
How to avoid freezing of plastic windows

This WordPress post provides helpful tips and advice to avoid any potentially damaging consequences of frozen plastic windows. It is essential to take precautions before cold weather arrives by sealing/insulating plastic windows and regularly lubricating the tracks. Additionally, a window well cover should be securely placed to keep out any debris and excess moisture while preventing drafts from entering the house. The post also suggests examining all window components and caulk regularly to maintain a good working condition. Following these steps will help protect plastic windows from freezing and extend the longevity of windows while saving energy.

Recommendation points

During the onset of cold weather, it is often necessary to observe such an unpleasant phenomenon as freezing of plastic windows. For what reason is this happening, because such structures in themselves should not contribute to the formation of condensation in the apartment? The thing is that, having changed the conditions of the microclimate, it is imperative to change the well-established methods of operation..

The main causes of condensation

As you know, air contains a certain amount of water vapor. Accordingly, if there is an increased level of humidity in the room, then fog is formed, which tends to settle in the coldest areas. It is for this reason that you can often see droplets of moisture on pipes or misted glass in the bathroom, while the corners of the apartment and double-glazed windows are no exception..

How to avoid freezing of plastic windows

The main reasons that lead to an increased content of water vapor in a living room are as follows: in the kitchen, cooking inevitably entails increased steam generation; in the bathroom, water is constantly used, which affects the increase in humidity. And finally, surprisingly, the bedroom is also the cause of the appearance of humid air: this is explained by the fact that during sleep, about one liter of water evaporates from the surface of the human body. So it is very important to air the rooms often..

In addition to the main reasons, there are additional points that provoke increased moisture formation. These include various kinds of repair work, namely: plaster, whitewash. Redevelopment, performed without observing special building codes, also leads to this..

Quite often, there is a situation when standard heating radiators are replaced with newer and improved ones, but the necessary heat engineering calculations are not carried out. As a result, the heat balance and temperature in the apartment decrease..

Radiators, in fact, play an important role in heating the window opening, but the wide window sills above them impede the circulation of hot air and, therefore, lead to increased moisture content..

Reasons for fogging windows

So, it becomes clear that plastic structures are prone to such an unpleasant manifestation as condensation, which not only spoils the appearance, but also becomes the cause of fungus. At the slightest sign of this, it is necessary to solve something as soon as possible. Otherwise, dampness will develop and destroy the structure of the windows..

As a rule, condensation and freezing appear in the lower part of the structure: this is primarily due to the fact that the air is colder below. Good heating in the room will not only help to reduce humidity in it, but also protect the double-glazed windows from breakage.

How to avoid freezing of plastic windows

Methods for dealing with freezing windows

This problem can be fought, but it is still better to warn it in advance, adhering to the basic rules of operation. An excellent way out of the situation would be to regularly air the room for 15 minutes. Such a procedure will help to relatively balance the humidity in the room and will prevent the formation of condensation and frost on the inside of the window. If there is a low temperature outside, then it is not recommended to ventilate the room for a long time, otherwise it can be overcooled.

How to avoid freezing of plastic windows

Correct use of plastic windows significantly extends their service life. Although, if you look in more detail, then the presence of condensate and freezing is absolutely not affected by the smooth operation of these structures..

Design features of plastic windows

Insulating glass manufacturers have long developed a system that involves the use of special low-emission glass. Its uniqueness lies primarily in the fact that the additional material and the spacer frame together form a thermal gap and noticeably reduce the thermal conductivity. By choosing a material with a minimum heat conductivity, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of cooling the window surface.

Polypropylene, which has recently become very popular, will help to achieve a similar result. Thanks to him, it became possible to actively produce energy-saving double-glazed windows. Due to the fact that this material does not have sufficient adhesive properties, the structure is wrapped in a stainless steel wrap.

How to avoid freezing of plastic windows

Today, windows of this type are becoming very common, since they significantly reduce the degree of freezing..

It is important not to forget about the system of mechanisms with which the structure is equipped. In order for them to serve their master for a long time, they should be used correctly. So, when covering the single-opening sash, the handle must be kept strictly in a horizontal position. If double opening is provided, then the handle should have a vertical orientation, which allows you to keep the mechanism in a neutral state.

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Comments: 1
  1. Benjamin Foster

    One of the most common issues during winter is the freezing of plastic windows. Does anyone have effective tips or tricks to avoid plastic windows from freezing? Iโ€™d appreciate any advice or suggestions to keep them functioning properly in cold weather.

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