
Kitchen garden on the windowsill

A kitchen garden on the windowsill is a great way to grow organic, healthy, and delicious food right in your home. Not only is it a convenient way to get fresh ingredients for your meals, but it is also an excellent way to save time, money, and energy. It provides a unique and creative opportunity to decorate your home with colorful plants. Furthermore, it is also a great way to teach children about gardening and a healthier way of living.

Recommendation points

In winter, amateur gardeners especially miss their gardening business. To get rid of the longing for active earthworks, you can start a miniature garden at home on the windowsill. To obtain a harvest on โ€œindoorโ€ beds, several conditions must be met, the main of which are lighting and air humidity.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Place for โ€œbedsโ€

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a place for a mini-garden โ€“ a window sill, in an ordinary apartment it is too narrow, therefore they increase the area of โ€‹โ€‹the window sill in all possible ways: by arranging wooden boxes with your own hands or by decorating the window with beautiful pots.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

What to put in

Ceramic or plastic pots, balcony boxes or cropped 5 liter water bottles are used as containers for plants..

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

The volume of the container depends on the size of the plant for which it is intended..

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

For low-growing plants, a 5-liter pot is suitable, and tall plants need 8-10 liters with a container height of 20 cm for the development of their root system and maintaining optimal moisture.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

How to prepare the soil

The soil for a mini-garden should contain approximately 60% garden land, 20% humus and 20% sand. Before planting, the earth is disinfected by freezing or pouring boiling water. Cover the bottom of the pot with a layer of 3 cm of sand, expanded clay or small pebbles.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

โ€œIndoorโ€ vegetables

The most common garden crops โ€“ tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers โ€“ can be easily grown at home, providing them with the necessary conditions for growth, flowering and fruiting..

Tomatoes at home

To get a harvest on the windowsill, it is enough to follow the same agricultural techniques as when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • water abundantly with lukewarm water under the root;
  • periodically feed โ€“ 2 tbsp. l. manure and 1 tsp. ash per 1 liter of water;
  • pinch for fruit formation.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Tomato seeds are sown in January, in February they sprout, in March they are transplanted into roomy pots, by June the tomatoes reach a meter, and in July the first harvest can be taken โ€“ about 20 fruits per bush. Tomatoes grow, bloom until November and yield 2-3 more times.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Peppers on the window

Before sowing, pepper seeds are soaked in a damp cloth for 2 days.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Pots with a diameter of 15 cm are filled with fertile soil poured with boiling water. Before emergence, the pots are covered with foil and kept in a warm place..

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Peppers are regularly fed using a solution: 1 tsp. urea per 10 liters of water, consumption of 0.5 liters per bush. The water temperature during feeding and watering should be at least 30 degrees.

When the plant reaches a height of 1 m, pinch the top. With good care, nutrition and lighting, peppers bear fruit almost all year round..

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

How to grow cucumbers in winter

Cucumber loves light and warmth, therefore, to grow this crop, it is necessary to have a plastic window facing south, southeast and southwest, without drafts. One plant requires about 5 liters of soil, not abundant, but frequent watering. Fertilize cucumbers with mineral fertilizer every week. The main shoot is pinched over 11-12 leaves โ€“ the plant begins to actively bear fruit.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Greenery on the windowsill

Perennial spicy plants that grow all summer in the garden and delight with fresh greens can be transplanted into indoor pots for the winter. Timely watering, moderate air temperature from 18 to 20 degrees โ€“ and uninterrupted growing of parsley, basil, tarragon is provided for the whole winter.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Parsley is planted in separate pots for 2-3 grains. On a light windowsill, when watering once a week, without waterlogging, subject to the temperature regime, greens can be cut off after 2 weeks.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

By planting a few grains of basil in a soil mixture on a sunny, draft-free place and sprinkling it a day or two before germination, you can enjoy the generous fragrant seasoning all winter.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

The main thing for a mini-garden is lighting.

To grow plants in winter on a windowsill, you need to install additional lighting for plants for 10-12 hours in December-January.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

If you have enough patience until the end of winter, you can do without expensive lighting equipment. In January, daylight hours increase and crops give quick shoots, but provided that the garden is located on the southern, southeastern or southwestern windowsill.

Kitchen garden on the windowsill

Other directions of the cardinal points for indoor vegetable growing are not very suitable without installing additional lighting.

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Comments: 3
  1. Giselle

    What are some essential tips for starting a kitchen garden on a windowsill?

    1. Nova Kelley

      Starting a kitchen garden on a windowsill is an excellent way to grow fresh herbs or veggies even with limited space. Here are some essential tips to get you started:

      1. Choose the right location: Ensure your windowsill receives adequate sunlight for at least 5-6 hours a day, as most edible plants require ample sunlight to thrive.

      2. Select suitable containers: Use pots or containers with proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Ensure the containers fit comfortably on your windowsill without blocking light.

      3. Use quality soil: Choose a well-draining potting mix that is rich in nutrients. Avoid garden soil, as it may contain pests or diseases that could harm your plants.

      4. Start with easy-to-grow herbs: Beginner-friendly herbs like basil, mint, parsley, or chives are ideal choices. They grow well in containers and are versatile additions in the kitchen.

      5. Water adequately: Avoid overwatering by allowing the top layer of soil to dry out slightly before watering again. Be mindful not to let the plants sit in standing water to avoid root rot.

      6. Consider companion planting: Some plants benefit from being planted together. For instance, pairing basil with tomatoes can improve the flavor and repel pests.

      7. Provide appropriate care: Prune your plants regularly to promote growth and prevent them from becoming leggy. Fertilize occasionally with organic plant food to replenish nutrients.

      8. Rotate plants: To ensure even sunlight exposure, rotate your pots every few days to prevent one side from receiving more light than the other.

      9. Watch out for pests: Check for pests frequently, as they can easily affect indoor plants. Use organic pest control methods like neem oil if necessary.

      10. Harvest regularly: Harvest leaves or veggies frequently, which encourages plant growth and ensures a continuous supply of fresh produce.

      Remember, starting a kitchen garden on a windowsill requires patience and care. By implementing these tips, you can enjoy the pleasure of growing your own herbs or vegetables right at home.

  2. Carter Campbell

    Can you please provide some tips for starting a kitchen garden on the windowsill? Iโ€™m interested in growing herbs or small vegetables but have limited space. Any suggestions on suitable plants, soil, and watering techniques would be greatly appreciated!

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