
Order in the nursery – reality or fantasy

This WordPress post explores the concept of “order in the nursery”, questioning if it is really achievable or just a fantasy. Through stories, personal experiences, and research, the post examines how a well-organized nursery facilitates a sense of security and stability in children, leading to better sleep, development, and growth. It provides tips and advice on how to create an environment in the nursery that is conducive for learning and comfort, ensuring that both parent and child are happy with the results. Finally, the post explains why a safe and serene nursery might be the key to developing an emotionally secure baby.

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

First advice:at the very first stage, leave a minimum of pieces of furniture in the nursery. While the baby is really a cute baby and has not learned how to turn everything upside down on his own, let there be a minimum set of items in the nursery. A cot, a changing table (many do without it), a chest of drawers for sliders, vests and the rest of the “dowry” – actually, what else do you need? You can buy everything else while your happiness is actively growing and learning something new every day. It will be easier for you to clean, there are fewer surfaces for dust, and toys are not particularly needed for the child – perhaps a couple of rattles and a beautiful carousel over the bed to admire before going to bed.

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

Second tip:don’t get carried away with buying toys! This is, we are sure, the most important point. What is the first thing that clutters up a nursery? Toys! Scattered on the floor, located in the most unexpected places, moving to the kitchen and even the bathroom … And at the same time, the child can wander around the house amidst this chaos and complain that he is bored, there is absolutely nothing to play with, everything is tired …

We believe that you have a lot of generous and kind godparents, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts and just friends at home who never come to visit empty-handed. Yes, the first two or three days the child will be happy to play with the novelty, and then it will simply add to the heap of other toys lying around.

What to do? Not buying toys at all is certainly not an option. Just leave directly in the room only what the child really loves, what he plays. The rest – on the balcony, attic, mezzanine, in the pantry …

We know a family that had a box of toys in the attic. The second one is the same – in the nursery. From time to time they changed their places, and the children were happy – so many new things!

Other acquaintances changed with friends who had a child of the same age. They brought with them a bag of cars, took about the same amount. Children are delighted – a novelty. And the number of toys in the house did not increase..

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

Third tip:sort the toys. For example, a familiar family kept all soft toys on a closed shelf so that they could gather dust less (although, of course, they still had to be washed periodically). And for the boy’s numerous cars, a real garage was built from an ordinary cardboard box with shelves. And all the cars went there to sleep in the evening.

A bag for cubes, a separate shelf for Barbie beauties, a railway in a “native box” … Everything should have its place so that the child does not dump everything out of the box, looking for exactly that doll, with blue hair and in a pink dress.

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

Separate, fourth tip, I would like to give about Lego. This is a very popular construction set, loved by boys and girls alike, useful, fun, and developing fine motor skills. But, we are sure, every parent who stepped barefoot on a small and sharp Lego part did not think at that moment about the merits of this toy.!

The Lego accumulation process is unstoppable. They presented a set, assembled the toy, put it on the shelf, tired of it – they took it apart. Gave a new one – the same. As a result, instead of neat boxes with small parts or assembled locks, police stations, robots, houses for princesses, we get a huge Lego bag of different sets. To be honest, we would like to give an example of a family where the problem with the constructors was successfully and finally solved, but they were not found. Some acquaintances simply identified as many as three boxes for Lego parts according to the principle: favorite, often used and almost forgotten.

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

Fifth tip:Throw away your trash regularly. Broken cars, a doll without a leg, some kind of bright candy wrappers that came from nowhere, last year’s chestnuts, a deflated ball – there is a lot of such “goodness” in every nursery. Once a month, gather your strength and disassemble this blockage that has accumulated in the boxes. Throw away everything that is broken, put aside what the child does not play (hide for the future). Many advise to involve the children themselves in such cleaning. But in the end, everything can turn into a struggle – no, don’t throw it away, dad will fix it, I really need it, and so on. It’s up to you: on the one hand – of course, the child needs to learn to put things in order and help, on the other – it may be better and more relaxed to do everything independently, in your free time and when it is convenient for you.

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

Sixth tip:As for clothes, we advise you not to require your child to put everything in a closet every night. If tomorrow morning he again puts on the same shorts and a T-shirt, which did not have time to get dirty, then let them hang right on the chair, not scary. Just try to explain that dirty things belong in a washing machine or a special basket, not in a room. Otherwise, you will have to make daily rounds of the nursery, collecting what you urgently need to wash. Everything will come with time, if every day you remind about it, we are sure that by school the child will learn to immediately throw the socks-T-shirt into the wash, and not store it on the chair.

Order in the nursery - reality or fantasy

Seventh tip:calmness, only calmness! Let’s dispense with perfectionism and admit to ourselves that scattered toys in a nursery are normal. Believe me, only some 10 years and nothing of this will be in the room, children are growing. Scientists are sure that the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for organization, is finally formed only by the age of 18. So while your child may simply not see the mess around and not understand why you are so unhappy. Cleaning is, of course, necessary, but not for the sake of perfect order, but so that both you and the child are comfortable. You can console yourself with a phrase attributed to Albert Einstein: “Only a fool needs order – genius dominates chaos.”.

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Comments: 2
  1. Emily Campbell

    Is it really possible to achieve order in a nursery or is it just an unrealistic fantasy? I’m curious to know if there are any effective strategies or tips for organizing toys, clothes, and everything else that comes with having kids.

    1. Scarlett Hughes

      Yes, it is possible to achieve order in a nursery with effective strategies and tips for organizing toys, clothes, and everything else that comes with having kids. Firstly, declutter regularly to get rid of unused or broken items. Use storage solutions like bins, shelves, and labels to categorize and store toys and clothes. Teach kids to put things back after use and involve them in the organizing process. Create designated spaces for different items to prevent clutter from piling up. Simplify and streamline by keeping only essential items and rotating toys periodically. Regular cleaning routines and establishing rules will help maintain order in a nursery. While it requires effort and consistency, achieving organization is not unrealistic, but rather a practical approach to managing the chaos that comes with having kids.

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