
How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

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Only 2–4 weeks per season lasts a lush flowering in a typical summer cottage flower bed. The rest of the time the flower garden is either growing or has already faded. To learn how to create flower beds that bloom all summer long, to pick flowers for them and take care of plants, without spending a lot of time, even beginner gardeners can do.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

How to avoid failures in the flower decoration of a summer cottage

It is not an easy task to get the flower bed to bloom throughout the summer season. When embarking on this exciting creative work, it is important to know a few rules that will save you from common mistakes:

  1. Planning plantings in a flower garden should begin with drawing up a flowering schedule for the plants planned for planting. In each period of time, at least three names of flowers should bloom on the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to draw a plan and allocate a place for plants on it, which will serve as a constructive basis for a flower bed and a spectacular frame for flowering neighbors: coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials with beautiful foliage. In the intervals between the spring-flowering plants, place the ones that bloom in the summer, and determine the place of the autumn soloists.
  3. It is necessary to group the plants on the plan by size and color. Large to take the background, small to place in front. If the flowerbed is viewed from all sides, tall plants are grouped in the center. Broadleafs alternate with narrow-leaved and cereals. Different shades of green are selected and distributed over the area of ​​the flower garden.
  4. Everyone has their own color preferences, but the rules for combining colors are common – either addition or contrast. For example, yellow contrasts with purple, but is complemented by red, orange. Blue is combined with cold pink, lilac, blue. White color is used to dilute too bright color spots, blur borders, soften contrasts.
  5. An approximate calculation of the number of each plant species should be made. Flowers should not be planted in separate copies; uniform “spots” are required for the decorative effect. Coniferous and large decorative deciduous plants (hosta, rogersia, etc.).

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer 1 – sunflower; 2 – Grenoble carnation; 3 – ordinary lumbago; 4 – subulate phlox; 5 – Sulia edelweiss; 6 – large-flowered coreopsis; 7 – Gaillardia; 8 – meadowsweet yarrow; 9 – oriental poppy; 10 – paniculate phlox; 11 – chrysanthemum; 12 – larkspur; 13 – delphinium blue

Plants for flower beds of continuous flowering

Changeable compositions from annuals

A less complicated, but no less excellent option for a flower bed of continuous flowering is a flower garden of annuals. If you plan to grow seedlings with your own hands, work on its creation begins in winter. Most annuals come from the tropics and subtropics and take time to develop before flowering. For example, petunias are sown for seedlings in February. Since March, asters, viola, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, levkoy, verbena, cornflowers, alissum, lobelia, snapdragon and others have been sown. In April, a line of seeds of marigolds, cosme, nasturtium.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

The main secret of a flower bed of annuals is not that they select special flowers that are typical for autumn, summer or spring. Having created a conveyor from constantly growing seedlings, you can supply the flower bed with any flowers regardless of the season. For example, viola or petunia from seedlings can bloom in late May and late September..

There are, of course, seasonal annuals. Autumn flower beds are decorated with fireworks from ornamental cabbage, elegant multi-colored asters.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Flowerpots with planted annuals make continuous flowering also mobile. If desired, they can be moved around the site – in the recreation area, near the gazebo, porch, reservoir, entrance, creating different images and moods. An important rule for decorating flowerpots: planting seedlings is made denser than in a flower garden to quickly acquire a decorative look.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Particular attention should be paid to tuberous begonias. Their long-lasting bloom is an incredible decoration for flower gardens. Luxurious inflorescences of modern varieties compete with roses, resemble azaleas and camellias. Tubers overwintered at home are divided and cut in spring. For reliable flowering, it is better to purchase new plants annually..

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Perennial flower beds blooming from snow to snow

The choice of perennial plants that make up the compositions that give the first flowers in snowy thawed patches, delight with colors all summer and leave flowering under the snow, is almost inexhaustible. Here are just some of the most common and proven perennials that even a novice gardener can handle..

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Spring:primroses, crocuses, woodlands, anemones, muscari, daffodils, tulips, oriental poppy, dicentra, doronicum, lilies of the valley.

Summer:irises, daylilies, lilies, bells, delphiniums, phloxes, astilbe.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Fall:perennial asters (New England and New Belgian varieties and hybrids), gelenium, stonecrop, rudbeckia, chrysanthemum, colchicum, sedges, miscanthus, rod-shaped millet.

