
DIY birdhouse for birds: drawings and photos

This compelling post features instructions with helpful drawings and photos for crafting a DIY birdhouse to attract the birds in your garden. The post outlines the materials needed, step-by-step instructions, and even advice on how to paint and decorate the birdhouse. Plus, the project is simple enough for the whole family. This DIY birdhouse is cost-effective, customizable, and requires minimal time and supplies. A perfect whimsical addition to your outdoor space!

Recommendation points

There are many reasons to attract birds to your site. All they need is to offer them a safe and secure home. We offer to help the feathered fellows and make several simple and solid birdhouses for your garden, which will not take much time to make..

DIY birdhouse for birds: drawings and photos

What to make housing for birds

Most birds are very selective about their home. The most attractive in their eyes are houses that merge with the environment as much as possible. Therefore, no matter how you would like to decorate the birdhouse with woodcarving or make it varnished, it is better to abandon this idea – they will only nest in such housing by a fluke.

Surely, houses that look like a natural hollow in a tree trunk will be attractive for birds, so a hollow chock with a length of 300-350 mm is better for manufacturing. Its upper cut should be oblique for fixing a flat roof.

DIY birdhouse for birds: drawings and photos

However, not everyone has equipment suitable for such processing, so we offer an imitation of such a birdhouse. As a minimum, naturally aged dark untreated wood should be used. Hardwood slabs are also good if the bark is not too thick. Choose a forest with a timber pillar width of about 130–150 mm. You will also need a small piece of a forty-piece board of the same width and four 20×20 mm bars 300 mm long.

What to make a birdhouse

No additional wood processing is required. On the contrary, varnishing and painting can cause olfactory rejection in birds, and too smooth walls will not allow claws to cling to them.

What are the differences between nesting sites for different birds

Before we start making a bird house, let’s decide: which birds should be attracted to your garden. Naturally, species that eat pests of fruit trees and vegetable crops will be useful first of all..

Starlings, for example, like high and not too spacious nests, in which the entrance is round and located as close to the roof as possible. The size of the entrance should not exceed 40-50 mm, there is no need to put any perches, but the roof should be extended forward at least by the width of the birdhouse, there should also be overhangs of 50-70 mm on the sides.

Birdhouse for starlings

For swallows, it is better to make a house with a gable roof and a rectangular recess in the corner as an entrance. This design imitates the descent of the gable overhangs of the roof, where they like to settle so much, so the front wall can be made from a planed board. To protect against predators, such a birdhouse should have a wide overhang of the roof, more than 300 mm, and be longitudinally elongated in plan. Nests for owls are arranged in a similar way, but inside the birdhouse should be closer in shape to a cube with a side of 250-300 mm, and make the entrance under the roof a better square.

How to make a birdhouse for owls

For small tits and flycatchers, the size of the entrance should be even smaller – 30–35 mm. These birds will like some semblance of support in front of the entrance, but instead of a perch, it is better to just nail a horizontal glazing bead.

Remember that by making the birdhouse stand out, and the entrance too wide, you run the risk of providing housing for sparrows that do not need it, but discourage others from nesting. It is also possible the dominance of rooks, which is not very good for berry and orchards.

We make the walls and bottom

Almost each of the houses is assembled according to the same scheme – in the form of a blank box. Only the size, diameter and position of the tap hole differ.

How to assemble a birdhouse with your own hands

First, we mark and cut four pieces of length 300–350 mm from the slab. Choose as even wood as possible with a uniform cut width. We mark on the flat part of the blanks two longitudinal parallel lines at a distance of 130 mm from each other. If the croaker is 50 mm wider in both directions – it’s okay, the main thing is not to have already put.

On the inner side of the lines, we install two bars, aligning the ends along the upper edge. We fasten from the outside with 25 mm black self-tapping screws, having previously drilled a 5 mm hole in the slab. Place the attachment points no closer than 50 mm to the upper edge. When the bars are fixed, we cut off the excess wood and bark protruding along the edges with a knife. On the inner edge of the bar, we also make shallow (5 mm) notches with a knife every 10-15 mm, this will help the inhabitants of the house to climb to the taphole.

