
Features of the use of humic fertilizers

Humic fertilizers offer a range of beneficial features and qualities to land owners and agricultural growers. They can help with balancing pH levels, improving mineral uptake, enriching soil organisms, assisting with nutrient management, improving water-holding capacity, and reducing surface runoff. In addition, there are significant advantages to using humic fertilizers compared to traditional synthetic fertilizers, such as improved availability of nutrients, increased absorption capacity of soil, improved soil structure, and reduced costs associated with application. Their unique characteristics make humic fertilizers an ideal choice for those looking to increase productivity and improve the quality of their soil.

To get a rich harvest of vegetables, you need fertile soil. Unfortunately, the owners of far from all plots can boast of the presence of black soil. In some cases, it is impossible to do without feeding the plants and humic fertilizers come to the rescue, the peculiarities of the use of which will be described by our site of advice.

Features of the use of humic fertilizers

In his articles from the cycle โ€œOrganic farmingโ€, the portal wrote that the content of humus, humic acids in the soil is so important for productivity, as well as about indicators of this indicator โ€“ earthworms.

Recall that humic substances are simply organic matter formed by the natural decomposition of plant and animal residues. Humic fertilizers are made on the basis of peat, sapropel, non-fuel coal, compost.

As a result, environmentally friendly fertilizers are obtained, which help to add humic substances to the soil and, as a result, get a richer harvest..

Features of the use of humic fertilizers

Complex humic fertilizers have the following effect on plants:

  • Increase the percentage of seed germination.
  • Improves seedling growth.
  • Promote the survival of seedlings in the open field, rooting of seedlings.
  • Help to assimilate nutrients.
  • Improves plant immunity to pests and diseases.
  • Accelerate the ripening of fruits.
  • Increase yields.
  • Improve the taste of vegetables and berries, saturate them with proteins, vitamins, sugars.
  • Extend the shelf life of the crop.

Features of the use of humic fertilizers

Humic fertilizers can be used in three ways:

  1. Process seed before planting.
  2. For spraying, foliar feeding.
  3. Feed the plants under the roots.

Before sowing, tubers and seeds are soaked in a 0.05โ€“0.1% solution of humic fertilizers for at least 18 hours. This increases the percentage of germination..

Foliar top dressing is understood as the usual spraying, that is, the treatment of plants on the leaf. It is carried out only on cloudy days, because under the sun the solution can cause burns on plant leaves. Spraying with humic fertilizers is carried out twice โ€“ as soon as the leaves are formed, and then after flowering, at the time of the beginning of fruit formation.

Under the roots, humic fertilizers are applied two weeks after sowing, then during flowering, the third time โ€“ at the beginning of fruiting and the last time โ€“ in the second phase of fruiting in order to extend its period.

Features of the use of humic fertilizers

It is necessary to dilute purchased humic fertilizers with water strictly according to the manufacturerโ€™s instructions! It should be on the package. Ready-made, already diluted formulations are not stored for a long time, they must be used immediately.

For trees and shrubs, humic fertilizers will be useful at any stage. It is advisable to carry out root feeding in the spring, and then during flowering and in the fall, until the leaves fall. Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers go through all three stages of processing โ€“ before sowing, before planting, and then during fruiting. You should not get carried away with spraying, two times is enough, and humic fertilizers are applied under the roots four times, according to the above scheme.

Features of the use of humic fertilizers

You should not use humic fertilizers for feeding coniferous plants, which receive nitrogen from needles directly from the air. Conifers do not need an excess of nitrogen.

Humic fertilizers do not increase the yield of corn, sunflower and legumes. In this case, experts advise to carry out only seed treatment before planting..

Important! In any case, an overdose of humates must not be allowed! A solution that is too concentrated should not be used, and fertilization should be applied no more than once every two weeks..

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Comments: 2
  1. Ember

    What are the main benefits and drawbacks of using humic fertilizers? How do they differ from other types of fertilizers in terms of effectiveness and environmental impact? Are there specific crops or soil types that benefit the most from the application of humic fertilizers? How long do the effects of humic fertilizers last and how frequently do they need to be applied for optimal results? Are there any recommended usage guidelines or precautions to consider when using humic fertilizers?

  2. Luna Russell

    What are the key features and benefits of using humic fertilizers? How do they enhance soil health and plant growth? Are they suitable for all types of crops?

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