
DIY roof filing

This DIY roof filing guide provides a cost-effective way of repairing and maintaining rooftops. Easy to understand steps and comprehensive visuals enable homeowners to expose any holes or cracks in the roof, fill them with a special roofing sealant, and finish the job with some coats of paint. This affordable method not only extends the lifespan of a roof, but also provides better protection from the elements, ensuring safety and comfort for the entire household.

Recommendation points

The overhang lining performs not only a decorative function, but is also an important structural component of any type of roof. Correctly executed filing maintains sufficient ventilation of the under-roof space. How to make overhangs filing with your own hands, we will tell in this article.

DIY roof filing

Roof overhang: purpose, types, features

The roof overhang is the lower part of the roof, where the rafters protrude outward beyond the perimeter of the walls, as well as the side ramps above the gables. The size of the roof overhang is not rigidly established by building codes, but it is customary to release the rafters outside the walls by at least 40-50 cm and no more than 100 cm without additional supports. The release of the slope from the side of the pediment in practice does not exceed 60 cm.

Side overhang

The main task of this element is to protect the walls and foundation of the building from precipitation. Another important function is to ensure normal ventilation of the under-roof space (or an interlayer between the insulation and the roof in the case of an attic roof). The air rising from the lower end of the rafters gradually moves along the roof to the ridge, carrying with it excess moisture and maintaining the microclimate that is optimal for roofing materials. This movement of air flows favorably affects the service life of individual elements and the roof as a whole..

DIY roof filing

Frontal overhang

The frontal overhang is also equipped to protect the front of the building from the effects of precipitation. Most often it is formed by a crate protruding beyond the front wall. This option is the cheapest and easiest to set up, but it is not suitable for heavy roofing material. In this case, the gable overhang is formed by a rafter structure, which is brought out beyond the edge of the wall to the required distance. Naturally, this element is absent in the design of the hipped roof..

DIY roof filing


The filing is not only an element of decoration, but also an important structural part of the overhangs. Despite the general purpose of the pediment and side overhangs, the approach to filing them is significantly different. And this is due primarily to the design features. It is always necessary to hem the side overhang in compliance with one important rule – there must be room for normal ventilation. Otherwise, the roof will be susceptible to moisture accumulation, which in the future will lead to damage to materials, wetting of the insulation, the formation of fungus and other unpleasant processes. Therefore, when organizing the filing of the eaves, do not use sealants and foams..

DIY roof filing

But the front overhang requires a different approach. Here, areas unprotected from wind gusts can be subject to heavy loads. The case may end in tearing of the roofing material and violation of the integrity of the roof structure. Therefore, tightness comes first..

Preparing the overhang for filing

The filing of overhangs is usually done at the final stage of construction. The roof must be finished, all the planned exterior decoration is present on the walls.

The preparatory work for filing the overhangs includes: finishing the end part (edge) of the overhangs, adjusting the rafters in height and length, constructing the box with horizontal filing of the side overhang.

DIY roof filing

The edge on the ends is finished with both types of overhangs. This is required to protect the sheathing from the weather, to finish the roof and to attach the drainage system to the side overhangs. The edge can be made of wood or metal.

The edge of the side overhang is nailed along the ends of the rafters, which must first be cut to one level, cutting parallel to the wall. Keep in mind that due to improper trimming, the end face will be crooked and the appearance will be spoiled. This also applies to the front overhang..

When finishing the edge of the gable overhang parallel to the wall, the sheathing is cut. The edge material is nailed to the ends of the sheathing and to the ridge bar. The upper part of the edge must be protected from precipitation with roofing material.

DIY roof filing

The side overhang can be sutured in two ways: along the rafters or horizontally. Horizontal filing implies the arrangement of a box of beams, which is attached to the wall and rafters. This option is used with a steep slope or in case of a large offset. The bottom plane of the box must be strictly perpendicular to the wall. The filing will be carried out on it. The filing on the rafters is performed at a small angle of inclination of the roof, as well as with a small extension of the overhang beyond the wall. Boards or bars are screwed to the rafters, which will form the base for future filing. The hemming material will be directly attached to this crate. The front overhang is, in any case, sutured along the crate.

DIY roof filing

Selecting material for filing

This moment mainly depends on the design of the building and the financial capabilities of its owner. A wide variety of natural and artificial materials are used for filing overhangs. The basic requirements for hemming material are:

  • protection of roof overhangs from weather effects;
  • durability;
  • aesthetics.

