
How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

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You bought a summer cottage, but there is no central water supply? Want to dig a well, but don’t know where and how to find water? From this article you will learn: what landmarks our ancestors relied on in this matter, and what methods are used by modern well diggers.

How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

Tasteless, colorless, odorless, without a single calorie drinking water, meanwhile, is the most important value on our planet. Its price is equal to life, since water is life itself. What are all the gold and diamonds put together for a thirsty person? No more than a sip of cool water.

That is why a summer cottage is worth nothing without its source. Fortunately, many companies make a turnkey well today, you just need to have the necessary funds and find a place suitable for digging. So that it meets all the necessary planning rules for the site, and, of course, that there is water.

Our ancestors learned to determine the location in the soil of the latter. With the growth of scientific and technological progress, more modern methods grounded in science have appeared, but no one is in a hurry to forget the time-tested options.

1. Natural landmarks

First of all, you need to pay attention to those beacons that nature itself gives us.

Flora representatives such as reeds, willow, reed and grass grass signal the presence of high groundwater. And any other plant, which has a fresh saturated color in the summer heat, makes you wonder where it gets moisture from, and is it not here that water comes to the surface.

How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

But you can draw conclusions from the opposite. Cherries, apple trees and plums cannot develop normally in conditions of abundant moisture.

Small insects feel the proximity of water much better than humans. So, if you notice that midges like to swirl in the same place, this is a good argument in order to try to dig a well there..

Fog is also a sure sign of water. Not the one, of course, that we see in the fall. And summer fog, spreading over the earth as a light haze immediately after sunset. Sometimes it forms a kind of pillars, accurately marking the places where digging wells will lead to the desired result..

2. Method of dowsing

Dowsing is probably rooted in the time of the birth of civilizations. Its nature is still hotly debated in the highest scientific circles. But the fact is the fact, the operator with the frame repeatedly finds water with amazing accuracy. Some experts undertake to do this even on a large-scale map! We will not understand the nature of such a phenomenon as dowsing within this article (we have scientists in our country, so even if they are looking for reasons and patterns), the only important thing for us is that such a method exists and it works.

How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

Let’s make a reservation: not everyone becomes a dowser, but without trying, you will never know if you have this talent.

Frame making

The first step is the frame itself. It can be made using the traditional method from a rod or according to the modern pattern, from aluminum or copper wire..

To make the latter, we need an ordinary pencil with an extracted rod and a piece of copper wire with a diameter slightly thinner than the lead itself.

Then everything is simple. Cut off a piece of pencil with a length slightly wider than the palm of your hand and thread a wire into it so that the wooden handle is exactly in the middle. Now we bend both ends, forming a U-shaped frame. Armed with such devices, you can start looking for water.

Finding water

The operator takes a frame in each hand and, keeping them strictly parallel to the ground, systematically examines the entire area. The places where the rods of the frames begin to move are immediately marked for subsequent rechecking.

Recheck using the same method. Only if, for example, in the first case, the dowser moved along the site, then now his route should be strictly perpendicular. If in the previously marked areas, the “vine” again began to move, this is a clear sign that it has found water.

Sometimes, however, there are failures, and the dowsing device shows, instead of water, the location of underground mains (water and gas pipelines and power cables). Therefore, the dowsing method will not be a sin and it will be rechecked in more scientifically sound ways..

3. Water absorbers

Not everyone can easily find a couple of kilograms of silica gel like this, but everyone has a brick at home, or a piece of aerated concrete. With a porous capillary structure, such building materials perfectly absorb moisture. And where the water rises higher, in fact, there is more moisture.

How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

The very idea of ​​finding water in this way is obvious. Take, say, 5–6 bricks. They are all carefully dried and weighed. And then they are buried for a day in different places of your site, about a meter into the ground. After the above period has passed, the bricks are removed and weighed again. From saturated moisture, they should add a little weight. The more water there was in the ground, the heavier the brick was as a result. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not the actual, but the relative weight gain. That is, the percentage of the initial mass of the water absorber and the final.

4. Test drilling

A method for those who want to know everything for sure. At the same time, they do not trust a single sign. They just take a drill and look for water. Here at once the depth of occurrence, and the amount of water, and passable rocks. But it’s not easy to drill a well. And if not in one place? Therefore, it is customary to conduct test drilling before the final decision is made, checking one or a maximum of 2-3 locations. It should be remembered that although trial drilling is a laborious process, digging a well in an empty place costs several times more..

How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

5. Geophysical method

A more acceptable method is to identify aquifers by their resistivity. Geological survey equipment is required to conduct the study. But most serious companies that professionally drill wells or clean wells, as a rule, have such expensive equipment..

How to find water. 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well

But here, too, there were some nuances. The fact is that even such a modern and accurate method of finding water as the method of electrical sensing will be absolutely useless if, for example, a railway passes near the site or your land is rich in metal deposits.

Finally, I would like to say: being on the site of water is only half of the solution to the issue. Whether you have a good well depends on who will dig it. Are the masters who took up the work familiar with such concepts as a clay castle, do they know how to put the rings correctly? People who know the art of making good wells have always been appreciated. Unfortunately, today there are only a few such masters..

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Comments: 2
  1. Sage

    How can one effectively locate a water source? Could you provide 5 tips to help identify the ideal spot for digging a well?

  2. Hazel Kelly

    I’m curious, could you provide additional information on how to find water? The article mentions 5 ways to choose a place for digging a well. Specifically, what are these methods and their effectiveness when looking for water sources? Thank you!

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