
Slimming day routine – nutrition schedule for hours and workouts

This WordPress post outlines a slimming day routine to help maximize health and wellness. It includes a specific nutrition schedule based on the time of day, along with recommended exercises for each hour. Benefits include the development of a well-rounded diet and exercise routine, aiding in weight loss, and improved energy levels throughout the day. This post offers a comprehensive approach for those looking to maximize their health and fitness goals.

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Bad sleep, motionless lifestyle, food, wherever and whenever it leads to poor health, the appearance of excess weight. To solve these problems, there is such a thing as a regimen of the day for weight loss, where you need to schedule a meal and sleep literally by the hour. There is no need to go on strict diets, feeling weak. The effect of a healthy regime of the day is the opposite – a surge of strength is felt, which is proved by many girls and women in their reviews of the right lifestyle with a schedule.

Daily routine for losing weight

The correct daily routine for everyone is different, because everything depends on many individual factors. First, choose your type:

  • early bird – early rise and early rebound;
  • owl – gets up late, falls asleep late, and night time is more productive for such a person, because more energy appears;
  • dove – an individual biorhythm that combines the features of an owl with a lark;
  • a funnel – sleeps a little, therefore activity is shown at any time.

Even if you choose your chronotype correctly, you won’t lose weight without following the following rules:

  • Do not follow strict diets. They will worsen health, even if you lose weight, it is better to eat good nutrition..
  • Go in for sports. Perform fat burning cardio workouts in the morning, run, walk a lot or sign up for a pool. In the evening, choose stretching exercises (gymnastics, Pilates, yoga).
  • Exercise should not bring you to exhaustion. Watch the pulse, which should be in the aerobic zone: 70-80% of the maximum pulse.
  • Sleep is an important thing when losing weight, because lack of rest leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Sleep 8 hours.
  • Eat an hourly meal. Eating on Time for Weight Loss – An Effective Way to Lose Weight.

If you take this information into account, you can create a suitable diet for weight loss with a regimen of training and sleep. In a week you will notice how the condition of the body has improved, and after a month – a noticeable result. The regime for weight loss will help to start to throw off a decent amount of kilograms per month, and with regular workouts, tighten your figure.Girl with a clock and dumbbell

Diet for weight loss

The proper diet for weight loss should adhere to all, because it is inherent in us by nature. Nutrition for hours for weight loss is compiled individually. Develop a menu, buy food, cook food a week in advance. For convenience, create a notebook or diary to record the daily routine, menu, and training schedule. Recommendations will help to understand how to develop a diet schedule for weight loss:

  • eat at the same time 6-7 times a day;
  • eat complex carbohydrates before dinner, and protein after it;
  • for evening choose fermented milk products.


Drinking day regimen for weight loss

The regimen of drinking water for weight loss will help you become slim and achieve the desired shape, as it is an important part of this process. The day should start with one glass of water at room temperature. The amount of water per day is calculated depending on individual factors: 30 mg of water per 1 kg of weight. The body will not take a lot of water at once, so drinking is done in small portions, but often.

How to make a regimen of the day for weight loss

Taking into account your biorhythm and the things you need to do, you can make the regime of the day for weight loss as follows:

  • Choose the ideal time for awakening, going to bed, meals;
  • develop a training plan, calculating the time for their implementation;
  • write down the required cases;
  • leave free time for yourself, but do not exceed it – this will lead to a further malfunction.

Diary and pen

Day mode example

A good example of the day regimen for losing weight for 1 day and for a week (in the table in the photo) will help you to make a similar one yourself, but taking into account your schedule:

  1. Rise at 6:30.
  2. Intensive charge, water procedures from 6:40 to 7:30.
  3. Breakfast with complex carbohydrates at 7:30.
  4. Work, study from 8:00 to 10:00.
  5. Snack before 10:30.
  6. Study, work, other matters until 12:30.
  7. Lunch, rest from 12:30 to 13:30.
  8. Work until 15:00.
  9. Afternoon at 15:00.
  10. Training from 16:00 to 17:00 (if you work until late, transfer them to the evening, an hour after the last meal).
  11. Walk before dinner.
  12. Dinner at 18:00;
  13. Relaxation, hobby, beauty treatments.
  14. Go to bed before 23:00.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for guidance only. Materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Comments: 2
  1. Waverly

    What is the ideal nutrition schedule for slimming? How many hours should I follow for my workouts?

  2. Logan Porter

    What specific nutrition schedule and workout routine do you recommend for slimming down? Can you provide a detailed breakdown of meals and snacks throughout the day, as well as the recommended hours for each workout?

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