
Losing weight after 60 – where to start a man or woman, a diet menu and exercises at home

This blog post takes an in-depth look at the best ways for those over 60 to successfully lose weight. It offers a simple diet menu for men and women, plus a few suggested exercises to do at home. Additionally, readers are given advice about healthy eating and lifestyle changes that can lead to permanent weight loss, instead of fleeting results. By following these strategies, anyone over 60 can finally reach their desired weight goals.

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The diet in old age must be chosen carefully, it is better to lose weight after 60 – where to start it and what foods to eat, determined by a specialist – nutritionist. An independent choice of a technique can lead to negative consequences for the whole organism. As a rule, the system of losing weight after 60 years for a woman is slightly different from the technique that suits a man.

How to lose weight after 60 years

Any woman, regardless of age, always wants to remain attractive and look 100 percent. 60 years is a difficult age, which is associated with hormonal changes and menopause. Moreover, he can open many prospects for body care, because the children have already grown up and there is a lot of free time. Therefore, many ladies begin to wonder how to lose weight after 60 years of woman?

Modern methods of losing weight involve the use of beauty salons and a plastic surgeon. Although, according to experts, in order for a woman to remain beautiful after retirement, it is important to feel interesting for others, to take an active position in society, play sports, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition – then weight loss after 60 years will occur naturally.

Body improvement

After 60 years, the woman’s body is trying to switch to a mode of lean spending of resources. Therefore, a riot of hormones, which forced a person to live at the limit of physical capabilities, loses relevance at this age. At the same time, one should be careful about health and not forget that a woman in any situation should be attractive and desirable, even when she reaches the sixty-year milestone. The main recommendations for maintaining health after 60 years:

  • Nutrition for weight loss. A woman should definitely increase the intake of calcium and limit the intake of animal fat with food. It is recommended for ladies after 60 years to reduce the calorie content of food to 1600 kcal.
  • Movement for effective weight loss. To avoid gaining extra pounds, reduce muscle weakness and improve the body, a woman needs 40 minutes of physical activity per day.
  • Timely visit to a psychologist. You should learn to enjoy any event and use new opportunities to cheer yourself up..
  • Quality cosmetics. Women need to choose creams with a mark of 60+. They should contain brightening components and substances that smooth wrinkles.

Elderly woman

Proper nutrition

The best thing about how to lose weight after 60 years for a woman, the nutritionist knows. Therefore, be sure to consult a specialist before starting the process of losing weight. The older the body, the more susceptible it is to getting into the digestive tract. An important rule for women after 60 years is the regularity of checking sugar and cholesterol levels. When compiling a diet, you should discard products that wash calcium. Proper nutrition after 60 years for women should not contain the following products:

  • coffee and sweet drinks;
  • salt and sugar;
  • canned foods.

Active lifestyle

Nutrition in women at the age of 60 plays an important role in losing weight, but one should not forget about sports. It must be remembered that not all exercises are safe for this age. You can do it in the gym, but you should protect the joints with special dressings. It is better to make an individual plan with a professional trainer. As a rule, women over the age of 60 are recommended:

  • ride a bike;
  • visit the pool;
  • Do not give up weight training;
  • go out for a morning run;
  • do yoga.

Nutrition after 60 years for women

Thinking about how to lose weight at 60, a woman should definitely adhere to the rules of dietary nutrition. In this case, everything sharp, fatty, salty, sweet, must be removed from the diet. This will help restore the efficiency of organs, make the body gradually get rid of extra pounds. For women 60 years old, for the proper functioning of the intestines, fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. Also, do not forget about dairy products. Proper nutrition after 60 years for women includes the following recommendations:

  • you need to drink more pure water;
  • eat small meals;
  • you need to give up meat and eat more fish;
  • remove semi-finished products and sausages from the diet;
  • table salt needs to be replaced with sea salt;
  • exclude all canned food (even homemade);
  • coffee can be replaced with delicious herbal or green tea;
  • vegetables and greens can be eaten in any quantity;
  • unrefined oil should be chosen;
  • instead of fast carbohydrates, choose foods that are rich in dietary fiber.

