
Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

This WordPress post explores the unique and beautiful landscape design of the Mediterranean style. Integrating elements of the sea and sky into the landscape, this style helps create a sense of unity and peace to admirers. Advantageously, such an outdoor living area is low-maintenance and contains an eye-catching combination of stone and other textures. Furthermore, Mediterranean-style gardens can include traditional Italian features such as terra-cotta containers, rustic wood arbors, and cobblestones. Add a touch of the Mediterranean to your outdoor living space by using the style’s signature blend of elements to create an idyllic oasis.

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The article talks about the Mediterranean style of landscape design. It is ideal for small areas and does not require constant maintenance. The main difficulty in its arrangement is landscaping, but this task is quite within the power of lovers of the sun and Mediterranean exoticism.

Harmony with nature in eternal relaxation

Mediterranean Sea, sun, sandy and stone beaches, rocky shores, riot of greenery, flowers and eternal relaxation. The creation of such a piece of paradise in your small, and not at all southern site will be the main task of the owner who has chosen this style.

You can equip the site, guided by general principles, or you can focus on the style of a specific country – Greece, Italy, Turkey. The most important thing to remember is that the general view of the site should not remind you of the hard work invested in the creation of landscape design, but should be conducive to serene relaxation and fun.

Composition principles and zoning issues

By the principle of construction, the Mediterranean style is close to the Moorish one: a small plot, a back patio, a backyard fence. But many Mediterranean chalets have open front gardens on the front side of the house, and the task of reliably hiding their life is not posed.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

The most interesting feature of the compositional solution is the absence of a center. All elements fulfill their intended purpose and there is absolutely no need to take care of their semantic connection with each other.

The appearance of the style does not gravitate towards novelty and good quality of buildings. The main thing is that they are whitewashed and painted in the colors traditional for the style – white, blue, yellow, terracotta.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Perspective in Mediterranean style planning

The coast of the Mediterranean Sea in many places is represented by cliffs that abruptly break off to the water. This makes Mediterranean landscaping a great find for slope or hilltop sites. The more blue sky you can see from the highest point of the site, the better. Such a perspective will create the illusion of the close presence of the sea, a special mood.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

It is very important to provide a sense of the vastness of the sky. It is great if at least one side of the site opens up a view of the distant horizons, and there is no place for tall trees blocking the view.

Small forms, fountains, paths – characteristic features of the style

A very important advantage that distinguishes it favorably from ethnic gardens that are quite complex in stylization is a huge number of elements, methods and design techniques that will easily and effortlessly help make the style recognizable.

The fountain arrangement is optional. But the merrily gurgling jets of water falling into the stone bowl will revive the composition and create the right mood. When creating a fountain, you can safely use expensive natural materials and cobblestones at hand. Statues, bas-reliefs, frescoes can be used in the composition of the fountain. Unlike the fountains of Mauritania or China, Mediterranean fountains can nestle in secluded corners without pretending to be special.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Picturesque ruins are a simple stylization device. You can use parts of statues, shards of pottery, parts of facade decorations, stylized Greek and Roman columns.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Unlike most ethnic styles, Mediterranean involves the presence of a large number of different sculptures depicting people, animals, heroes of myths and legends..

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Sculptures can be free-standing, can be an element of compositional groups. But here, too, it is very important to show a sense of proportion and taste. A huge number of senselessly placed sculptures of the garden style will not add.

Mediterranean-style paths are laid according to one rule – to be comfortable.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Basically, paving with natural stone, tiles of natural colors is used for paths. In various areas of the garden, you can lay out areas of non-strict geometric shapes from natural solid stone slabs.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

The hallmark of the Mediterranean is clay pots, amphorae and vessels. In whole or in broken form, it must be present in the form of flower pots, parts of sculptural and fountain compositions, and simply by themselves.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

garden furniture

This is the rare occasion that almost any piece of furniture will fit. Openwork wrought iron benches, vintage tables and chairs, stone and even marble benches placed in the most cozy corners of the garden.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Pergola – Mediterranean gazebo

The Mediterranean style recreation area is characterized by the presence of pergolas or open sheds. Initially, the pergola was a structure supporting the vine, and over time has become a hallmark of Mediterranean landscape design.

They are best placed in places with the best views. Wood is most often used to make pergolas, but both stone and forged metal can be used..

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Usually the recreation area is located next to the barbecue area. Recently popular brick braziers will fit perfectly into the style. Especially if you place nearby arches entwined with greenery, openwork gratings, on which you can hang pots and containers with flowers.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Mediterranean style landscaping

At first glance, it may seem that the selection and care of plants is very difficult, but this is not entirely true. The Mediterranean style allows for some neglect and neglect. We can say that this style is just a godsend for those who like to take care of their garden, but do not spend a lot of time cutting and weeding. When arranging a garden, you can do without exotic heat-loving plants, and use those that are able to winter in the open field.

For example, in recent years, breeders delight gardeners with new frost-resistant grape varieties, the vine of which has bright, juicy greens, and at the same time is capable of bearing fruit, creating the desired color and mood.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

An irreplaceable plant is the maiden, or wild grape. Within a few years, it will cover all vertical surfaces of the site, without requiring special care.

Climbing roses, clematis, adlumia, honeysuckle are also perfect for vertical gardening..

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

Plants in pots and containers bring the landscape to life. They can be placed and hung literally anywhere – on the walls and windows of the house, on the fence and pergola, on trees, next to garden furniture. The brighter and more varied the color palette, the better.

From flowering plants, varietal roses, multi-colored geraniums, cable carriages, ageratum, amaranth (shiritsa), chrysanthemums and begonias.

Pool decoration

Usually, ethnic styles do not imply a swimming pool, most often artificial reservoirs perform only decorative functions. Mediterranean style is an exception. The pool on the site will be the finishing touch to create a place for a carefree relaxation. The most important thing is to bring the pool design in full style..

When constructing it, a contrasting blue-yellow-white color scheme is most often used. The decoration uses natural stone, mosaic. The pool must be kept perfectly clean, the water must always be clean and transparent.

Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea

A properly arranged Mediterranean-style plot with its cheerful colors and thoughtful design will allow its owners to feel like a Mediterranean resort, even on gloomy and rainy days.

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Comments: 1
  1. Carter Campbell

    The Mediterranean landscape is renowned for its breathtaking beauty, seamlessly blending with the endless sky and the shimmering sea. But what makes this harmony between land, sky, and water so unique? Is it the vibrant colors, the rugged terrains, or the rich history? And how can we embrace this unity in our own surroundings? I’m curious to know your thoughts and experiences with the Mediterranean style.

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