
How to make a brick tandoor with your own hands – step by step instructions

A brick tandoor, an oven used for cooking tandoori food, can now be made in the comfort of your own home. This step-by-step guide explains how to make it using everyday materials such as bricks, sand and clay. This is an easy and cost-effective way to make delicious tandoori food in your own kitchen. Plus, it is customizable to accommodate the convenience of your home. A brick tandoor can be made in just six simple steps, from securely laying a foundation to adding all the necessary accents and protective layers. Create a tasty tandoori experience, without ever leaving the comfort of your home!

Recommendation points

Tandoor is the oldest oven on earth, which is still used by many peoples to this day, using it to prepare their national dishes. The simplicity of its construction and functionality is amazing. Therefore, if you want to make a tandoor with your own hands, our master class will help you with this..

DIY tandoor

Preparation for work, necessary materials and tools

To build a tandoor, you will need the following consumables:

Name of consumables and building materials amount Price, cu e.
Sand and gravel 150 Kg ten
Cement brand M400 50 Kg 6.2
Masonry mesh with a cell of 5 cm (for an area of ​​1 sq. M) 2 pcs. 3
Refractory (fireclay brick) 50 pcs. thirty
Asbestos fiber 5 Kg 6
Water-based, acrylic, refractory paint 1 l five
Refractory masonry mixture 20 kg 4
Fiberglass reinforcement Ø 6 mm 15 m 3
Steel wire O 3 mm (the main requirement for it is that it should bend easily when twisting is formed) 15 m 5.8
Total 73

To work, you need the following tool:

  • a container for mixing building mixtures (concrete, mortar, facing mixture);
  • plastering rule;
  • spatula (width 12 cm);
  • painting brush (width 10 cm);
  • grinder with cutting diamond wheel for ceramics.

Making a foundation for a tandoor

Despite the fact that the tandoor is a light stove structure, it will be installed in the open air, therefore, a solid foundation is needed for it.

First, determine the type of soil, if you have heaving, heavy (clay, loamy or low-lying) soils, then a reinforced foundation must be cast on them. The columnar foundation will allow to solve this problem. If the soil is light (sandy loam, sand or soddy podzolic), then you can simply cast a monolithic concrete slab.

The base of a standard tandoor is 100×100 cm, the thickness of a monolithic foundation slab for such a structure is 10 cm enough. Along its perimeter we select soil to a depth of 15 cm, at the corners of the slab we make recesses with a drill to a depth of at least 70 cm and a diameter of 12-15 cm.

We reinforce the resulting holes (as a reinforcing rod, we recommend fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm, connected by a quadrangle), and fill it with concrete. Concrete is prepared in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 – one part of gravel is taken into three parts of sand (with a fraction of no more than 1 cm in diameter) and one part of cement grade not lower than PC 400. The consistency of the batch should resemble thick sour cream (in a more liquid form, porous formations are formed , and a thicker one will not fill all the voids).

We fill in the recesses 5 cm above the level of the bottom of the pit. This can be done using formwork 5 cm high, laid on the bottom. For the simplicity of the formwork device, you can use a container strip by rolling it into a ring or any similar material.

After that, we pour sand on the bottom of the pit, which will play the role of a damper pillow. The height of the sand layer should not be higher than the recessed formwork. Then we pour the sand abundantly with water so that there are no caverns in it, and on top we lay the formwork for a monolithic slab.

As a formwork, we can use a 15 cm wide edged roof board (10 cm in the ground and 5 above the ground). We put a reinforcing mesh on the sand pillow (ideally if you fix it 5 cm from the level of the sand pillow). Be sure to level everything with a level and then fill it with concrete.

DIY tandoor

Concrete sets for at least 72 hours, during this time we will prepare a rule and bricks of a certain shape.

Tandoor base laying

We will use refractory (fireclay) brick as the main building material for the tandoor. It is dense enough not to adsorb moisture on itself at the time of temperature changes, and, as a result, practically does not collapse under the influence of seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The base of the tandoor is a circle, to form it, we outline a circle along the pattern (diameter 75 cm). Then we lay out the bricks, numbering them in order so as not to get confused, and with the help of a cutting wheel we carefully cut off everything unnecessary from each brick.

We put roofing material on a concrete base for waterproofing from groundwater.

As a joint solution, we use a refractory kiln mixture for fireclay bricks (sold in any specialized store). The usual clay-sand mixture cannot be used, because it:

  • quickly cracks due to temperature changes;
  • does not form a rigid bond with fireclay bricks.

Mix the mixture thoroughly and then apply it to the roofing material with a spatula. On top of the mixture we lay out the clippings of bricks, according to their numbering.

DIY tandoor

Making a “rule” for a tandoor

Now we make a rule for laying walls, as indicated in the photo above. According to tradition, the width of the base of the tandoor should be equal to its height, while the neck should be 1/3 less than the base.

Therefore, we collect the rule of the following sizes:

  • pole height – 1 m;
  • base length 30 cm, second level 25 cm and third level 20 cm;
  • the step between the guides is 25 cm;
  • a piece of plywood was used as a template for a vertical wall (you can use a lamella from a bed on which a mattress is placed).

We raise the walls of the tandoor

All bricks are stacked upright. Therefore, the strength of the first row installation is very important for the entire operation.

We put the bricks on the base of the tandoor, put the inner edge close to each other, and coat the seam with mortar.

DIY tandoor

After the first row is laid out, we pull it together with steel wire. We twist its ends and hide it in the seam between the bricks (the wire will remain on the tandoor).

We lay out the second row in the same way. However, starting from the second row, the bricks will have to be cut (after one) to a wedge.

DIY tandoor

At the same time, we also lay the inner end faces as tightly as possible, and carefully coat the outer ones with a solution.

