
Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

This WordPress post provides a comprehensive guide to selecting the ideal grass seed for the lawn and caring for it. It details the various advantages of different grass seeds and the challenges of growing certain grasses. Additionally, tips for planting and caring for the grass, including when to mow, fertilize, and water, are presented. Finally, the post discusses the importance of choosing the right type of grass seed and regular lawn maintenance for the best results. This post helps readers to make the right selection of grass seed for their lawn and provides useful instructions for successful, long-term lawn care.

Recommendation points

The quality of the lawn depends on the correct preparation of the soil, the choice of a mixture of herbs suitable for the climatic conditions, regular watering, mowing and fertilizing. We must not forget about weeds, diseases and pests. Letโ€™s talk about the correct arrangement of the lawn and about caring for it.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Types of lawns

Before you start a beautiful lawn on your personal plot, you need to decide on its purpose. The lawn is decorative, sports and special. Ornamental lawn is a parterre, landscape gardening, meadow and Moorish.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Soil preparation

1. The first stage of work โ€“ cleaning the area from debris, stones, fallen branches. Garbage should not be buried in the ground, bald spots may appear in this place in the future.

2. About 20 cm of the fertile soil layer is removed and removed to the side โ€“ it will still come in handy. The prepared site is dug to a depth of 25 cm, leveled, the remaining bumps and hills are cut off, the holes are filled up.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

3. The third stage is preparation of drainage. A layer of gravel is poured onto the infertile layer and rolled with a roller weighing 100 kg, then a layer of sand โ€“ and also compacted.

4. The removed fertile soil layer is sieved through a metal mesh, stones, roots and stems are removed. The soil prepared in this way is scattered in an even layer over the tamped drainage and rolled with a roller. This is the simplest way to build a drainage system..

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

5. The next preparatory stage is regular, two-week watering of the soil. Watering provokes the growth of weeds. They are fought with a chemical method โ€“ they are sprayed with herbicides (for example, Roundup or Reglon) or harvested by hand. Withered weeds are removed.

Attention! Sowing of lawn grasses after chemical treatment is carried out only after 3-4 weeks.

Herbal selection

There are four main types of lawn grasses:

  • field grass;
  • fescue;
  • ryegrass;
  • bluegrass.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

For each type of lawn, they add their own seeds, for example, for the Moorish โ€“ cornflower, poppy, forget-me-not, red flax. For landscape gardening โ€“ in addition to the indicated basic ones, a wheat grass, a hedgehog team is added. For a meadow lawn, rump, wheatgrass, timothy are added to the main herbs.

For sowing, use a well-chosen mixture of lawn grasses. It is better not to sow a grass mixture with a ryegrass content of more than 20% โ€“ it only lives for 4 years, like a field grass, after which the lawn begins to hurt. It is best to mix bluegrass and ryegrass, but not more than 10% of the latter. You can sow bluegrass fescue for a long-lasting lawn that can survive in damp, shaded areas.


Before sowing, the plot is loosened with a rake to a depth of 2 cm. Grass is sown manually or with a seeder in dry and calm weather. The grass mixture is mixed with sand 1: 1, half is sown, scattering along the site, the other half โ€“ across.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Then the site is loosened with a fan rake and compacted with a roller. After that, the lawn is watered by sprinkling.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Attention! To protect the sown seeds from birds, the lawn is covered with a non-woven material.

Sprouts appear on the 7th day, after 3 weeks all the sown herbs sprout. The best time for sowing is spring to mid-May and summer: July, August. You can sow seeds before winter, in November, in spring they sprout together. On the packaging of the mixture, the manufacturer indicates how many seeds are required for 1 m2 โ€“ usually 50 g of seeds. Observe this rate when sowing.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care


Starting from March and ending in late autumn, the lawn must be regularly looked after โ€“ it will not be possible to lie on the lawn for a long time.


Lawn grasses require phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. At the very beginning of the lawn growth, in May, after the first mowing, the first fertilizing with minerals is carried out. At this time, most of all, lawn grasses need nitrogen (normally 0.5 kg of nitrogen per 100 m2).

It is best to apply complex fertilizers: in order for nitrogen to be well absorbed by the soil, phosphorus and potassium must be present. The most optimal ratio N: P: K = 4: 1: 2, and in winter 1: 3: 10 โ€“ there is not enough nitrogen so that diseases do not develop, and potassium is ten times more to strengthen the root system and prevent plants from bursting from frozen water.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

According to the established norms, the lawn requires 1.5 kg of nitrogen, 0.5 kg of phosphorus and 1 kg of potassium per 100 m per season2. Top dressing is carried out in May, June, July. Sometimes, in addition, in August, they carry out another, half feeding with complex fertilizer.

When feeding, the soil should be moist and the grass dry. Watering is carried out only after fertilization. Fertilizers are best applied after mowing..


