerosol remedy for sweating feet.

Applying a new layer on top of the old during the day will not enhance the effect of antiperspirant. To prolong the effect, you need to wash your feet again. Then wipe them dry, and only after that treat with a remedy for sweating. Antiperspirants can be used in combination with other methods of combating hyperhidrosis, without forgetting the precautions.


Any remedy for foot odor gives only a temporary effect. It does not eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis, but disguises the problem. To get rid of the smell of sweaty feet, you can use the same deodorants as for armpits. Their effect may be too weak for a sustainable effect. In this case, you need to see a doctor and ask for a prescription for a special deodorizing foot spray.


Soap washing

Such drugs do not have a therapeutic effect, but temporarily eliminate the manifestations of hyperhidrosis. For this purpose, you can use deodorizing creams, sprays and powders. Laundry soap also eliminates the smell of sweat. It has a low cost, but requires constant use. Talcum powder or baby powder will do well with moderate perspiration. Powder should be poured directly into socks or shoes. It absorbs excess moisture and eliminates odor, but does not last long.

When choosing the right product, you need to pay attention to the composition. Useful components are vitamins, plant extracts, natural oils. Zinc oxide in creams has a drying effect and serves as an additional prevention of fungal infections. Menthol, camphor and other essential oils can mask an unpleasant odor for several hours..

It should be understood that the use of cosmetics for hyperhidrosis is not a panacea, but only an emergency measure.

Folk recipes for sweating feet

Folk remedies for sweating feet

  • Corn starch. Used as a dusting powder. Absorbs excess moisture and prevents odors. You can apply daily, pouring into socks. It is important to apply to dry skin of the feet and wash off the powder in a timely manner.
  • Baking soda. An effective folk remedy for sweat and foot odor. It is used for the preparation of baths. For 5 liters of warm water add 3-4 tbsp. l soda. Soak feet for 20 minutes.
  • Vinegar. Kills bacteria, deactivates sweat glands. Dilute 1 cup of table vinegar with 5 l of hot water. Lower the feet into a container for 15 minutes, then wipe, treat with alcohol and apply a moisturizer.
  • Black tea. Useful for hyperhidrosis due to its tanning properties. It is used as a filler for foot baths. Brew 2-3 tea bags without additives in 1 liter of boiling water. Dilute with warm water. Keep feet until fluid cools..

Healing procedures

Absolutely reliable methods for eliminating sweating do not exist. Only the surgical method will help get rid of the problem forever, but it is not suitable for everyone, it has certain risks. Surgery or injection therapy is used only if there are serious indications. The most popular hardware technique for treating hyperhidrosis is iontophoresis.

The best professional procedures for hyperhidrosis:

  • Botox injections. A temporary effect can be obtained by blocking the nerve endings near the sweat glands. Botulinum toxin is a strong poison, diluted in safe proportions. Its action lasts for 4-6 months, after which the procedure must be repeated.
  • Surgery. The purpose of the intervention is to remove the sympathetic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting an impulse to sweat. The use of this method is controversial due to the unpredictability of the consequences. One of the complications of the operation is increased sweating in other parts of the body..
  • Ionophoresis. The method relates to physiotherapy. The bottom line is the action of sweat glands current. Compared to other professional procedures, it has fewer risks. The disadvantage is the duration and cost of treatment.


Feet care

  • Wear clean cotton socks.
  • Choose shoes by size.
  • Follow a diet without acute.
  • Take replacement shoes to work.
  • Ask the orthopedist to choose the appropriate insoles.
  • Take a shower regularly.
  • Exercise in sports shoes.
  • Do not go barefoot in public.
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Comments: 1
  1. Samuel Price

    Can anyone please share some effective remedies or tips to combat sweaty feet? It’s quite uncomfortable and embarrassing, so any suggestions to get rid of this issue would be greatly appreciated!

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