Selection of plants, layout and other secrets of constant flowering

Coniferous and decorative deciduous plants are the skeleton of a flower bed, on which flowering elements are then built up. Needles, patterned, carved, smooth, pubescent leaves of different shades of green create a picturesque background. Having laid such a foundation for the composition, it remains only to fill it with flowering perennials and annuals.

We recommend the following conifers.

Spherical, cushion:

  • mountain pine Pug, Gnome;
  • thuja western Danica, Golden Globe;
  • spruce cushion Nidiformis, Ehiniformis.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer


  • Juniper Repanda, Green Carpet, Blue Carpet.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer


  • juniper Tamaristsifolia, Mint julep;
  • mountain pine Pumilio;
  • cedar elfin.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

You do not need to fill the flower bed with a large number of conifers. Enough 3-4 copies of different shapes and shades. In support of them, you can add 2-3 ornamental shrubs – dwarf forms of barberry, medium-sized spireas.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Of the decorative deciduous perennials with spectacular foliage, first of all, hosts should be named – dozens of varieties are now offered. Buzulnik, rogersia, bergenia, saber-shaped iris leaves are no less beautiful. Daylilies are versatile – a luxurious fountain of linear green leaves combined with elegant inflorescences of different shades.

A daunting task – monochrome composition blooming all summer

Every gardener wants to learn how to manage the rainbow of colors that flowers create in their summer cottage. As in the choice of clothing, interior design, anyone has color preferences. Someone is closer to a cold palette, someone loves warm glowing tones. Based on color preferences, you can also choose plants for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

The yellow-orange flower bed creates the feeling of a sunny day even in cloudy weather:

  • spring: yellow varieties of crocuses, daffodils, yellow and orange tulips;
  • summer: evening primrose (primrose), calendula (marigold), yellow and orange lilies;
  • autumn: helenium, marigolds, nasturtiums, rudbeckia, ocher-red sedges.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

Pink-lilac-blue flower bed – brings freshness, romance into the mood of the garden:

  • spring: muscari, brunner, pink and purple tulips, liverwort, kandyk, crocuses, juno;
  • summer: lilies (pink tones, such as Triumphant, Enestacy), delphinium, blue cyanosis, monarda, cornflower, lavater, ageratum, lobelia;
  • autumn: Echinacea purpurea, stonecrop, autumn asters, paniculata phlox.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

White flower bed – tenderness and brevity:

  • spring: blueberry, daffodils, poultry, lilies of the valley, arabis (rezuha);
  • summer: white lilies, cornflower, pupavka, anafalis (pearl mussel), white varieties of delphinium, bellflower, mallow, lobelia, lavater;
  • autumn: autumn aster, white echinacea, phlox.

How to make a flower bed and plant flowers that bloom all summer

White flowers will effectively complement silvery wormwood, seaside cineraria, white-bordered hosts, sedges, periwinkle.

Flowering plant care

Timely weeding, watering, feeding and loosening are the elementary truths of country floriculture. A flowerbed of continuous flowering, in addition to well-known care operations, requires the use of some additional techniques:

  • removal of faded inflorescences to prolong flowering;
  • pinching the top for regrowth of lateral shoots with flowers;
  • replanting annuals in bald spots formed after the leaves die off, decorating voids with portable flowerpots;
  • timely thinning, division and pruning, so that strong competitors do not crowd out weak ones.
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Comments: 6
  1. Harper

    Can you provide some step-by-step instructions on how to create a flower bed and choose specific flowers that will consistently bloom throughout the entirety of summer?

    1. Gavin Hughes

      To create a flower bed that consistently blooms throughout summer, follow these steps:

      1. Choose a suitable location: Find an area with adequate sunlight (at least 6 hours a day) and well-draining soil.

      2. Prepare the soil: Remove any weeds or grass from the chosen site. Loosen the soil using a garden fork or tiller and add organic matter like compost to improve fertility.

      3. Plan the layout: Consider the size and shape of the flower bed. Determine the desired arrangement of plants, keeping taller ones at the back and shorter ones in the front for better visibility.

      4. Select flowering plants: Choose flowers that are known for their continuous blooming throughout summer, such as petunias, marigolds, zinnias, or geraniums. Read the labels or consult a local garden center for suitable varieties.

      5. Planting process: Create small holes in the soil according to the spacing requirements mentioned on the plant tags. Carefully place the plants in the holes, backfill with soil, and gently press around the base. Water thoroughly after planting.

