
Ultrasonic lifting – a description of the hardware procedure, contraindications and cost in salons

Ultrasonic Lifting is a popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure that has gained immense prominence in recent years. This innovative skin-tightening treatment uses high-frequency sound waves to reduce wrinkles, tighten aging skin and address contours of the face and jowls. The procedure is pain-free with no downtime, and the results are quick with long-lasting effects. It is important to bear in mind, however, that there are certain contraindications and it can be cost-prohibitive compared to other treatments available in salons.

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In every woman, nature has a constant desire for excellence. Time does not stand still and age takes its toll, but this fact does not kill the desire of the fair sex to always remain young and beautiful. Until recently, partial skin rejuvenation was possible only thanks to plastic surgery, but in recent years non-surgical lifting has become increasingly popular, the most effective version of which is a hardware facelift using ultrasound.

What is ultrasonic lifting

The natural processes of gravity negatively affect the elasticity of human skin, causing a constant systematic prolapse of soft muscle tissue and stretching of collagen fibers, which over time simply cease to maintain skin tone. For this reason, such unpleasant cosmetic flaws appear in the face area as sagging cheeks, double chin, overhanging eyelids, pronounced nasolabial folds. In medical language, such processes are called ptoses..

Beauticians around the world have long been trying to deal with such unaesthetic appearance problems in various bloodless ways, which are based on the method of thermal exposure to the epidermis or surface layers of the skin. None of the previously tested methods can affect the deeper layers of the skin and reach deeper than 1.5 mm. Ultrasonic SMAS lifting has become a real breakthrough in cosmetology, because this unique method allows pulses of ultrasound to penetrate to a depth of 5 mm and tighten the skin from the inside.

The abbreviation SMAS in translation into Russian means the muscle-aponeurotic layer. This is the part of the dermis, which is located under the layer of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat. SMAS consists of collagen and elastin fibers covering the facial muscles of the face. In fact, the muscle-aponeurotic layer is a kind of framework that ensures the formation of a clear oval of the face. With age, this natural skeleton stretches and entails the appearance of ugly ptoses.

Previously, such cosmetic problems could be solved solely through surgery under anesthesia. Plastic correction involves cutting tissue with the aim of pulling the muscle-aponeurotic layer from the inside, which entails a partial change in facial features, a greater likelihood of ugly scars and a long recovery period. Ultrasonic SMAS technology has the same effect, but provides face lifting without surgery, therefore it is considered a safe method of rejuvenation.

Indications for the procedure

Ultrasonic lifting is indicated for the following cosmetic problems in the face, neck and décolleté area:

  • lowering the corners of the eyes, eyebrows, lips;
  • sagging skin folds in the cheeks, eyelids, cheekbones;
  • the appearance of a second chin;
  • deformation of the face structure, “vague” contours, lack of a clear oval;
  • uneven skin relief, sagging, loss of elasticity;
  • pronounced signs of skin aging (crow’s feet) around the eyes, facial wrinkles on the forehead, near the mouth);
  • for the prevention of age-related soft tissue ptosis.

Wrinkles on the girl's forehead

What are the benefits of the procedure

Ultrasonic facelift has the following advantages in relation to surgical plastics and other anti-aging techniques:

  1. In the process of ultrasound lifting, soft tissue injury does not occur, therefore the possibility of the appearance of scars, bruises, scars is excluded.
  2. The penetration of laser waves deep into the skin structure provides an effective multi-level lifting, the result of which is visible immediately after tightening and lasts a long time.
  3. The procedure is completely safe, and almost painless, therefore it does not force the patient to abandon the usual lifestyle, does not require rehabilitation measures, and only in isolated cases can cause unpleasant side effects or complications.
  4. Non-surgical lifting with ultrasound for a more pronounced rejuvenation effect can be combined with other methods that help tighten the skin and smooth wrinkles (injections, hardware or cosmetic procedures).
  5. Ultrasonic technology can be used on any part of the body – face, neck, in the decollete, and such rejuvenation is possible at any time of the year.
  6. The effectiveness of ultrasonic SMAS lifting in most cases is 100 percent, and if necessary, you can re-tighten several years after the first.

