
Conifers for the garden: tips for selection and planting

This WordPress post provides helpful tips to select and plant conifers for your garden. It explains the advantages of having conifers, which provide visual interest to your garden with their unique shapes, sizes, and textures. The post also outlines the best tips to select the right type of conifer for your space, such as considering the climate and soil conditions as well as considering the desired look. Moreover, it explains the steps to correctly plant a conifer, such as choosing a spot with enough room and good drainage. Finally, the post provides helpful advice on how to care for conifers, such as trimming, fertilizing, and pruning. This article is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to have conifers in their garden.

Recommendation points

To make the garden happy all year round, allocate a plot for conifers. The choice of plants is huge, since besides natural improvement, breeders have created many species. The article talks about the principles of selection of evergreen trees for a summer cottage, the features of planting and conditions of detention.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

Seven tips for choosing the right ephedra

The first thing to pay attention to is the dimensions of an adult tree, including the underground and aboveground parts.. Depending on the length of the trunk, the conifers are divided into tall individuals (over 7 m): taxodium, fir, ginkgo. Some of the plants belong to the middle class (within 3-6 m): spruce, yew, cypress.

There is a group of shrubs (erect and creeping up to 1 m in height): thuja, juniper, cryptomeria. Dwarf varieties of gray spruce, western thuja, common pine and other species have been bred.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

Be aware that the above classification is arbitrary. Much depends on the natural conditions in which the parent plant lives, as well as the successes achieved by the breeders (if scientists worked on the changes).

The second important reason for selection is the degree of decorativeness of the species. For most of the family, the direction of growth of the branches is upward, that is, towards the sun. Looking for something special? Plant a hemlock with flexible branches going down.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

A safe bet, often used by landscape designers, is to focus on an unusual plant. Place in the center of the garden a group of conifers with thorns of a blue-green hue, gray or yellow. And for the decoration of the borders, select a low-growing shrub, for example, a juniper.

Ornate flower beds, decorated with spherical plants. Alternatively, boxwood evergreen.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

The third criterion for choosing a coniferous tree is the purpose. In addition to decorative tasks, evergreens are used for practical purposes:

  • zoning of the internal space of the site;
  • strengthening of sliding soil;
  • fencing the garden from the prying eyes of neighbors, for example, using a hedge.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

The fourth factor of selection is the preliminary collection of information about the features of caring for a particular variety. As an illustration, check out the example: the Virginian juniper prefers loamy soils, and the Cossack variety prefers lime soil.

Conifers reproduce well by cuttings. Buy a cutting or ask your friends for a sprig of a coniferous tree and try to grow the tree yourself.

The fifth factor important for selection is the size of the land plot. If the area of โ€‹โ€‹the garden does not exceed six acres, purchase one large-sized plant (pine, spruce, fir) and make it the center of the dacha โ€œuniverseโ€. Or select some undersized species. Decorate a flower bed with them or outline the boundaries of a playground.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

Owners of land plots of several hectares! You have more opportunities. You can lay an alley of tall representatives, fence the estate around the perimeter, create a small park area, etc..

The sixth criterion is the place of growing the seedling and the acclimatization of the variety (in relation to the area where your garden is located).

Seventh advice โ€“ calculate your own capabilities. It is necessary to take care of the trees annually. A tall hedge made from live plants periodically needs professional pruning.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

Be prepared to spend. For planting some large-sized trees, as well as maintaining a neat appearance of trees, you will need to periodically call special equipment.

Two important factors that increase the survival rate of conifers

1. Time

The rest period is the most successful period for planting plants..

Basic conditions:

  • the soil should be moderately dry and not frozen;
  • air temperature โ€“ stably cool (at least five degrees Celsius).

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

For the middle zone and southern regions of Russia, the most favorable autumn period. Spring planting is recommended for people living in northern latitudes, as a tree unprepared for winter may die.

2. Taking into account the characteristics of the soil

Most of the species are undemanding to the composition of the soil. An exception is an area with an aquifer located at the surface.

Know that in fertile soils, the vitality of plants is higher, this is reflected in the appearance of the plants.

Rules for a successful planting of conifers

1. Start the process of ennobling the territory long before buying conifers. The best solution is to purchase plants in containers. Another option โ€“ with a lump of earth wrapped in agrofibre.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

Determine the volume of the root system in advance, outline the size of the pit. Start excavation a month before planting..

2. Fill the dug hole with a mixture of arable layer, clay, vermicompost. Use manure or mineral fertilizer instead of the last component. Nursery sellers will suggest the recipe for a specific plant.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

3. If the site is blown by winds, then before transshipment at the bottom of the pit, install one or more pegs that will help the immature seedling resist gusts.

4. When the base is prepared, proceed to planting.

5. Start preparing a young tree by examining. A healthy root and an intact trunk are the key to quick plant survival. Remove damaged parts during transportation and storage.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

If the clod of earth is dry, then immerse the plants in a container of water for several hours. Then check the vitality of the roots, cut off the dead parts with a garden tool.

6. Cut the seedlings: leave no more than three to four lateral branches on the center conductor.

7.In order to improve the survival rate, some gardeners advise placing the roots of the tree in a solution with growth stimulants (read the recommendations for the preparation in the attached instructions), as an alternative and environmentally friendly option: use a liquid solution of vermicompost.

8. Planting seedlings. There are no special requirements for planting conifers:

  • carefully pass the lump;
  • straighten the roots;
  • add soil and gently tamp.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

If necessary, tie the plant to pegs..

Be aware that the first time the gain will not be visible. After 3-5 years, the increase in height and volume will become noticeable.

Tree Care Tips

  1. Strengthen the vitality of ephedra. Feed the plants with special fertilizers once or twice a year.
  2. Before the onset of frost on the ground around the trunk, pour at least 50 liters of water. This moisture should be enough for the roots for the whole winter..
  3. To prevent the branches from breaking from the mass of adhered snow, โ€œdressโ€ the plants in a cape made of agrofibre with slits. Hide the greens of a young tree under the net to prevent burnout in early spring (sold in gardening stores).
  4. Know that high plant survival does not preclude the need for treatment.

Conifers on the site. Fitting and fitting tips

After strong winds and sudden temperature changes, roots and branches are injured. When the frost rages, hungry animals eat the tree trunk. In the spring, carry out a sanitary pruning, cover the wounds with garden varnish.

Make friends with conifers, only then can you appreciate the wisdom of nature!

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Comments: 1
  1. Samuel Palmer

    What are the best conifers for a garden? Iโ€™d like some tips on how to select and plant them properly.

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