
Weed control: how not to lose the vegetable garden battle

This WordPress post focuses on effective weed control in vegetable gardens. It explores the importance of properly managing weeds in order to optimize space, soil, and water costs, ensuring healthy plants and a bountiful harvest. It covers practical steps such as proper timing, spacing, and cultivation to ensure efficient weed control, as well as the advantages of mulch and proper irrigation. With this advice, gardeners can win the war against weeds and be successful in their vegetable gardens.

Recommendation points

How weeds complicate the life of summer residents, which, despite all efforts, continue to grow actively and appear as if from nowhere! There are especially tenacious plants that are very difficult to defeat the first time. We will present you the methods of dealing with the most resistant weeds.

Weed control: how not to lose the vegetable garden battle

There is a separate article about hogweed, which is the fastest spreading, malicious, tenacious, dangerous to human health, we would say, a powerful weed in many regions of our country, so we will not dwell on the fight against this plant. Letโ€™s deal with other weeds that are common in our beds.

Sow thistle

In Ukraine, he is often called the thug. A very nasty plant, which is difficult to approach because of the many thorns. At the same time, ordinary weeding does not help, because the sow thistle root deepens by 18 centimeters and even the smallest remaining root will quickly sprout. This pest should be dealt with promptly, until the seeds appear, which will immediately scatter throughout the garden.

Field thug

You will need gardening gloves, armed with which you must try to pull the entire root out of the ground. Did it fail or are the sow thistle thickets too large? You will have to mow, regularly, until the plant depletes its strength, that is, starve out. For a long time, yes, but chemical agents such as Lontrel and Roundup cannot be used on the areas where you have cultivated plants, these are continuous herbicides.

Woodlice or stellate

The appearance of this weed clearly shows that there is little sun on the site, the summer is rainy, and the soil is too acidic. In such conditions, woodlice replaces several generations per season, multiplying very actively. Efficiency is important in this case, the weed should be removed before flowering.


It is difficult to pull out woodlice completely, because even one piece of the stem or a leaf that has fallen on damp ground can give shoots. It is better to try to pull it out on a hot sunny day so that the shoots have time to dry out. It is advisable to use a hoe or flat cutter, but it is best to create conditions in which the wood louse will be uncomfortable. For this, ash, chalk or lime should be added to the soil. The acidity of the soil will decrease and the weed will disappear by itself.

To dream

It even blooms beautifully, with inflorescences of small white flowers. But for the garden, moaning is a real disaster. The roots reach 40 centimeters and literally penetrate everything around, so it is incredibly difficult to pull them out โ€“ they will give new shoots. Only a complete deep digging of the soil will help, and all the roots should be collected. Grass can be mowed, flower stalks can be cut off to contain spread and reduce plant activity.

Runny ordinary

You can also plant potatoes in an area with dampness, this plant does not tolerate hilling and will disappear from the planted garden. Chemical attacks are also effective, but you have to act very carefully, repeating the procedure several times per season..

Creeping wheatgrass

Familiar grass, right? It survives almost everywhere, persistently spreading through the garden and beds. The roots penetrate into the ground up to one meter, and the plant itself can give up to 10 thousand seeds, which will germinate in just two weeks! At the same time, wheatgrass is able to lure very harmful insects into the garden, for example, wireworms and stem scoops.

Creeping wheatgrass

Digging with a pitchfork to a depth of at least 30 centimeters will help to destroy wheatgrass. In this case, the roots will have to be carefully selected from the ground with your hands. Lawn grass or clover will help to suppress wheatgrass, which should be used to sow the affected area. Roundup is also effective, but it is impossible for it to get on cultivated plants, we remind you of this.


An incredibly stubborn plant. We weeded the garden bed โ€“ after two or three days, there are again small shoots of fleshy green leaves on brownish shoots on it. It is difficult to pull out such small plants by hand, the stems break, the roots remain in the ground, and they spread quickly, then reaching a solid size and literally creeping along the ground.

Garden purslane

It is very important to pull out the root completely, preventing it from giving new shoots. And if you allow flowering, you will get about 40 thousand more seeds, which will literally dot the garden. Deep digging helps well, as does the complete removal of the roots. But seeds can survive for decades, so prepare for a new battle with purslane next year..

Mulching (only a sufficiently thick layer, not less than five centimeters) and covering the beds with agroperlite are universal methods of combating all weeds without exception. This is a special black fabric that will not allow anything living to germinate. For cultivated plants, holes can be cut in agroperlite.

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Comments: 2
  1. Logan Porter

    Iโ€™m curious to know what effective strategies or tips you have for winning the battle against weeds in a vegetable garden? Any suggestions on how to prevent their growth or eliminate them without harming the plants we intend to cultivate?

    1. Addison Dawson

      There are several effective strategies for winning the battle against weeds in a vegetable garden. First, maintaining a thick layer of mulch around your plants can help suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight and preventing weed seeds from germinating. Hand weeding is also crucial, especially when weeds are small and easier to remove. Itโ€™s important to remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth. Another approach is to regularly hoe or cultivate the soil to disrupt weed growth and prevent them from establishing. Additionally, utilizing weed barriers or landscape fabric can help prevent weed growth by blocking their access to sunlight. Another preventive measure is practicing crop rotation and intercropping, which can help in crowding out weeds and maintaining a healthy garden ecosystem. Finally, applying organic mulch like straw or compost can nourish the soil while discouraging weed growth. Always be cautious with herbicides, as these can harm the desired plants and should only be used as a last resort.

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