
Mini greenhouse on the balcony: examples of arrangement

This WordPress post showcases examples of how to best arrange a mini greenhouse on your balcony. It details the advantages of having such a greenhouse on a balcony, including providing access to fresh vegetables and herbs nearby at all times, reducing the need to buy certain groceries, and enabling one to garden during the winter. It also elaborates on the unique qualities of the mini greenhouse, such as how to get the most out of the limited space, how to best use a transparent roof, and how to place the containers with plants. Furthermore, the post provides brilliant photographs of different arrangements of mini greenhouses on balconies, as well as tips on gardening basics.

Even if you don’t have the smallest piece of land, this is not a reason to give up your own greens and early vegetables. Our tips site will show and tell you how you can organize a mini-greenhouse on the balcony, loggia and just the windowsill of the most ordinary apartment.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

The portal wrote a lot about greenhouses, how to make them with your own hands. Now let’s talk specifically about mini-greenhouses, which will not take up much space, but will allow you to grow greens, vegetables and other plants at home, right on the balcony or loggia. The main difference from an ordinary greenhouse is that the soil is in pots, flowerpots, boxes, the presence of which you will have to worry about.

For the rest, you can build a wooden or metal frame with your own hands, on which an ordinary plastic film will be stretched. The dimensions of the structure must correspond to the volume of a flowerpot or box with soil.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

You can just buy such a ready-made metal rack with so-called soft windows, simply plastic curtains. Conveniently, a lot of containers with flowers, herbs and vegetable seedlings will fit. There is such a greenhouse rack measuring 0.5×0.7×1.58 meters 1900 rubles.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Alternatively, the same rack, but already covered with a mesh film, and not with soft plastic curtains.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Another type is greenhouse closets. Small but roomy and easy to use. Not only the doors open, but also the roof, and the pallets on the shelves will place many plants. They will be protected from cold by transparent or matte plastic, glass is rarely used now because of its fragility and high weight. Such mini-greenhouses cost about 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the material and size.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Mini greenhouses on wheels will be convenient to move if necessary. In addition, you can choose a more compact, not so tall option..

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Another very budget and easy way to organize a mini greenhouse on the balcony is to use old window frames. Sometimes such designs look ugly, but they cope perfectly with protecting plants from the cold. Be sure to make one of the frames fully openable for easy care of the seedlings.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Despite all the convenience of mini-greenhouses, they can become a source of dirt on the balcony and loggia. You have to fiddle with the soil, replant, water regularly – this is not just work, but also the time spent cleaning after it.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Be sure to think about where you will store a supply of fertilizers and soil, tools and a watering can that will be required to care for plants.

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

Mini greenhouse on the balcony

If there is very little space for a greenhouse, you can use these plant houses that fit perfectly on the windowsill. Or just cover a flowerpot or drawer with plastic. Yes, you can’t grow tall tomatoes in such a greenhouse, but fresh herbs all year round for the whole family are quite. The main thing is that the greenhouse allows you to create a comfortable microclimate for plants. To do this, you will need to provide backlighting, especially on short winter and cloudy days..

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Comments: 4
  1. Luke Brooks

    Can anyone provide some examples or suggestions for arranging a mini greenhouse on a balcony? I’m interested in creating one but could use some inspiration on how to set it up effectively. Any tips or photos would be greatly appreciated!

    1. John Holmes

      Sure! Here are a few suggestions for arranging a mini greenhouse on a balcony:

      1. Select a suitable location: Choose a spot on your balcony that receives ample sunlight and is protected from strong winds.

      2. Choose an appropriate greenhouse: Opt for a compact, portable greenhouse that fits your balcony size. There are various options available, such as tiered shelving units, pop-up greenhouses, or hanging planters.

      3. Ensure proper ventilation: Adequate airflow is crucial for plant health. Consider using small fans or opening windows to maintain good circulation.

      4. Consider shelving or hanging options: Use shelves or hanging baskets to maximize vertical space and accommodate more plants. This can include various herbs, flowers, or even small vegetables.

      5. Invest in temperature control: Mini greenhouses can experience temperature fluctuations. Use a thermometer to monitor heat levels and consider using shade cloths or small heaters if necessary.

      6. Watering and drainage: Ensure proper watering and drainage systems. Use trays under pots to collect excess water and prevent water damage on your balcony.

      7. Utilize space-saving techniques: Consider using trellises, vertical gardening systems, or wall-mounted planters to utilize every inch of available space efficiently.

      Remember to research the specific needs of your chosen plants and adjust your setup accordingly. For visual inspiration, search “balcony mini greenhouse” online to find photos of various setups that can assist you in creating your own.

      1. Alexander Ellis

        Sure! Here are a few suggestions for arranging a mini greenhouse on a balcony:

        1. Select a suitable location: Choose a spot on your balcony that receives ample sunlight and is protected from strong winds.
        2. Choose an appropriate greenhouse: Opt for a compact, portable greenhouse that fits your balcony size. There are various options available, such as tiered shelving units, pop-up greenhouses, or hanging planters.
        3. Ensure proper ventilation: Adequate airflow is crucial for plant health. Consider using small fans or opening windows to maintain good circulation.
        4. Consider shelving or hanging options: Use shelves or hanging baskets to maximize vertical space and accommodate more plants. This can include various herbs, flowers, or even small vegetables.
        5. Invest in temperature control: Mini greenhouses can experience temperature fluctuations. Use a thermometer to monitor heat levels and consider using shade cloths or small heaters if necessary.
        6. Watering and drainage: Ensure proper watering and drainage systems. Use trays under pots to collect excess water and prevent water damage on your balcony.
        7. Utilize space-saving techniques: Consider using trellises, vertical gardening systems, or wall-mounted planters to utilize every inch of available space efficiently.

        Remember to research the specific needs of your chosen plants and adjust your setup accordingly. For visual inspiration, search “balcony mini greenhouse” online to find photos of various setups that can assist you in creating your own.

    2. Jeremiah Harris

      One idea for arranging a mini greenhouse on a balcony is to use tiered shelving to maximize space. Place the taller plants on the bottom shelves and smaller ones on the top to ensure everything gets enough sunlight. Use hanging planters or hooks to free up additional space. Consider incorporating a trellis for climbing plants. Use lightweight, weather-resistant materials for the frame to keep it stable. Make sure to leave enough room for you to easily access and care for your plants. Utilize small pots and containers to grow a variety of plants. Incorporate a small watering system to keep your plants hydrated. Overall, be creative and make sure to personalize your mini greenhouse to suit your balcony space and needs. Good luck with your project!

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