
How to remove bags under the eyes at home

This WordPress post outlines a simple home remedy for reducing bags under the eyes--a common, everyday problem. Featuring a simple mixture of potatoes, cucumbers, and tea bags, the remedy is easy to prepare and apply. The post outlines the benefits of using this remedy, such as improved skin texture, reduced wrinkles, and improved blood circulation. Additionally, the post provides detailed instructions on how to make the remedy, apply it to the eyes, and how long it should remain in place for optimal results. The post also discusses proper skin care for the eyes and tips for healthy eyes.

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Dark circles, swelling and other problems that make the look tired, heavy, may appear even at a young age. Permanent bags under the eyes require urgent clarification of the causes of their appearance, a more serious intervention. If they arose suddenly, you can handle folk methods.


Age reasons

A problem that worries from early childhood is highly likely to be related to heredity or structural features of the eyelids. In most women, bags under the eyes are acquired, associated with the aging of the body, sagging skin. If they are weakly expressed, rarely occur, the reason lies in external factors.

The appearance of bags under the eyes lead to:

  • Excess fluid at bedtime, overuse of salty foods or alcohol. It causes swelling throughout the body and face..
  • Lack of sleep or disturbed work and rest, frequent stress. Other symptoms of fatigue appear here: dull skin, dark circles under the eyes.
  • Allergy, which provokes tearing, itching and swelling.

More serious causes are health problems:

  • Diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system.
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve, teeth, sinuses.
  • Hormonal disorders, especially thyroid disease.
  • Overweight. The weak muscles of the face do not hold the accumulated adipose tissue, so rollers appear on the lower eyelid.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

Natural causes

If the problem is inherited, it is difficult to solve. The only option is to correct the lower eyelid surgically. If it is acquired, first you need to find out the cause of the appearance – visit an endocrinologist, dermatologist, nephrologist.

Possible treatment tactics:

  • With a tendency to edema, you need to review the diet, take diuretics (diuretics).
  • For allergies – drink antihistamines.
  • If this is an age-related problem, use cosmetic procedures to solve it..

In any situation will be useful:

  • Massage and enhanced eye area care. It is necessary to apply creams, serums with retinol, collagen, moisturizing patches.
  • Getting rid of bad habits.
  • Nutrition correction.

Beauty treatments

The effect of bags under the eyes on the appearance

The most radical and reliable method is surgery, but they turn to it when it is not possible to remove the bags in a different way. It is better to try salon procedures of injection and non-injection type. They take a course of 5-10 sessions.

The exact amount will be determined by the doctor, taking into account age, skin type, causes of puffiness.

The effect of most procedures appears after 1-2 months and lasts up to 2-3 years. Then you need a new course.

In the cabin you can be offered:

  • Mesotherapy – injections of vitamin cocktails.
  • Micronidling. The procedure stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Lymphatic drainage – removes excess fluid, relieves swelling.
  • Electrical stimulation or microcurrent treatment, to increase muscle tone.


Woman at a mesotherapy session

Microneedling therapy or micronidling can remove bags. During the procedure, the doctor punctures the skin with a special device to introduce beneficial substances into the deep layers, activate fibroblasts. These cells produce collagen and hyaluronic acid, which increases the smoothness and elasticity of the skin..

After the procedure:

  • Brown spots, wrinkles, dark circles disappear.
  • Local immunity increases, skin regeneration rate increases.
  • The production of type 1 collagen with the correct structure begins (after 40–45 years it is “defective”).

Injections are carried out once a month, the effect is noticeable only after 3-4 sessions (a total of 6-8), but lasts up to two years. Another plus of this therapy is that it is cheaper than laser techniques..

Face before and after mesotherapy

Recovery occurs quickly, complications arise only with improper actions of a specialist or shortening the intervals between procedures.

Possible consequences:

  • hematomas;
  • scarring;
  • bleeding;
  • edema.


Lymphatic drainage massage

To remove swollen bags, doctors offer lymphatic drainage. During the procedure, massage the problem area with rollers, vibration glasses or hands. The latter method is safe, the technique can be easily learned and applied at home, but the hardware is more effective. He even copes with severe edema, malfunctioning of the lymphatic system.

Types of hardware lymphatic drainage procedures:

  • Vacuum massage. It stimulates the metabolism in cells, the movement of blood and lymph, improves color, skin structure.
  • Low frequency microcurrent drainage. During a vacuum massage, a specialist conducts electrical stimulation to increase the tone of the small muscles of the face. The skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed.

To eliminate the bags, cosmetologists sometimes carry out darsonvalization. The skin is exposed to weak, high-frequency electrical pulses..

