
Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

This WordPress post provides a look into folk recipes for homemade fertilizers that can be used to naturally fertilize your garden and ensure that your plants get the nourishment they need to thrive. It explains the benefits of these recipes, such as being affordable, natural and easy to do, and provides several recipes for various garden issues such as promoting plant growth, keeping soil moist and deterring pests. These natural and simple recipes allow gardeners to take an active role in making sure their plants thrive, while using natural materials that are safe for the environment.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Bread leaven. Itโ€™s great for cucumbers, but you can also feed other vegetables like tomatoes and peppers. A regular bucket is about two-thirds filled with brown bread crusts and filled with water. From above you need to press down with something heavy, for example, a stone placed on an inverted plate so that the crusts do not float. In a warm place, a bucket of sourdough should stand for a week. Then the grain fertilizer is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio. The beds are watered with this solution for the entire period of flowering and fruiting. Each cucumber root will require half a liter of fertilizer.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Ash fertilizer. Of course, you should take natural ash from wood, organic matter, if you burned plastic garbage, be sure to throw out the combustion residues. 1.5โ€“2 liters of ash are diluted in five liters of boiling water, mixed thoroughly. When the water cools down, add a little more water to bring the total to 10 liters. The mixture is infused for a day. For a bucket of clean water, you need a liter of such a tincture on ash. Under the root of tomatoes and strawberries, one liter of fertilizer rich in trace elements should be applied. Ash, by the way, also helps against late blight..

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Strawberries bear fruit well in slightly acidic soils, so it is suitable for feeding with fermented milk products, including whey. You can mix whey with humus and ash, dilute with water. Top dressing is carried out at the root.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

There is also fertilizer from milk. Tomatoes and cucumbers growing both in the greenhouse and in the open field can be fed with milk. Experienced gardeners are advised to take natural, rustic. A bucket of water only takes a liter of milk, so the recipe is inexpensive. Fertilizer is applied at the root of the plants. The result will be immediately noticeable โ€“ the foliage will become lush and beautiful, and the harvest will be excellent..

If the plants are lagging behind in growth, summer residents are advised to water them with such a simple solution โ€“ only 50 grams of vodka will be required for a bucket of water. The recipe is said to be a time-tested recipe that helps not only grow vegetables but also fight pests.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Onion peel is a universal fertilizer for all plants. For five liters of boiling water, you only need 20 grams of husk. The tincture should stand for four days, then it can be used by diluting with water.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Do you want sugar beets? Water it with sodium chloride solution. One tablespoon of salt is needed for 10 liters of water. Watering should be repeated two to three times per season..

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

If onions have yellowish feathers and their tips have become pale, then your plants lack nitrogen. In this case, you can feed the onions with a solution of ammonia. For 10 liters of water, three tablespoons of ammonia are required. Water the onion with this solution in the evening, under the root.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Herbal solution. Nettles are best, but other herbs are also acceptable. The grass is torn, chopped, put into a wooden or plastic barrel, and poured with water. Do not pour to the top, because the slurry will foam during fermentation. Stir the herbal solution every day with a stick. Yes, the smell will be unpleasant, but you can fight it by adding a few drops of valerian extract to the foaming liquid. The green fertilizer will be ready when the solution brightens. This will happen in about two weeks..

Herbal infusion, especially from nettle, must be diluted with water 1:10. Watered at the root. Green fertilizer is great for celery, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers. But for onions and peas โ€“ no.

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Fertilizer for tomatoes: a three-liter can of settled water, you canโ€™t pour it to the top, and 100 grams of yeast diluted with warm water. Add another half cup of sugar. The jar should be kept warm, covered with gauze and shaken periodically. The braga will be ready when the fermentation process is complete. A liter of mash is diluted with 10 liters of water. A liter of yeast fertilizer must be added under each bush. Over the summer, tomatoes can be fed three times with this solution..

Folk recipes for fertilizers for the garden

Natural fertilizer for indoor plants: Boil potatoes โ€“ do not pour the broth. It contains a lot of starch, which flowers love. Watering, of course, needs to be chilled. Natural coffee brew is also suitable for indoor flowers, which should be diluted with water..

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Comments: 2
  1. Harper Turner

    Can anyone share some folk recipes for fertilizers that have proven effective in their garden? Iโ€™m interested in learning traditional methods of nourishing plants and promoting healthy growth. Your insights would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Jaxon Davis

      Sure! One folk recipe for fertilizer is compost tea. To make it, fill a bucket with water and add compost or worm castings. Let it steep for a few days, then strain the liquid and use it to water your plants. Another option is banana peel fertilizer. Simply bury chopped banana peels around your plants or blend them with water and pour the mixture on the soil. Eggshell fertilizer is also popular. Crush dried eggshells and sprinkle them around your plants to provide calcium and other minerals. Finally, you can try seaweed fertilizer. Collect seaweed, rinse off excess salt, chop it up, and bury it in your garden or use it as mulch. These are just a few traditional methods that have worked for many gardeners!

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