Watering the lawn is rarely necessary, but abundant, alternating with thorough drying of the soil. With abundant watering, a rich root system is formed, the resistance of plants to temperature extremes and diseases increases.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Watering is arranged 1-2 times a week, the required volume is 1 m2 about 30-40 liters of water. With such a flow rate, water penetrates 15โ€“20 cm deep into the soil โ€“ this is the norm. You can water in this way one day a week, or you can do it in 2 days and no longer water for a week, allowing the lawn to dry well.

It is better to water in the morning or in the evening, but with high humidity, evening watering is canceled so that moss and disease do not appear.


It is necessary to mow the lawn, even neglected, weekly, but not more than 30% of the grass height. If you cut more, the herbs will be more susceptible to stress and disease..

The optimal height of lawn grasses (for garden and park lawns) for mowing is 7 cm. Golf lawns, for example, are mowed up to 2 cm.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

The frequency of mowing depends on the growth rate of the grass. In dry, hot weather, or, conversely, in a cold lawn grows slowly. Lawn grasses grow especially well at a temperature of +20 โ€ฆ + 23 ยฐ ะก, in such weather they cut the lawn once every 2 weeks. It is not recommended to cut the grass after watering or rain, it is heavy and tilts towards the ground.

For your information. The Moorish lawn is mown once โ€“ in the fall, leaving the grass 10 cm high.

Weed and pest control

Usually, if the lawn is well tended, it is difficult for the weeds to break through the sod-forming grasses (except for dandelion, it is removed with a lawn knife).

Moss appearing on acidic or waterlogged soils can cause problems. Moss also appears on soil lacking nitrogen. Therefore, you need to timely feed the lawn with complex fertilizer. Sometimes herbicides are used to control weeds..

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

The roots of lawn grasses love field mice, fight them in the fall, laying out poisoned baits.

Moles feed on earthworms and insect larvae that live in the lawn, dig holes.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

They fight moles with traps.


Often the lawn is affected by fungal diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew is a disease of herbs growing in the shade. A white bloom appears on the stems, after a while the plant turns yellow and dies.
  2. Snow mold appears in spring, after the snow melts โ€“ light spots are visible against the general brown background. The disease disappears spontaneously with the growth of grass, but severe damage heals slowly, they are noticeable almost until mid-summer.
  3. With fusarium, the grass dries up, brown rounded spots are visible on the lawn, with a diameter of several centimeters to a meter.
  4. With helminthosporium, leaves and roots are affected, this is manifested by yellowish spots of irregular shape.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Attention! A diseased lawn needs to be dried more often and watered less often. When feeding, limit nitrogen fertilizers and add potash and phosphorus in larger quantities.


As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, aeration is urgently needed. Lawn grasses: fescue, bent grass, meadow bluegrass are prone to natural regeneration. Their roots stretch to the resulting voids in places of dead grasses, bald spots. To speed up the recovery process, bald spots are pierced with a pitchfork to allow air to reach the plant roots..

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Aeration is carried out without waiting for the onset of diseases, for the prevention of diseases, for better development of the root system of herbs, normalizing the flow of moisture to the roots. The first time is in the spring, after the ground has completely thawed. If the lawn area is large, a mechanical aerator or aeration machine can be used, if not, a simple pitchfork is suitable. Approximately โ€“ you need to make 100 punctures per 1 m2.


For the formation of new buds and strengthening the density of the lawn, as well as for the prevention of diseases, scarification is carried out โ€“ combing out a layer of dead grasses or moss, dissecting the rhizomes with special blades. This event takes place 2 times a year: in spring and before the first snow.

Lawn device: selection of grass seeds, planting, care

Finally. The lawn requires close attention all year round. In summer, it is necessary to carefully and continuously look after him, and in winter โ€“ to make sure that the soil does not freeze, in a severe winter it was covered with a sufficiently thick layer of snow.

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Comments: 2
  1. Levi Nelson

    What are the key factors to consider when selecting grass seeds for my lawn? How should I go about planting them? And what kind of care do different types of grass seeds require to ensure a healthy and lush lawn?

    1. Brooklyn Bailey

      When selecting grass seeds for your lawn, the key factors to consider include the climate of your area, the amount of sunlight your lawn receives, the amount of foot traffic the area gets, and the soil type. Itโ€™s important to choose grass seeds that are well-suited to these conditions to ensure they thrive.

      To plant grass seeds, start by preparing the soil by removing any debris and loosening the top layer. Next, spread the seeds evenly over the soil and lightly cover them with a thin layer of topsoil. Water the area regularly to keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate.

      Different types of grass seeds require different care to ensure a healthy and lush lawn. For cool-season grasses like fescue or ryegrass, they thrive in cooler temperatures and require regular watering and fertilizing. Warm-season grasses like Bermuda or Zoysia do better in hotter climates and need less water but more sunlight. Overall, regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing are essential for maintaining a healthy lawn regardless of the grass type.

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