Planting large trees in questions and answers

This WordPress post examines the advantages of planting large trees in both urban and suburban areas. It highlights that planting larger trees bring a number of benefits to an environment. These include improved air quality, increased energy efficiency, increased biodiversity, and enhanced aesthetics. Additionally, large trees can help capture and filter pollutants and reduce stormwater runoff. Not to mention, planting larger trees can potentially reduce a building's energy needs. With all these advantages, this post indicates planting larger trees is an effective way to reduce the effects of climate change.

Large trees on the site look much more attractive than seedlings. Often, the owners decide to purchase large-sized trees so that the landscape design immediately looks complete, the garden bears fruit, and there is no need to wait for the trees to grow. Our tips site will answer all your questions about planting large trees.

Planting large trees in questions and answers

Let’s say you weren’t able to save the trees during the construction of the house, or there were none at first, and the “bare” area looks unattractive, there is no shadow. In this case, planting large-sized trees will justify all the effort and expense..

  1. What are large-sized ones in general? These are already mature trees 2–4 years old. For conifers, the standard height is from 3 meters, for deciduous trees – from 5 meters. Many gardeners refer to large-sized trees in general, all trees, around the root system of which an earthen ball has already formed, and when planting, you have to use a special technique;

Planting large trees in questions and answers

  1. What large-sized plants can be transplanted? Yes, any: fruit, decorative, deciduous, coniferous;

Important! In any case, an adult tree tolerates transplanting worse than a tiny seedling. And the older the tree, and often the age of large trees reaches 10-15 years, the more difficult it will be for it to take root in a new place..

  1. When exactly is the best time to replant large-sized plants? Most often, adult fruit trees, like seedlings, are transplanted in early autumn so that they can acclimatize in a new place before winter. However, if you have a harsh climate and you decide to plant exotic trees, then it is better to do this in the spring, when there will definitely be no frost. There is an opinion that in winter large-sized animals can more easily endure a change of place, because the tree is asleep, all active processes have frozen. But in severe winter in severe frosts, it will be more difficult to prepare a pit for planting. In general, gardeners are good at both winter and autumn-spring tree planting;

Planting large trees in questions and answers

  1. How to choose large size? Buy trees from proven nurseries with a good reputation. It is best to choose the type of tree for your climate. It is clear that the tree must be in good condition, with no visible signs of disease. If in doubt, consult a dendrologist, such a specialist should be in every nursery. In addition, it is important that the seller gives you a minimum one-year warranty;

Planting large trees in questions and answers

  1. Is it better to buy large-sized containers or from open ground? Trees growing in containers tolerate transportation and replanting better, their root system has adapted to the enclosed space. But you will not be able to assess the condition of the root system before transplanting. Trees from open ground must be replanted every two to three years before being bought. Thanks to this, they have strong roots, and the crown changes position relative to the cardinal points. It’s up to you, both options are good;

Planting large trees in questions and answers

  1. How to prepare a site for planting large trees? Of course, large trees should be located at least 5 meters from the walls of buildings, two meters from the fence, not to interfere with neighbors and the passage of vehicles. Choose a place on the site thoughtfully, the transplant will be associated with additional hassle and costs. Dig a hole for a large size meter a week before planting so that the soil is saturated with oxygen. The size of the hole should be twice the height of the clod of earth around the roots and three times its diameter. Fill the bottom with expanded clay, a little sand, on top of a mixture of peat, humus, black soil. And only then place the tree. The lump of earth itself around the roots should be 10 times the diameter of the trunk. Do not forget that the earth will gradually settle, so the lump should raise 10 centimeters above the ground. The portal has already written how to plant an orchard correctly. By the way, the burlap, which is wrapped around a clod of earth around the roots, can not be removed – this is a natural material that will gradually decompose in the soil;

Planting large trees in questions and answers

  1. How to care for a large dog in the first years after planting? We wrote what kind of care conifers need. General rules for all large sizes:
    • Special care is needed in the first two to three years, until a new root system is formed;
    • Watering is imperative if there is no rain during the week;
    • Take care of mulching the trunk circle to keep moisture longer;
    • For the first two years, secure the tree with stretch marks so that it can calmly take root in a new place;
    • Do not forget about whitewashing the trunks;
    • Periodically, trees need to be fed using biologically active substances.

Planting large trees in questions and answers

Large-sized plants are, of course, more expensive than seedlings. For example, if a one-year apple tree seedling can be bought for 350-400 rubles, then an adult tree will cost from 1000 rubles. Plus costs for special equipment, a crane that you are most likely to need when landing.

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  1. Mia Campbell

    Can you please provide more information about the purpose or context of “planting large trees in questions and answers?” Are you referring to a metaphor or symbolic representation, or do you mean literally planting trees during a question and answer session? Clarifying your question would help in providing a more accurate response.

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