
Garden var: home recipes and scope

Garden Var is a revolutionary new way to get access to a wide variety of home-cooked recipes and to make sure your garden stays healthy and thriving. Garden Var's user-friendly app allows you to quickly identify and correct any health or nutrient deficiencies in your garden, as well as access a variety of easy-to-follow recipes. Garden Var is a great way to learn new recipes, as well as take care of your garden, all from the comfort of your own home!

Recommendation points

Letโ€™s talk about such an indispensable tool in tree care as garden pitch, how and from what it can be made with your own hands, and how to use it. There are a lot of crop protection products on the market for damage and pruning, but gardeners still prefer garden brew.

Garden var: home recipes and scope

Experts strongly advise garden varnish to be used in the following cases:

  1. After pruning trees, especially if it was done incorrectly, inaccurately.
  2. After grafting new shoots.
  3. If the tree has been damaged, for example, by hares or rodents.
  4. To combat tree diseases, pests.

Processing a cut of a tree with a garden pitch

If trees are treated with garden pitch in autumn, they will be protected from temperature extremes, respectively โ€“ from the appearance of frost cracks. And if in the spring โ€“ trees will receive protection from the development of various diseases, high humidity and sun.

Processing frost with garden pitch

Of course, buying a ready-made garden pitch is not difficult. A jar with a volume of 130 grams costs about 80-100 rubles, not too expensive. However, many gardeners prefer to save money and make a garden pitch with their own hands. In addition, many confidently argue that homemade var is better, more effective..

For example, if a purchased garden varnish contains chemical elements, it can burn the wood in hot weather. Excess moisture in the composition can lead to rotting of the tree. Sometimes purchased garden pitch is difficult to apply: it is either too liquid, or dried out, petrified.

Garden varnish recipe number 1

Popular garden var based on beeswax. You will need four parts wax, one part rosin, one part linseed oil, and two tablespoons of charcoal. Beeswax is heated in a water bath, rosin is added to it, and then linseed oil. Add charcoal after the composition is removed from the fire. During the cooking process, everything is thoroughly mixed so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.


Important! Do-it-yourself garden pitch is recommended to be used warm until it has frozen. After that, you will have to warm it up so that it is convenient to apply it to the tree, cover up all the damage and cutting points.

Garden varnish recipe number 2

Also based on beeswax. But we take only two parts of it, add four parts of rosin and one part of interior fat. The wax is heated again, the rest of the ingredients are added, the mixture should be boiled over low heat for an hour, stirring thoroughly and kneading until smooth.

Garden var recipe number 3

Paraffin is also used instead of beeswax. Six parts paraffin, two parts vegetable or mineral oil, and three parts rosin. Paraffin is heated first, rosin is added, and oil is added after the mixture boils.

Important! To make the mixture more homogeneous and melt faster, it is advisable to grind hard ingredients such as wax or paraffin. And we advise you to turn rosin into small shavings or dust..

Garden varnish recipe number 4

It is called Raevskyโ€™s var and is frost-resistant. You need 500 grams of tree resin, two tablespoons of linseed oil, and 60 milliliters of rubbing alcohol. The resin should be melted and mixed with the rest of the ingredients..

Garden var

Garden varnish recipe number 5

Var Zhukovsky. You need yellow wax, rosin, lamb or beef fat (unsalted) in equal proportions. Everything is melted in separate containers, and then mixed. After cooling in cold water, the var will turn into a kind of plasticine, you can knead it with your hands, make cakes that are attached and spread over the damaged area.

Important! It is most convenient to work with garden pitch just with your hands, not forgetting to use gloves.

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Comments: 2
  1. Penelope Kelly

    Can you provide some home recipes and tips for creating a garden? What are the best plants for beginners? Also, what is the scope of this text? Is it a comprehensive guide or just an introduction?

    1. Ava Gray

      Sure! Here are some home recipes and tips for creating a garden:

      โ€“ Start with good quality soil and ensure proper drainage for your plants.
      โ€“ Choose a sunny spot for your garden that gets at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
      โ€“ Select easy-to-grow plants like tomatoes, herbs, peppers, and lettuce for beginners.
      โ€“ Water your plants regularly, but be careful not to overwater them.
      โ€“ Mulch around your plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.
      โ€“ Use organic fertilizers or compost to feed your plants naturally.

      This text serves as an introduction to gardening and provides some basic tips for beginners. It is not a comprehensive guide but offers a good starting point for those looking to start their own garden at home. For more in-depth information, itโ€™s recommended to consult gardening books or websites.

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