The principle of ultrasound

The lifting technique using ultrasound is based on the principle of deep warming of the muscle-aponeurotic face frame: focused ultrasonic waves easily pass through the surface layers of the skin, reaching the depth necessary for correction of the skin integument, and produce local tissue heating. Due to this thermal effect on the deeper layers of the skin, collagen fibers are compressed and tightened, soft tissues are reduced, which provides an instant tightening effect.

In addition, the ultrasound effect on the muscle-aponeurotic layer stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers, so skin tightening becomes more noticeable several months after the procedure. Ultrasound also produces internal micromassage of the muscles, saturates them with oxygen, activates cellular metabolism and energy, promotes the absorption of small seals and sebaceous plugs, therefore, after the ultrasound lifting procedure, the skin not only visibly tightens, but also acquires a healthy appearance.

How is the procedure in the salon

Ultrasonic facelift is performed, as a rule, in beauty salons and clinics, but plastic surgery centers often provide such a service. There are two devices for conducting ultrasound rejuvenation – the Korean Doublo System and the American Ulthera System. In appearance, both devices resemble a portable computer equipped with an ultrasonic sensor and several nozzles for treating the skin. There are some differences in the design and operation of these two types of equipment, but the lifting procedure is carried out according to the same scheme and takes from 40 to 60 minutes:

  1. Skin preparation: cleansing from makeup and contamination, local anesthesia with local anesthetics, treatment with an antiseptic (usually chlorhexidine).
  2. Marking of the skin along the lines of which pull-up will be performed.
  3. Gel coating of the treated area, the action of which is aimed at improving the passage of ultrasonic vibrations from the apparatus nozzle into the deep layers of the dermis and achieving maximum visualization of tissues.
  4. Ultrasound lifting: generation of ultrasonic pulses using a special sensor, creating a thermocoagulation zone in certain layers of the dermis at a depth necessary for tightening collagen fibers.
  5. Rinse off gel-like composition, moisturizing skin treatment.

the cosmetologist performs the procedure

Features of ultrasonic lifting Ulthera System

Equipment for ultrasound rejuvenation of Alter Systems is made in the USA and is the first device in the world for non-surgical tightening of the muscle-aponeurotic layer. A feature of this ultrasound machine is a special computer program that helps the cosmetologist accurately determine the thickness of individual layers of the skin and adjust the radiation parameters so that the effect on collagen fibers occurs at a given depth. Thanks to such a complex design that converts ultrasound waves into a picture, the entire lifting process takes place under the supervision of a specialist.

Is it possible to carry out ultrasonic lifting at home

The procedure of ultrasonic SMAS facelift is possible only with the use of special professional equipment, the cost of which varies within 2-3 million rubles, so not everyone can afford to buy such equipment for home use. In addition, SMAS deep lifting should be carried out exclusively by an experienced cosmetologist who knows well the face anatomy and can perform the procedure painlessly, without damaging the epidermis and soft tissues. At home, you can use simple ultrasound machines for rejuvenation.

Side effects of ultrasonic smas lifting

Although ultrasonic facelift is considered a relatively safe procedure, some women may not have quite pleasant side effects due to their individual characteristics, including:

  1. Redness of the skin. Such a skin reaction to the effects of ultrasonic pulses is understandable and does not pose a threat to the health of the face: in people with thin epidermis, blood vessels are very close to its surface. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, some capillaries burst, blood from them stains the skin, but this phenomenon is short-lived and, as a rule, passes within a couple of hours.
  2. Severe discomfort in the treated area during lifting, skin soreness after the procedure. Due to the thermal effect on the deeper layers of the dermis, their internal injury occurs, so a slight soreness of the skin can persist for up to a month after lifting. During the procedure, patients should not feel severe pain and burning due to the action of local anesthesia. If during the lifting process there is increased pain, you must immediately notify the doctor to avoid unwanted complications.
  3. Decreased sensitivity of the skin. Such a side effect is more often manifested in women with problematic and sensitive skin – during the week after ultrasound rejuvenation, the patient may be disturbed by partial or complete numbness of the facial skin. In order not to additionally injure her, it is better for this period to abandon cosmetics containing abrasive particles or acids – scrubs, masks, peels.
  4. The ultrasound tightening procedure requires only a few hours of time and does not change the patient’s usual lifestyle, but in the first days after it, a slight swelling of the tissues may remain on the face, as a result of thermal effects on the dermis. To quickly put your face in order, after ultrasonic skin tightening, you should:
  • during the week to avoid intense physical exertion;
  • a couple of days do not lean heavily down;
  • until the edema is completely gone, refuse thermal procedures (baths, saunas, sunbathing);
  • for a month before going outside in frosty weather, grease your face with a rich nourishing cream, and in hot – sunscreen.