Birdhouse layout and dimensions

We apply the side walls along the marking lines, drill them and fasten them with self-tapping screws. Try to arrange the cuttings of the slab so that as much bark as possible and as little wood as possible protrudes at the corners. After assembly, cut off the protruding edges with a knife, giving the house a rounded shape, and check if the tips of the screws are not protruding inside.

It is better to make a notch in the front wall before assembly. This can be done with a wood crown or in the old fashioned way – with a jigsaw, after having drilled the inlet hole. The height of the notch above the bottom is very simple to choose: so that a cat or other predator cannot reach the nest above it with a paw.

How to make a notch in a birdhouse

In the lower part of the birdhouse, the bars do not reach the edges by 40–50 mm. A square cut of the board is inserted into the free space and fixed to the ends of the bars; the bottom does not require special adjustment. In general, the birdhouse does not need to be sealed, the birds do it themselves with enthusiasm. True, large cracks and holes can be covered with clay from the inside..

Correct roof

When the birdhouse case is assembled, lay it on its side and use a hacksaw to make an oblique cut at the top so that the lid board is tilted back. The slope is purely symbolic, in principle, you can even leave the lid flat, but the fit will give a denser vestibule.

DIY birdhouse

For the roof of the birdhouse, we take the same slab, but 100 mm wider and almost 200 mm longer to obtain overhangs of the desired width from different sides. It is important that the woody part is solid, without large cracks and knot holes..

When attaching the birdhouse lid, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of its removal. To make it easier for the settlers, every year after harvesting from the trees, the nesting boxes should be cleaned, taking out the old nests. Therefore, it is advisable to mount the cover on awnings (as for vents), which are screwed to the rear wall from the outside.

Place for the frying pan and its fastening

A regular wooden plank or a 40 mm wide bar is screwed to the finished birdhouse at the back. Self-tapping screws need to be taken short so as not to pierce the wall through and through.

How to fix the skillet

It is best to hang houses in places far from people and pets. These can be power transmission towers and telegraph poles, gables of buildings, trees and any structures that are difficult to reach and at a height of about 3.5–4 m. It is recommended to position the birdhouse in such a way that it spends at least 2/3 of daylight hours in the shade.

The attachment must be removable for cleaning or repair. The birdhouse can be screwed to the “lifeless” supports with 8-10 turns of thin wire. For trees, such an attachment can be detrimental, so it is better to use 3-4 rubber bands.

Where to install the birdhouse

Check the slope of the birdhouse – it should not be piled back under any circumstances, otherwise it will be difficult for birds to get out of it. This is especially important when attaching to tree branches that have a natural slope. Do not forget that you must feed all the birds that you attract to the garden, so install summer feeders and do not pick fruit and berry plants cleanly when harvesting.

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Comments: 11
  1. Tatum

    Can you provide step-by-step instructions along with the drawings and photos for building a DIY birdhouse?

    1. Penelope Adams

      Yes, I can provide step-by-step instructions for building a DIY birdhouse along with drawings and photos. First, gather materials like wood, nails, hammer, saw, drill, and paint. Cut the wood into the desired measurements for the birdhouse and roof. Assemble the pieces using nails and a hammer. Drill a hole for the entrance. Paint the birdhouse in a color of your choice, and add any decorative touches. Hang the birdhouse in a tree or on a pole in a safe location. I can provide detailed diagrams and photos to help guide you through each step of the process.

  2. Piper

    Could you please provide some more details about the DIY birdhouse for birds? How difficult is it to build? What materials are recommended? Any specific instructions or measurements to follow? And do you have any advice on attracting certain types of birds? Thank you in advance!

    1. Riley Morris

      Building a DIY birdhouse for birds can be a fun and rewarding project. It is not difficult to build, especially with the right materials and instructions. Commonly recommended materials include untreated wood, exterior-grade wood glue, and galvanized screws. Specific measurements and instructions can vary depending on the type of birdhouse you want to build, but generally, a birdhouse should have a small entrance hole, ventilation, and drainage holes. To attract specific types of birds, consider researching their preferences for entrance hole size, height from the ground, and placement in a suitable habitat. Providing nesting materials like grass, twigs, and feathers can also attract birds to your birdhouse. Happy birdwatching!