After the third row has been removed, we begin to plaster the tandoor with an oven mixture.

DIY tandoor

The total layer of plaster on top of the tandoor should be at least 10 mm. Form the upper edge in the form of a roller.

DIY tandoor

After the layer of the solution has dried (the tandoor at this time should be covered with a cellophane film from the rain and shaded so that it does not dry out from direct sunlight), we cover it with acrylic refractory paint, although in the East it is customary to whitewash the tandoor.

DIY tandoor

As the solution finally dries out (no earlier than 72 hours), the inner space of the tandoor is cleaned of sagging, dirt, etc. – it is best to do this with a hard broom.

DIY tandoor

The tandoor is ready. You can fry tortillas and treat guests.

DIY tandoor

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Comments: 7
  1. Finley

    Can you provide more details and specific instructions on how to make a brick tandoor at home?

    1. Joshua Miller

      To make a brick tandoor at home, you will need around 50-60 fire bricks, cement, sand, clay, and a few additional materials. Here are basic steps to guide you:

      1. Choose a suitable location in your backyard. Ensure it has proper ventilation and is away from flammable objects.
      2. Dig a hole approximately 2 feet deep and 3 feet in diameter.
      3. Create a sturdy concrete base for the tandoor by pouring cement into the hole and compacting it evenly.
      4. Lay the fire bricks around the hole’s inner circumference to form the first layer. Use a suitable heat-resistant cement-sand mixture to hold them together.
      5. Continue adding layers of bricks, leaving gaps between the bricks in each layer to provide air circulation. This will enhance the heating effect.
      6. Build a small opening at the bottom for the air intake and a larger opening at the top for the smoke to escape.
      7. Construct a dome-shaped structure using fire bricks to form the tandoor’s lid. Ensure it fits well onto the base opening.
      8. Use a mixture of clay and sand to seal any gaps between the bricks, both inside and outside the tandoor. Allow it to dry thoroughly.
      9. Once dry, cure the tandoor by lighting a small fire inside and gradually increasing the heat over several hours. This will help harden the clay and eliminate any remaining moisture.
      10. Your homemade brick tandoor is now ready for use!

      Please note that building a tandoor involves working with fire and construction materials. Exercise caution during the process, and ensure all safety measures are followed to avoid any accidents.

    2. Ava Shaw

      To make a brick tandoor at home, you will need a few materials and follow specific instructions. Start by collecting around 50-60 bricks and cement to build the structure. Begin by laying the bricks in a circular fashion, leaving an opening on the front for the entrance. Stack the bricks until you reach your desired height, leaving a small opening at the top for ventilation.

      Next, create a base for the tandoor using bricks and cement, making sure it is sturdy enough to support the weight. It should be around 4-6 inches from the ground. Now, use a clay or metal sheet to cover the inside of the tandoor, allowing it to retain heat.

      For the coal tray, use a metal sheet with small holes to ensure proper airflow. Place it at the bottom of the tandoor, slightly angled towards the entrance for easy coal placement.

      To ensure heat retention, cover the structure with a metal sheet and insulate it with clay or a thick layer of mud. Allow it to dry completely.

      To cook in the tandoor, use skewers to grill your food directly over the charcoal. Experiment with marinated meats, vegetables, and naan bread. Remember to preheat the tandoor before cooking to ensure even heat distribution.

      It is essential to take safety precautions while using a homemade tandoor, such as wearing protective gloves and keeping a fire extinguisher nearby. Always use the tandoor in a well-ventilated area, away from flammable materials. Enjoy traditional and delicious tandoor-cooked meals at home with your homemade brick tandoor.

      1. Henry Rogers

        To make a brick tandoor at home, gather bricks and cement to construct the structure and create a sturdy base. Lay the bricks in a circular pattern, leaving an opening for the entrance. Build up the height and add a ventilation opening at the top. Use a clay or metal sheet to line the inside for heat retention. Incorporate a coal tray with proper airflow at the bottom. Cover the tandoor with a metal sheet and insulate with clay or mud, allowing it to dry. When cooking, grill food on skewers directly over the charcoal, ensuring even heat distribution by preheating the tandoor. Take safety precautions, such as wearing protective gloves and keeping a fire extinguisher nearby, and use the tandoor in a well-ventilated area. Enjoy delicious homemade tandoor-cooked meals.

        1. Daniel Wagner

          To make a brick tandoor at home, start by gathering bricks, cement, clay or a metal sheet, and other materials. Construct a sturdy base and lay the bricks in a circular pattern, leaving space for an entrance. Build up the height and add a ventilation opening at the top. Line the inside with clay or metal for heat retention, and include a coal tray with airflow at the bottom. Cover the tandoor with metal and insulate with clay or mud. When cooking, grill food on skewers over charcoal, preheating the tandoor for even heat distribution. Remember safety measures, like wearing gloves and having a fire extinguisher nearby. Enjoy delicious homemade tandoor-cooked meals in a well-ventilated area.

        2. Aiden Harris

          To build a brick tandoor at home, start by gathering bricks and cement for construction. Lay the bricks in a circular pattern, leaving a space for the entrance and adding a ventilation opening at the top. Line the inside with clay or metal sheeting for heat retention and build a coal tray at the bottom with proper airflow. Cover the tandoor with a metal sheet and insulate with clay or mud. When cooking, grill food on skewers over charcoal, ensuring even heat distribution by preheating the tandoor. Take safety precautions, like wearing gloves and having a fire extinguisher nearby, and cook in a well-ventilated area. Enjoy delicious homemade tandoor-cooked meals!

  2. Lincoln Mitchell

    I’d like to know if you have any recommendations or tips for building a brick tandoor from scratch? Are there any specific materials or tools I should gather beforehand? And how long does it typically take to build one? Appreciate any guidance you can offer!

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