
Maggi Diet Menu 1 week

This post outlines a healthy and balanced 7-day diet menu using Maggi products, tailored to meet specific nutritional needs. The diet is designed to be low in fat, calories, and sugar, with the inclusion of special ingredients such as Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Calcium, Iron and Folic Acid. The meal plan also contains special dish options such as Maggi Chatpata Paneer, Veg Upma and Vegetable Maggi Wrap to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals in the diet, along with healthy snacking options such as Maggi Oats Masala Noodles and Multigrain Atta Maggi. This diet is easy-to-follow, nutritious and a great way to lose or maintain weight in a healthy way.

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The appearance of one of the most famous diets, the world owes no less famous English lady Margaret Thatcher. It was developed by specialists from an American clinic specifically for the British Prime Minister and is named after her. Maggie is the abbreviation of Margaret. The menu is designed for a full 4 weeks and can take up to 20 kilograms of weight. For those who do not need such strong weight loss, the Maggi diet is suitable for 1 week with the choice of curd or egg option.

What is the Maggie Diet

Among fat people, this method of losing weight has many fans, because it is effective, brings a stable result. If you do not overdo it with junk food after the end of the course, the kilograms left are not returned. Such promises promise that weight loss does not occur on the usual calorie restriction, as is customary for most diets. The essence of the Maggi diet is the use of foods that trigger chemical reactions to break down fats. For this reason, much of what is included in the menu is allowed to eat in unlimited quantities..

Due to these conditions, the Maggi protein diet becomes easy to follow. It is chosen for its simplicity, the availability of recipes, for the lack of the need to count calories, for the fact that you can get full from the table. The main thing is that the results begin to appear quickly: you can be sure that the lost kilograms have left you for a long time and will not return in double quantity, as is the case after many other tough hungry diets.

Diet rules

This method of losing weight, although it is considered sparing, is still very strict in some aspects. This applies to the strictest observance of the menu, for which the rules of the Maggi diet are attached to it:

  • For every day and meal there are strictly defined dishes..
  • Only prescribed foods are allowed, otherwise the result will be void.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat for lunch what was allowed for breakfast.
  • If you wish, you can not finish something, but to introduce products as you wish or replace them is also prohibited.
  • Have to drink up to 3 liters of water per day.
  • During cooking, do not use frying oils, broths or fats.
  • Salt, herbs (onions, garlic) are allowed to add.
  • Mistakes made in the diet or interruption of the diet even for half a day reduces the result to zero.
  • Additional exercise required.
  • For the curd diet option, alternating cottage cheese with eggs is allowed.
  • It is forbidden to use canned vegetables (green peas, corn).

Boiled eggs

Allowed Products

The variety of products for weight loss in this way is very large, so you will have plenty to choose from. There is another significant plus: if the menu does not indicate the amount of a particular food, then you can eat it as much as you like, however, within a single meal. The list of allowed products is as follows:

  • Greens, vegetables. You can choose from the list to your taste: carrots, broccoli, zucchini, green beans and other vegetables. It is allowed to add any greens to salads. Vegetable mixtures, including frozen ones, are not prohibited, and they can be prepared on water or by any means other than frying in oil.
  • Fruits. There is a list of obligatory ones – this is grapefruit, orange, kiwi, apples, cherries, apricot, pear. Like vegetables, they can be eaten fresh, bought frozen.
  • Eggs, poultry. Choose meat without fat, eat it without skin, pieces of barbecue are rarely allowed.
  • Dairy products. These include cottage cheese up to 9% fat, cheese up to 20%. Kefir, yogurt is allowed to enter the diet only from the 4th week.
  • Seafood and fish. It should be low-fat species such as pollock, shrimp.
  • Bread. You can choose either whole grain or dried rye. Loafs fit.
  • Seasonings: salt, pepper and those that do not contain sugar with starch, as well as soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, lemon, ginger, gelatin.
  • Diet Maggi 1 week allows you to drink tea, coffee at any time, but without the addition of sugar and other ingredients. Sugar substitute is allowed. Alcohol is completely prohibited, but sometimes you can drink a diet Coke.

Slimming grapefruit


Before you start eating on the new menu, you need to make a choice: cottage cheese or eggs. You need to think well, because you will have to eat the selected product a considerable number of times. If you believe that you can’t master the Maggi diet menu on eggs, because during the first week they will have to eat about two dozen, then choose cottage cheese. Several times during the diet it can be replaced with eggs. The menu is convenient to download in pictures so that it is always in sight.