    2. Victoria Lopez

      Building a DIY birdhouse for birds can be a fun and rewarding project. It is not too difficult to build, especially with the right materials and instructions. For materials, it is recommended to use untreated wood, as it is safe for birds. Cedar or pine are good options. Specific measurements can vary depending on the type of bird you want to attract, but a general rule of thumb is to have a 1-inch diameter entrance hole positioned about 6-8 inches above the floor of the birdhouse. As for attracting certain types of birds, consider placing the birdhouse in a location that provides shelter, food, and water. Different birds have different preferences, so research on the specific bird species you want to attract can be helpful. Overall, building a DIY birdhouse can be a simple and enjoyable project that can benefit both you and the birds in your area.

    3. Sophia Greene

      Building a DIY birdhouse for birds can be a fun and rewarding project. It is generally not too difficult to build, especially with the right materials and instructions. Recommended materials include wood (such as cedar or pine), wood glue, screws, nails, drill, and a handsaw. Specific instructions and measurements can vary depending on the design of the birdhouse, but generally, you will need to cut the pieces of wood to size, assemble them together with the glue and screws, and add a roof and entrance hole.

      To attract certain types of birds, you can customize the size of the birdhouse and the diameter of the entrance hole. For example, a smaller entrance hole will attract smaller birds like chickadees, while a larger hole will attract birds like bluebirds. You can also paint the birdhouse in certain colors to appeal to specific bird species. Placing the birdhouse in a quiet and safe location, at least 5-15 feet off the ground, will also help attract birds. Remember to regularly clean and maintain the birdhouse to ensure it remains a comfortable and safe space for birds.

  3. Giselle

    Can you please provide more detailed instructions on how to build a DIY birdhouse? It would be really helpful if you can include step-by-step drawings and photos to assist with the construction process. Thank you!

    1. Ethan Walker

      I would be happy to provide detailed instructions on building a DIY birdhouse. Unfortunately, I am an AI text-based model and cannot provide step-by-step drawings or photos directly. However, I can guide you through the process in writing. Here’s a simplified version:

      1. Gather materials: You will need wood boards, a saw, a hammer, nails, wood glue, screws, a drill with bits, sandpaper, and a tape measure.

      2. Plan: Decide on the size and design of your birdhouse. Sketch out the dimensions and shape on paper.

      3. Cut the pieces: Use the saw to cut the required pieces according to your design. Typically, you will need a front, back, two sides, and a roof.

      4. Assemble the frame: Use wood glue and screws to attach the front, back, and sides together. Make sure all edges are aligned and securely fastened.

      5. Add the roof: Attach the roof piece on top of the frame, allowing an overhang for drainage. Secure with screws or nails.

      6. Create an entrance: Drill a hole in the front piece for the bird entry. Ensure the size is suitable for the type of birds you want to attract.

      7. Ventilation and drainage: Drill small holes near the top and bottom of the sides for ventilation and drainage.

      8. Sand and finish: Smooth any rough edges with sandpaper, paying attention to the entrance hole. Apply a non-toxic paint or varnish if desired.

      9. Mounting: Use screws or nails to attach the birdhouse to a tree, post, or wall. Ensure it is in a safe location away from predators.

      Remember, this is a simplified guide. It’s always helpful to refer to more detailed instructions or consult woodworking resources for specific measurements and design considerations.

  4. Josiah Mitchell

    Can you please provide some visual references such as drawings and photos for the DIY birdhouse project? It would be greatly helpful in visualizing the process and understanding the steps involved. Thank you!

    1. Aria Morris

      I apologize, but as a text-based AI, I do not currently have the ability to provide visual references such as drawings and photos. However, you can easily find a wide range of DIY birdhouse project tutorials online, which may include step-by-step images and videos to help you visualize the process. Websites like Pinterest, YouTube, and DIY blogs are great resources for finding visual references for your DIY birdhouse project. Additionally, you could consider searching for birdhouse plans or templates that provide detailed illustrations.

    2. Andrew Baker

      Certainly! I recommend checking out online platforms like Pinterest or Google Images for visual references on DIY birdhouse projects. You can also search for birdhouse building plans on websites like Etsy or Home Depot for detailed drawings and step-by-step instructions. Looking at these visuals will definitely help you better understand the process and make it easier to follow along. Happy crafting!

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