
How to identify and avoid foundation problems

Foundation problems can cause severe damage to your home and disrupt your daily life. Identifying and avoiding them is critical for keeping your home in perfect condition. This post offers helpful tips for detecting and preventing foundation issues. Learn about the telltale signs, such as uneven floors and sticky windows and doors, and how to address those problems promptly. It also provides advice on how to strengthen your foundation with simple preventative measures, like using building materials with superior waterproofing and reinforcing the walls. With these practical tips, you can be sure to maintain the integrity of your home.

Our advice site has devoted many articles to the foundation of the house. We wrote about tape, and slab, and pile, and columnar foundations. Now we decided to collect in one article all possible problems with the base of the building and measures to prevent them.

How to identify and avoid foundation problems

First, letโ€™s figure out what problems may arise with a specific type of foundation..

Letโ€™s start with screw piles:

  1. The building base was not prepared correctly. Drainage works were not carried out, piles were screwed into peat soil in winter, there is no solid foundation made of ASG;
  2. The piles are not deep enough. In Russia, it is necessary to deepen the piles below the level of soil freezing, by 1.8โ€“2.8 meters;
  3. No concrete is poured into the piles. The gross mistake of the builders, the foundation is very unreliable;
  4. The selected piles are less than 108 millimeters in diameter. These are suitable only for outbuildings and baths; more solid products are needed for a residential building;
  5. The builders made defects during installation, for example, they tried to level the piles by unscrewing them back.

How to identify and avoid foundation problems

Shallow and deep concrete foundations can also be problematic. In the case of a deep laying, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of drainage and continuous waterproofing, otherwise the basement may flood. A shallowly deepened foundation should be built, taking into account the forces of frost heaving, it is imperative to make drainage, drain water from the house, insulate the basement and make a warm blind area.

In addition, with these types of foundations, as well as with monolithic-slab, the following problems may arise:

  • The use of low-quality concrete mortar;
  • Absence or poor quality of reinforcement ties;
  • Defects during grouting, insufficient compaction of the base.

How to identify and avoid foundation problems

Problems with a monolithic foundation of a house, in general, are similar to the above three types:

  • Rusty, low-quality fittings;
  • Poor foundation preparation. Compaction of sand and gravel backfill is necessary with a vibrating plate! If the workers do not have it, the base may not be dense enough;
  • Violation of the technology for preparing a solution or working with a ready-made factory concrete solution;
  • Long breaks in work without proper preservation of the base and pouring concrete in winter without observing the necessary technologies;
  • Insufficient insulation or rejection of it.

How to identify and avoid foundation problems

As you can see, most of the problems with the foundation of the house are associated with the human factor, lack of necessary knowledge, mistakes of builders, neglect of the requirements of SNiPs and technological standards. What all this can lead to, how to find out that the foundation of your house is not reliable enough:

  • In the panel house, the roof began to leak, at the location of the posts. The repair did not help, the next year everything repeated. Most likely, the foundation simply โ€œwalksโ€, so the seams of the panel house diverge;
  • Cracks appeared in the corners of the stone house. You need to find out if this is a serious problem or a minor defect. The portal described in detail how to do this;
  • In a wooden house or โ€œframeโ€ doors and windows began to twist, they do not open and close well.

How to identify and avoid foundation problems

In your own home, foundation problems are easier to spot. And if we are talking about buying a finished home? We advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • The skewing of windows and doors can be detected already at the first inspection. Just open them, slam them, make sure everything is in order;
  • Check the GWL. It is enough to dig a hole up to a meter deep near the house. Filled with water โ€“ trouble. True, to be sure of this, you will have to come to inspect the house and the site again, at least in a couple of days. And the owner may be against the fact that you are so bossy on his site;
  • A small hole dug directly near the foundation will allow you to determine if the building has a sand cushion. Yes โ€“ excellent, so the builders followed the installation technology;
  • If the house is on screw piles, get access to them and knock โ€“ there is no sound of emptiness โ€“ it means that they are filled with concrete inside, everything is done correctly;
  • Be sure to go down to the basement, there should be no mold, water on the walls, streaks on concrete;
  • The house should be bypassed with a building level to make sure there are no distortions;
  • An ordinary tennis ball will help to check the evenness of the monolithic foundation โ€“ if in every room of the house it quickly rolls in the same direction โ€“ the shrinkage was uneven, there is a distortion that, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated;
  • Of course, the foundation on concrete should be free of cracks and fallen out, collapsed bricks. However, if the house itself is already old, and the foundation has clearly just been repaired, it means that the owners tried to hide the existing defects. And itโ€™s not a fact that they did it with high quality, because the house is still for sale.

How to identify and avoid foundation problems

How to prevent foundation problems:

  1. Determine the characteristics of the soil in order to choose the right type of foundation. First, engineering and geological surveys, then the beginning of construction;
  2. Study all the features of the construction of the selected type of foundation and supervise the workers. It is especially important to know the materiel, if you are building a house with your own hands. But even if a construction team with a good reputation is selected, control will not hurt, do not give the performers the right to make mistakes, because it will be very difficult to fix problems with the foundation. And often it is simply impossible;
  3. Donโ€™t skimp on materials, waterproofing, insulation. Choose the correct grade of concrete, monitor the quality of the solution and its pouring.
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Comments: 3
  1. Giselle

    Can you provide some tips or guidance on how to identify and proactively prevent foundation problems in a building?

    1. Ava Gray

      To identify and proactively prevent foundation problems in a building, consider the following tips and guidance:

      1. Regularly inspect the foundation for cracks, settlement, or shifting. Look for signs such as doors that are sticking, gaps around windows, or uneven floors.

      2. Keep an eye on the drainage around the building. Make sure water is draining away from the foundation to prevent soil erosion and water damage.

      3. Maintain proper grading around the building to ensure water is directed away from the foundation.

      4. Keep trees and shrubs at a safe distance from the building to prevent roots from causing damage to the foundation.

      5. Monitor changes in the soil moisture levels around the foundation. Excessive moisture or drought can both lead to foundation issues.

      6. Consult with a professional engineer or foundation specialist for a thorough inspection and to address any potential issues before they become major problems.

      By being proactive and addressing any concerns promptly, you can help prevent foundation problems in your building and maintain its structural integrity.

  2. Charlotte Simmons

    Can you provide some tips or a step-by-step guide on how to identify and prevent foundation problems in a home? What are some common warning signs to look out for, and are there any maintenance practices that can help avoid costly repairs in the future? Thank you!

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