
Gardener and gardener calendar for March

This WordPress post offers insights into the March garden calendar, including advice on when and how to best care for your garden in the month of March. The post covers early spring planting, pruning techniques, harvesting and other useful tips and activities like preventing plant diseases and pests and more. The advice is tailored to different climates, perfect for gardeners of all kinds, and focused on fertilizing, watering, and mulching techniques to give plants the best start to the season. With this advice, readers can make sure their garden is healthy and flourishing.

Gardener and gardener calendar for March

1. While perennials have not yet โ€œwoken upโ€ after the winter cold, you should start cutting trees and shrubs in the garden. In general, it was advisable to do these works in February, but if you delayed until the beginning of March, itโ€™s okay. In addition, the garden can be used for spraying trees against pests and grafting. It will not be superfluous to feed perennials with nitrogen fertilizers โ€“ together with melt water, they will deeply penetrate the soil and help trees and bushes recover faster after cold weather.

Spring pruning of trees

2. The first warm spring days are the time for general cleaning of the entire site. As soon as the snow has melted and the earth has dried up, you can take a rake and clean up last yearโ€™s fallen leaves, debris after cutting trees. The broom and rake become homeownersโ€™ best friends in early spring, as there is a lot of cleaning work after winter. If we are talking about a summer residence, then the first trip after winter will also result in a thorough cleaning of the house itself..

Spring cleaning

3. In March, it is advisable to update the tree whitewashing that we hope you did in the fall. Temperature drops during the day at this time can be very significant, whitewashing will be a good protection against sunburn.

Spring whitewashing of fruit trees

4. We are sure that you have already stocked up with seeds in bags or have stocked up since the last harvest. In March, itโ€™s time to start growing seedlings at home, so that in May, when the danger of spring frosts has passed, you can plant already grown seedlings in open ground. In mid-March, itโ€™s time to sow the seeds of almost all vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, late and medium cabbage, celery.

Seedling tomatoes

5. In the southern regions, if there is a stable warming, then in March it is already possible to sow dill, onions, parsley, spinach, parsnips, rhubarb, lettuce and carrots in the garden. At the end of March, it is time to sow beets. The seeds of the first spring greenery sprout if the soil warms up to at least +3 ยฐ C, and frosts can withstand up to -5 ยฐ C. If you havenโ€™t planted garlic in winter, itโ€™s time to do it too. Early planting will allow you to get fresh and very healthy greens in a month and a half, depending on weather conditions.

Planting dill in early spring

Important! If you are afraid of spring frosts, you should cover the beds with dark agrofibre; it is not necessary to build a full-fledged greenhouse for the first greenery. This rule also applies to planting radishes, the first harvest of which can be harvested in May..

6. Do not forget to get potato tubers from the cold cellar by the end of March if you plan to get an early harvest and start planting on time.

Potatoes for planting

7. If the weather permits, in March you can start arranging high beds. Be sure to draw up a plan for upcoming plantings, do not forget about the rules of crop rotation, alternate plants in the beds. It is convenient to plan planting directly in the garden โ€“ just put the pegs โ€“ here there will be potatoes, and from here will begin the beds with tomatoes, next to peppers, and so on.

Galvanized high beds

8. If the greenhouse was not built by you in February โ€“ proceed to its arrangement, because the earth has already begun to warm up, it is time to deal with the beds for seedlings, in particular, early cabbage.

Greenhouse for spring seedlings

Important! If you believe in the attachment of plant growth to the phases of the moon and to the lunar calendar in general, you should know that in March 2018 there are two full moons at once โ€“ on the 2nd and 31st. The new moon will come on March 17th. For these three days, it is better not to plan for planting seeds and planting seedlings. But the first phase of the moon, immediately after the new moon, will be a favorable period for landing.

Moon calendar

Of course, the calendar of gardening works presented by us for March is approximate. It all depends on your region and specific weather conditions. Some work, it is likely, you will have to postpone to a much warmer April.

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Comments: 3
  1. Hadley

    What are some recommended tasks for gardeners to focus on in March?

    1. Levi Lambert

      In March, gardeners should prioritize tasks like preparing and cultivating soil, sowing seeds for vegetables and flowers that can tolerate cooler temperatures, pruning and training fruit trees, shrubs, and roses, dividing and transplanting perennials, cutting back ornamental grasses and dead foliage, inspecting and treating garden beds for pests and diseases, starting seedlings indoors, and cleaning and organizing garden tools and equipment. Additionally, itโ€™s a good time to assess and plan for any necessary garden renovations or improvements.

  2. Liam Richardson

    What are some gardening activities that can be done in the month of March? Is there a specific gardening calendar available for this month with tasks that should be completed?

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