This improves metabolic processes, reduces the tone of capillaries, removes excess fluid from cells. Edema decreases, but it does not pass as fast as from lymphatic drainage. The procedures are carried out in courses of 10-15 sessions. After a break of 3 months, they can be repeated.


The scheme of blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid

This is the only procedure that helps remove age bags. Blepharoplasty is an operation during which the surgeon tightens the lower or upper eyelid. It is recommended for women older than 40-50 years, if they could not cope with the problem in other ways.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is a lot of contraindications, a high risk of complications.

In addition to bags under the eyes, you can remove:

  • deep wrinkles and saggy skin;
  • puffiness of the upper eyelid.

Contraindications to blepharoplasty:

  • oncology;
  • skin diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes.

To remove the bags, the surgeon works according to the following scheme:

  1. Outlines the work area..
  2. Does general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
  3. Pierces the lower eyelid, pulls the contents of the fat bags, can do a circular lift.
  4. Sutures, lets a person go home.

Postoperative hematomas

Up to 7-10 days there is swelling, hematomas, a feeling of discomfort. The first 3-4 days, it is recommended to take painkillers if necessary. Complications are rare. The most severe are corneal damage, impaired vision, infection. Often there are complaints of dry eyes or tearing, scarring.

Natural ways

If the bags are not related to genetics, the following recommendations will help correct the situation:

  • Switch to proper nutrition, control the water regime. The “cleaner” the diet, the healthier the body, and this affects the appearance.
  • Watch the mode. Allow 6-8 hours for sleep, try to stay up to 22. When the regimen is violated, internal processes are not going right, dark circles and swelling appear under the eyes.
  • Learn to sleep. Do this on your back and on a high pillow. If you sleep on your stomach face down, the skin sags due to gravity.
  • Do not expose your face to the sun. The area around the eyes should not sunbathe. The skin is very thin, it is easy to dry, it sags.
  • Avoid heavy makeup. Concealers with alcohol, very dense concealers draw moisture from the skin.
  • Look after the eye area. Do massage, gymnastics, contrasting rubbing with ice cubes and warm cotton pads, use a moisturizer.


The influence of bad habits

Getting rid of bad habits is the first step to eliminating bags:

  • Forget about alcohol. It contributes to swelling due to fluid retention in the tissues, disrupts the metabolic processes, impairs the functioning of the kidneys. You can afford 1 glass of dry red wine even at night once a week. After drinking a glass of water, do not forget to use a good moisturizer for the area around the eyes..
  • Quit smoking. It draws moisture from the skin, thins it, poisons the body, accelerates the aging process. In addition to edema, you get early wrinkles.

Other lifestyle recommendations:

  • Do not forget to remove makeup from the face before going to bed. Means for washing also need to be cleaned, even if it is written on micellar water that it is safe for the skin.
  • Wear sunglasses. Do not go outside in the spring and summer without cream with a UV filter. For the area around the eyes you need an SPF level of 20–25 units.
  • Avoid stress. They worsen the condition of the skin, metabolic processes and affect the level of hormones, which entails edema, bags. If emotional stress is associated with work, find an activity that will relax you after a hard day..


14-day salt-free diet

To get rid of bags under the eyes or to prevent them from growing, reconsider your diet. It is not necessary to reduce water consumption – observe the norm of 1.5–2 liters per day.

If you are prone to swelling, try to drink less before bedtime (1–2 hours before bedtime).

Nutritional recommendations to help remove bags under the eyes:

  • Forget about salt, especially in the afternoon, or reduce its amount to 2-3 g per day. This is the main provocateur of swelling on the face. Look at the composition of all store products, stop salt the food you cook.
  • Avoid pickled, canned foods. In addition to salt, they contain many spices and other chemical additives that disrupt metabolic processes, retain fluid in the tissues.
  • Eat Vitamin C-Rich Foods More Frequently: Citruses, Bell Peppers, Cabbage, Spinach, Currants. This will help stimulate collagen production..
  • Watch the intake of iron – without it you will have dark circles, the skin will become dull. Natural sources of this element are beef, legumes, liver, green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals.


Facelifting exercises

If you regularly perform 2-3 exercises of gymnastics for the face, you can not only reduce the bags, but also tighten the outer corners, slow down the aging process.

Facelift tones the skin, improves blood circulation in it.

Take 3-5 minutes each morning and evening. You will notice the result after 1–1.5 months.