Woman eats salad

Weekly Slimming Menu

Nutritionists during weight loss do not insist on the fact that any harmful foods should be completely excluded from your diet. You can eat all the natural correct food, but at least once a week you need to arrange bowel cleansing with herbs, kefir, decoctions. An approximate menu for losing weight after 60 years for a woman is presented in the table:

Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday vegetables, boiled fish, green tea. vegetable salad, vegetarian soup, boiled meat, any fruit. carrot and curd casserole, kefir.
Tuesday cucumber salad, buckwheat porridge, boiled meat, green tea. baked apples, rye bread, borsch. cottage cheese with dried fruits, fermented milk product, herbal tea.
Wednesday omelette tea. grilled fish, baked potatoes, vegetable salad, apple. stewed vegetables herbal tea, a handful of dried fruits.
Thursday tomato salad, boiled meatballs. fruit salad, vegetarian soup. cottage cheese casserole, herbal tea.
Friday rye bread with cheese, oatmeal, tea with honey. stewed vegetables, diet meat, orange. mashed carrots, soufflé, herbal tea.
Saturday rice porridge, bread with cheese, green tea. fish, vegetable stew, kiwi. zucchini fritters, banana, light yogurt.
Sunday scrambled eggs, vegetable salad, a slice of cheese, herbal tea. vinaigrette, boiled chicken, apple. cottage cheese, herbal tea with honey.

Gymnastics for women after 60 years

It is very difficult to deal with extra pounds at a young age, because metabolism is slowed down. Women aged 60 should be very careful in choosing a sport. It is better to seek the advice of a professional trainer. It is necessary to select a wellness complex of exercises with a gradual increase in load. The intensity of the training depends on the health and the presence of chronic ailments. When losing weight, the following physical exercises after 60 years are acceptable for women:

  • Shoulder rotation. Perform rotational movements of the shoulders back and forth in 4 turns.
  • Tilts forward. Hands down, legs should be shoulder width apart. We do 2 inclinations to each leg.
  • Walking along the line. It is necessary to put one foot in front of the other. You can go this way forward or backward.
  • Circular rotation of the pelvis. No need to bend or bend.
  • Head tilts. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Head tilted left, right, left, down, right, down.

Women do exercises

How to lose weight after 60 years old man

The processes in the body of an elderly person begin to slow down, so after 60 years it is very difficult for a man to lose weight. The vessels are clogged with cholesterol, many already have a tummy and other signs of being overweight. Normally, a man’s weight at 60 years should be in the range of 65 to 95 kg, based on height. Anyone who wants to lose weight should radically change their diet. Often overweight is triggered by the consumption of large amounts of fried, greasy, and lack of exercise. The main rules that will help in the process of losing weight:

  • Workout should be balanced. Do not get involved in one sport. Schedule your strength and aerobic workloads.
  • Do not starve. Indeed, instead of losing weight and getting rid of fats, your body will begin to actively accumulate them.
  • Use aerobic exercise more often, which helps to lose weight and get rid of the maximum number of calories in a short period of time..
  • Find an ally who can support you in the fight against excess weight. Joint weight loss stimulates and prevents the risk of staying halfway.

Diet for men after 60

The weight loss program for men in old age should be individual. Moreover, if the problem with extra pounds is serious, then a professional dietitian consultation will be required, if a mild form of obesity is a therapist. Eating after 60 years for a man involves observing several rules:

  • carbonated sugary drinks, alcohol and coffee should be discarded;
  • it is necessary to minimize the use of sugar;
  • fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
  • at least two liters of water should be drunk per day;
  • only unrefined oil is allowed;
  • meat should be replaced with fish;
  • instead of table, it is better to use sea salt;
  • the amount of fat per day should not exceed 70 g;
  • vegetable oil is better to replace with linseed or olive;
  • it is necessary to refuse the use of semi-finished products, sausages, canned foods.

Fruits, vegetables and mushrooms

Sports after 60 years for men

Retirement age is a good opportunity to tackle a figure. Simple physical exercises and wellness procedures will have a beneficial effect on the body and help active weight loss. Regular exercise by people after 60 years leads to normalization of pressure, to vasodilation, and to an improvement in general health. The level of loads should be individual, only a specialist can determine it. For effective weight loss, you can use the following set of exercises for men after 60 years:

  • pose “Planck”;
  • bending to the sides, dumbbells can be used;
  • push ups;
  • twisting the body on a fitness ball or bench;
  • exercise “Bicycle”.
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Comments: 1
  1. Daniel Anderson

    I’m sure many of us are wondering the same – where do we begin when it comes to losing weight after 60? If you’re a man or woman in this age range, could you share any effective diet menu suggestions or exercises that can be done at home? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!

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