Facial redness

The main contraindications

Doctors categorically do not recommend ultrasound lifting if there is a history of the following health problems:

  • age up to 40 years;
  • mechanical damage, rashes, ulcers, infectious diseases of the skin of the face;
  • serious violations in the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric ailments;
  • systemic diseases of the connective tissue (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, gout, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • tumors of various etiologies, including oncology;
  • treatment with drugs that reduce blood coagulability;
  • the presence of a pacemaker implant;
  • metal implants or jewelry located close to the surface of the skin (dental crowns and false teeth are not a contraindication, but can cause unpleasant pain during ultrasound treatment of the submandibular region);
  • acute infectious processes or chronic foci of infection in the body;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Alternative treatments

If for some reason an ultrasonic facelift does not suit you, you can carry out lifting using one of the alternative non-surgical methods. For instance:

  1. Elos lifting or laser facelift. This technique is also based on thermal stimulation of the deeper layers of the skin, which is processed simultaneously by laser beams and high-frequency current. For the visible effect of rejuvenation, a course of 4-8 procedures is required with interruptions of 3-4 weeks.
  2. Radio wave lifting or thermage. The procedure for tightening the skin is carried out by exposure to the dermis of an electric current in combination with a controlled heating of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat. The rejuvenation course using this technique includes 8-10 procedures.
  3. Endolift. This new lifting technology includes three interconnected skin effects: diamond dermabrasion, endomassage, face treatment with active anti-aging cosmetics. Endolift course involves 10 complex procedures with an interval of 3-7 days.
  4. Photolifting. Rejuvenation and tightening of the skin are achieved by exposure to the dermis with light and thermal pulses. Such a lift is carried out not only to smooth wrinkles, but also to solve other skin problems. The course is designed for 4-10 procedures.
  5. Thread lifting. Under the skin with the help of a special elastic needle, the thinnest threads are introduced, which eventually grows with connective tissue that supports the skin. Such threads act as a kind of subcutaneous arm belt, which prevents the person from sagging.
  6. Injection rejuvenation. Tightening of the skin of the face is possible due to the introduction of special cosmetic preparations. Their action is aimed at stimulating the synthesis of new collagen fibers that are able to maintain elastic skin.


The cost of an ultrasonic facelift is determined by several factors:

  • area that needs lifting;
  • the number of lines drawn along the treated area;
  • type of apparatus with which rejuvenation is performed.

You can find out approximate prices for ultrasonic SMAS lifting in Moscow using different equipment from the table:

Pull-up area Price, rubles

(Ulthera System)

Price, rubles (Doublo System device)
Face 100,000 75,000
Neck 60,000 50,000
Neckline 50,000 40,000
Upper eyelids 32,000 28,000
Lower eyelids 30,000 28,000
Forehead 60,000 65,000

Photos before and after SMAS lifting

Woman's face before and after SMAS lifting

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Comments: 3
  1. Seraphina

    Could you please provide more information about the ultrasonic lifting procedure, including how it works, any potential risks or limitations, and the average cost in salons?

  2. Marigold

    Can someone please explain in detail what exactly is involved in an ultrasonic lifting procedure? Are there any potential contraindications or risks that I should be aware of before considering this treatment? Additionally, could you please provide information on the average cost of this procedure in salons?

  3. Luna Mitchell

    Can you provide more information about the ultrasonic lifting procedure? What exactly does it involve and what are the contraindications? Additionally, I’m curious about the cost of this treatment in salons. Thank you!

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