Simple exercises to remove swollen bags:

  • Squint tightly, count to three. Open your eyes as wide as possible. Repeat these steps 15–20 times. Gradually increase the delay time to 10 accounts.
  • Press the fingertips on the outer corners of the eyes, slightly stretch. Blink alternately right and left. Do 10 times each.
  • Place your fingertips in the inner and outer corners of the eyes. Look up, trying to pull the pupil of the lower eyelid. Count to five, relax. Repeat 15 times.

Before you do facelift, remove makeup from your face, wash yourself, treat the areas around the eyes with a tonic.

For greater effectiveness, combine exercises with light massage and creams. Every 10-14 days, take a break for 2-3 days, so that the muscles rest.

Remedies for bags under the eyes

Folk remedies for bags under the eyes

For permanent skin care of the eyelids, use moisturizing compositions with pulp of fresh fruits and berries, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese. The areas around the eyes are avocados, algae (kelp), egg yolks. Apply such masks to the skin 1-2 times a week before bedtime after washing, leave for 20-30 minutes.

Home remedies to help remove small swelling around the eyes:

  • Compresses with tea bags, slices of cucumber or potatoes. They eliminate swelling, swelling, refresh the look.
  • Toning with ice cubes made from pure water, herbal decoctions, juices. The procedure improves lymph flow, blood circulation, tightens the skin. It can be done daily in the morning..

Tea bags

Girl makes a compress of tea bags

This is a simple, budget way to clean small bags under the eyes and dark circles. Brew bags of any green or chamomile tea (no flavors, other additives). Wait for it to cool. Squeeze bags, attach to eyes closed, remove after 10-15 minutes.

To enhance the effect, add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil to tea.

The method can be used daily up to 2 times a day.


How to massage with cold spoons

Ice cubes help remove morning swelling. They rub the area under the eyes for 2-3 minutes, moving from the inner corners to the outer ones. The procedure improves the outflow of lymph, increases the tone of the capillaries. To make it more effective, make frozen decoctions of chamomile herbs, a string. Add 1 tsp. raw materials in a glass of boiling water, filter, pour into molds. After a day in the freezer, the product is ready.

In addition to herbal decoctions, you can similarly apply aloe juice.

Other methods of exposure to cold under the eyes:

  • Tablespoons. Leave them in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, then attach the back to your eyes. Keep until they start to warm from the skin.
  • Towel. Soak in cold water, wring out. Apply to the lower eyelid, leave for 3-5 minutes.


Cucumber Compresses

  • Hold the raw potatoes in the freezer for 2-3 minutes. Peel and cut into thick slices. Cover them with eyelids and leave for 20 minutes. Similarly, you can use fresh cucumber.
  • To remove the bags and dark circles, soak cotton pads with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l water and the contents of 2-3 capsules of vitamin E. Put on the lower eyelids, remove after a quarter of an hour.
  • Soak cotton pads in cold milk, put under your eyes, remove after half an hour. Compress lightens dark areas, removes swelling.


  • Beat the protein of 1-2 chicken eggs. Apply with a brush to the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask tightens and smoothes the skin. To lighten dark circles, add 1/2 tsp. lemon juice.
  • Grate a small fresh skinless cucumber. Mix with 1 tsp. fat cream. Distribute into the lower eyelids, remove after 15 minutes. Wash with warm water.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l fat cottage cheese and 3-4 mashed strawberries. Apply to the skin under the eyes, leave for 15 minutes. Remove with cotton pads.

Makeup from bags under the eyes

Concealer application chart

The key tasks of cosmetics with such a problem is to lighten and not emphasize the relief.

The main tool in daily makeup is concealer.

In texture, it looks like a foundation, but more pigmented, due to which it better overlaps any redness, dark areas. Apply it with your finger, wet sponge or nylon flat brush..

Recommendations for choosing and using concealer:

  • Give preference to mineral products with a semi-matte or wet finish – they are easier for the skin. Powder coat after application to remove excess gloss that accentuates puffiness..
  • Use half a ton lighter than your skin tone. This will make the look fresher..
  • Apply concealer with patting movements. If you start to smear, he will not block anything.
  • Be careful: to remove bulky edema, you need a thin layer of the product.

Useful makeup tips:

  • Avoid dark strokes on the lower ciliary row, otherwise the look will become even more tired, and the bags – pronounced.
  • First, apply a moisturizer or makeup base to the area under the eyes. So the concealer will lie smoother and better hide imperfections in the relief.
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Comments: 2
  1. Finley

    What are some effective home remedies or tips to get rid of under eye bags?

  2. Jaxon Morgan

    “Can anyone share effective home remedies or tips to naturally reduce or eliminate those pesky bags under the eyes? I’d love to hear your suggestions and experiences. Thanks in advance for your insights!”

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