      6. Provide regular care: To ensure constant blooming, maintain proper care. Water the flower bed consistently, especially during dry periods. Mulching can help in retaining moisture and suppressing weed growth.

      7. Fertilize: Apply a slow-release fertilizer or liquid fertilizer every few weeks to provide essential nutrients for continuous growth and blooming.

      8. Deadhead spent blooms: Regularly remove faded flowers to stimulate the plants to produce more blooms. This practice, called deadheading, encourages prolonged flowering.

      9. Monitor pests and diseases: Keep an eye out for common garden pests and diseases. Take necessary steps like applying organic insecticides or fungicides to control them.

      10. Enjoy the blooms: With consistent care and maintenance, your flower bed should reward you with vibrant and continuous blooms throughout the entirety of summer.

    2. Nova Kelley

      To create a flower bed that consistently blooms throughout summer, follow these step-by-step instructions:

      1. Choose a suitable location: Select an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily and has well-draining soil.

      2. Prepare the soil: Remove any weeds, rocks, and debris from the selected area. Loosen the soil using a garden fork or tiller, and add organic matter like compost to improve fertility and drainage.

      3. Plan the layout: Determine the size and shape of your flower bed based on available space and desired design. Consider using curved edges for a more natural look.

      4. Select blooming varieties: Choose flowers that are known for their long blooming season, such as marigolds, petunias, zinnias, cosmos, and daisies. Research specific species and cultivars to find ones that suit your preferences and local climate.

      5. Purchase healthy plants: Visit a reputable nursery or garden center to select healthy plants. Look for well-developed roots, lush green foliage, and no signs of pests or diseases.

      6. Dig and space the plants: Dig holes that are slightly wider and deeper than the plant’s root ball. Follow the spacing recommendations provided on the plant’s label or research to ensure proper air circulation and growth.

      7. Plant and water: Gently remove the plants from their containers and place them in the holes. Backfill the soil around the roots, firming it gently. Water thoroughly after planting to help settle the soil and promote root growth.

      8. Mulch and maintain: Apply a layer of organic mulch, like wood chips or straw, to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and protect the roots. Water regularly, especially during dry spells, and remove any spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.

      9. Fertilize as needed: Use a slow-release fertilizer or apply liquid fertilizer according to the plant’s requirements. Follow the instructions on the packaging and avoid over-fertilization, which can lead to excessive leaf growth rather than blooms.

      10. Monitor and enjoy: Keep an eye on your flower bed for signs of pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies. Make adjustments as necessary and enjoy the beautiful blooming flowers all summer long.

      Remember, proper care, including watering and regular maintenance, will help ensure consistent flowering throughout the summer season.

  2. Harper Turner

    Could you please provide some tips or step-by-step instructions on creating a flower bed and choosing flowers that will bloom throughout the summer season? I would love to have a vibrant and colorful garden all summer long. Thank you!

    1. Dominic Taylor

      To create a flower bed that blooms throughout the summer season, start by choosing a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Prepare the soil by removing weeds, loosening the soil, and adding compost or fertilizer. Next, choose a variety of flowers that bloom at different times to ensure constant color. Some summer-blooming flowers to consider are marigolds, petunias, zinnias, and coreopsis. Plant the taller flowers at the back of the bed and the shorter ones in front for a layered look. Remember to water regularly, deadhead spent blooms, and fertilize as needed to keep your flowers healthy and blooming all season long. Enjoy your vibrant and colorful garden!

    2. Oliver O'Connor

      To create a flower bed that will bloom throughout the summer season, first choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight and has well-drained soil. Next, prepare the soil by removing any weeds, rocks, or debris and adding compost or fertilizer to enrich the soil.

      When choosing flowers, consider selecting a mix of annuals and perennials to ensure continuous blooming. Some popular summer-blooming flowers include petunias, marigolds, zinnias, cosmos, daisies, and salvias. You can also plant a mix of flower varieties to create a vibrant and colorful garden.

      When planting, be sure to space the flowers according to their specific requirements, and water regularly to keep the soil moist. Deadhead flowers to encourage new growth and remove any spent blooms. Additionally, adding a layer of mulch will help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

      By following these tips and step-by-step instructions, you can create a beautiful flower bed that will bloom throughout the summer season and keep your garden looking vibrant and colorful. Enjoy your new garden!

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