Egg diet

Chicken egg is a very healthy product that contains a rich set of valuable substances. It is assimilated for a long time (soft-boiled for several hours, hard-boiled for an hour more). This gives satiety necessary for weight loss. When you start 1 week of diet in the body, restructuring and getting used to a new diet will begin to occur. Maggi’s egg diet for 1 week is as follows:

  • Breakfast is the same for 7 days. This is 1 or 2 boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange to choose from.
  • 1 day. For lunch, choose any fruit from the allowed, eat plenty. For dinner, eat a portion of any meat except lamb.
  • 2 day. For lunch, cook any kind of chicken. For dinner – salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers), 2 eggs, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • 3 day. Lunch should consist of low-fat cheese, tomatoes, 1 toast.
  • 4 day. As on the first day, for lunch you will have to get enough of one type of fruit in any quantity: it can be melons, watermelons, but one thing. Dinner consists of meat and salad..
  • 5 day. Lunch consists of eggs (2 pcs.) And boiled vegetables. This can be a choice of zucchini with beans or carrots with peas. For dinner, boil or fry the fish, prepare a salad, eat 1 orange or grapefruit for a snack.
  • 6 day. Dine with one kind of fruit in any quantity. Supper meat, boiled or fried with salad.
  • 7 day. For lunch, boil or fry the chicken, boil vegetables, eat fresh tomatoes, eat 1 grapefruit or orange. Dinner will consist only of any boiled vegetables..

Hard cheese

Curd diet

For all lovers of cottage cheese, a diet with the main content of this product does not seem complicated. There are contraindications only with increased acidity of the stomach. Maggi’s week-long curd diet will be like an egg-fed diet. The main product will have to be eaten daily in the morning and sometimes at lunch. Only food that does not contain protein is allowed to be excluded. Breakfast will always be the same: 1 or 2 eggs, 200 grams of cottage cheese. The 1 week menu for lunch and dinner is as follows:

  • 1 day. Lunch berry or fruit. Choose 1 type of fruit to your taste and eat plenty. Dinner – any kind of lettuce with lean meat.
  • 2 day. For lunch – skinless chicken, cooked at your discretion. For dinner – raw fish and vegetables, and for appetizer 1 orange or grapefruit.
  • 3 day. Cheese or cottage cheese, 1 toast, tomatoes – for lunch. Meat, lettuce – for dinner.
  • 4 day. Lunch consists of only 1 type of any fruit, preferably citrus. For dinner, meat, boiled or fried, lettuce again.
  • 5 day. For lunch, cook 2 eggs, a mixture of boiled vegetables in the desired quantity. For dinner, there will be fish or shrimp, lettuce, orange or grapefruit.
  • 6 day. Choose 1 type of fruit for lunch, and for dinner any meat (minced meat can be), salad leaves.
  • 7 day. For lunch, boil or fry the chicken, cook boiled vegetables (except for potatoes, beans, corn), fresh tomatoes, bite again with orange or grapefruit. For dinner, a mixture of vegetables.

Recipes for the Maggi Diet 1 week

Due to the fact that food is often chosen at the request of losing weight, you can choose very tasty, mouth-watering recipes for the Maggi diet for 1 week. Of the salads, the “Red Trio” is suitable:

  • For it we will need: red pepper (one, but large), 20 pieces of cherry, pomegranate, red onion.
  • Pepper needs to be baked, peeled and chopped, chopped onion rings, cherry – in half. Mix everything.
  • Then make a dressing of salt, ground pepper, lemon juice, chopped parsley.
  • Add the sauce to the salad, let it brew for 15 minutes – and you can feast on it.

Slimming pomegranate

Many times you have to eat one chicken meat. This is not scary, because with him there are a lot of delicious recipes. For example, chicken with spices:

  • She will need 1 breast, seasonings.
  • The meat should be salted and grated with a mixture of finely chopped green basil, cilantro and dill (all in a bunch), 4 extruded cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of pepper, a spoon of lemon juice.
  • Let the meat brew and put in the oven.

It was the turn of fish. Here is one of the most delicious recipes that the Maggi diet allows for 1 week:

  • For it, take 2 fish steaks, lemon juice (1 tsp) and soy sauce (2 tbsp.).
  • Mix juice and sauce and fill them with steak, let it brew in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  • You need to steam the fish. If there is no double boiler, simply pour water into the pan, put a colander on top and place the steak in it.
  • Between fish and water there should be about 2 centimeters. Cover it all and boil it.
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Comments: 1
  1. Jackson Brooks

    Could you provide more information about the Maggi Diet Menu for one week? What types of food are included in this plan, and does it follow any specific dietary guidelines? Is it designed for weight loss or for general health purposes? Are there any restrictions or considerations to keep in mind while following this menu? Any insights would be appreciated. Thank you!

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