Wood filing

The tree is widely used for filing overhangs, both in the form of edged boards, and in the form of planed boards or lining made of natural wood. Conifers, as well as moisture-resistant tropical species, have proven themselves best. The latter, due to their high cost, are not very popular with us..

DIY roof filing

The board should be about 20 mm thick. If paintwork is not expected, then antiseptic treatment is necessary. Also, the boards must be kept outdoors in a place sheltered from precipitation for 4–5 weeks to avoid possible deformation. When filing the overhang with boards, be sure to leave slots for ventilation. Most often, filing with boards is performed according to the following scheme: the roof overhang is hemmed with boards located along the wall, and the pediment is across. This method gives the roof a holistic look, which looks very harmonious on a wooden house..

The requirements and installation process for wooden lining are the same as for a board. The only difference is that it is fastened without gaps, and for ventilation holes are made in the body of the filing at a distance of 1.5-2 m, which are closed with special gratings.

DIY roof filing

Metal filing

Metal materials for filing overhangs are quite diverse. They differ in both the type of metal used and the type of material itself. For this work, copper, aluminum, galvanized, sheet metal, corrugated board are used.

DIY roof filing

The most presentable, but at the same time the most expensive, is the copper filing, produced in the form of spotlights. It is very good to operate and will last for a long time. Aluminum is a lightweight and resilient material that is also successfully used for overhangs filing. Aluminum soffits have only two color options – white and brown. Galvanized soffits will last a long time, and will not lose their original appearance, but their weight can cause difficulties during installation. Decking, made of the same galvanized steel, but with a color coating, is also used for filing overhangs. It is mainly used on roofs, also covered with corrugated board.

DIY roof filing

PVC siding

The most affordable filing option. The dense flame retardant plastic used in its manufacture has sufficient strength and good weather resistance. Its installation is free from technical difficulties. Finishing of edges and corners is done using U-shaped stripes and corners. Special grilles are used for ventilation. Fasten the material only in the direction perpendicular to the wall.

DIY roof filing

Roof lining with spotlights

Soffit is a special metal or plastic profile that is produced exclusively for filing roof overhangs. The soffits already have ventilation sections, implemented at some distance from each other, but there are options where there is no ventilation perforation.

DIY roof filing

What are the spotlights for filing a roof overhang

Regardless of the material of manufacture, soffits have the same design and installation method. Looking with an inexperienced eye, you can confuse soffit with siding, but the former has much more advantages. And not in the last place among the advantages is the technology of its installation.

Technology of filing roof overhang with soffits

There is nothing super complicated in filing the overhang with soffits. All the necessary elements are made for them, with the help of which the ends of the overhangs, the edges of the material, transitions, corners are finished. Fasteners and edge trims are installed first. A profile, cut to the required length, is installed in the finished frame. Soffits are mounted exclusively perpendicular to the wall.

DIY roof filing

In the total length of the overhang, it is imperative to leave 5–6 mm for thermal expansion. Otherwise, the material may deform in the heat..

Conclusions and recommendations

It is obvious that the filing of the eaves of the roof is devoid of great technical difficulties. But doing it alone will be difficult, so it doesn’t hurt to invite an intelligent friend to help. When choosing a material, one should be guided by another important point – the skills of working with it. If this is your first time touching wood or metal with a tool, it is unlikely that it will work out well on the first try. And it will take a very long time to look at the result of such an experiment. Better look in the direction of the semi-finished product – spotlights.

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Comments: 2
  1. Aurora Kelly

    Can you provide a step-by-step guide on the process of DIY roof filing? I’m interested in learning how to do it myself but I want to make sure I do it correctly and safely. Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Riley Morris

      Before beginning the DIY roof filing process, ensure you have the necessary safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, and a sturdy ladder. Start by cleaning the roof surface and removing any debris. Next, inspect the roof for any damage or leaks that need to be repaired before applying the sealant. Choose a high-quality roof sealant that is compatible with your roofing material.

      Using a caulking gun, apply the sealant along the seams, edges, and any cracks on the roof. Make sure to work in small sections to ensure even coverage. Smooth out the sealant with a putty knife to create a seamless finish. Allow the sealant to dry completely before applying a second coat if necessary.

      Once the sealant is fully dried, inspect the roof for any missed spots or areas that may need additional sealing. It’s important to regularly inspect and maintain your roof to prevent future leaks and damage. If you’re unsure about any step of the process, consider consulting a professional roofer for guidance. Happy DIY roofing!

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