
Roof types: from “ondulin” to metal tiles and from copper to reeds and grass

This post explores the different types of roofing materials from around the world. From Ondulin (a corrugated bituminous material that resembles small wooden boards), to metal tiles, copper, reeds and grass, the vast array of materials used in roofing allows for creative roof designs with numerous possibilities. Different roof types offer various advantages, such as allowing more light into the building; they can also improve insulation, fire resistance, and sound insulation. Each material has its own properties and distinctive qualities that offer advantage in multiple aspects. All in all, roofing materials open up a world of possibilities in building design, allowing architects and homeowners to design beautiful and practical roofs for any property.

Although “Ondulin” is a trademark, it is already customary to call this word any wave bituminous roof. Waterproof, with many color options, lightweight, environmentally friendly, durable, easy to install, relatively inexpensive, quiet – this material has a lot of advantages. The disadvantages include fragility, fire hazard, loss of shape during heat or under the weight of snow.

The most common slate familiar to everyone. Yes, it is gray and not too beautiful, it is more difficult to install than ondulin, it contains asbestos. But on the other hand, it is reliable, durable, not afraid of rain and snowfall. Large manufacturers claim a service life of 50 years and produce slate in various colors. And for the price, the material is very affordable.

One of the most ancient types of roofing is ceramic tiles. Reliable, made of environmentally friendly material, durable, aristocratic beautiful. But heavy, both in weight and in packing.

This roof covering may well be mistaken for ceramic tiles, but in fact it is made of sand and cement. Sand-cement tiles are cheaper than their ceramic “relative”, thanks to dyes (iron oxides) they get the same color, they don’t weigh so much, but they will last much less. During transportation, you can lose up to 10% of the material, because such a tile is a fragile material.

Flexible shingles. It is made from fiberglass, which is impregnated with bitumen with a modifier. On top of this layer, slate or basalt stone chips are applied, which will protect the roof from ultraviolet radiation, give it a three-dimensional pattern and color. Silent, beautiful, as the name implies – flexible, at a reasonable price. But combustible, in the heat it can melt, and in the cold it becomes fragile.

Self-leveling roof. One of the best options for a rooftop seating area or something like a small garden. It is poured directly onto concrete, the second name is mastic roof. It is a viscous liquid that solidifies in air and can withstand severe temperature changes. True, it will be difficult to achieve the same layer thickness throughout the roof..

Slate roofing. A very rare and very expensive material. But such a roof made of thin slabs of slate serves up to 200 years! In addition, the elite slate roofing is not afraid of fires, frost and a layer of snow, does not fade, and reliably protects from heat.

Membrane roof. Traditionally used for flat roofs, there are three types: PVC, TPO and EPDM. Water resistant, lasts up to 50 years, allows you to cover any roof, repairs with proper installation are very rarely required, and the strength of the coating is high. But it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, therefore it is more often used in industrial facilities.

Copper roof. Very visible, bright, not afraid of fire and corrosion, safe and environmentally friendly, almost maintenance-free. The only drawback is the price.

Aluminum roof. Lightweight, durable, easy to install, fireproof, flexible, can be of different colors. Noisy, heats up, and costs only a little less than a copper roof.

Metal tiles. At first glance, it is often difficult to distinguish it from its predecessor – ceramic tiles. At the same time, it is lighter, you can do the styling yourself. It comes in a variety of colors, is reliable, is not afraid of frost and heat, does not break during transportation. But noisy, which is especially noticeable during rains and especially hail.

Roofing sheeting can be called an inexpensive “relative” of metal tiles. It looks, of course, simpler, not so beautiful, but also reliable, easy to install and durable. Also “noisy” material, sound insulation is required.

Let’s move on to natural materials, which now look very exotic, but have a right to exist as a roof. This is an earthen roof, a real lawn or even a garden growing on a house. Despite its unusual appearance, such a roof has its own advantages; it protects the house from heat and cold, and is waterproof thanks to a reliable substrate. But it requires maintenance and is not too durable

Reed or thatched roof. Environmentally friendly material, which is also not afraid of frost, rain, wind. A cane or reed roof serves for a surprisingly long time, up to 50 years, and does not require special repairs. The advantages also include excellent sound insulation, perfect ventilation. By cons – the danger of fire, the reed burns very quickly. And more – reed roofs are loved by birds that can make a nest on it.

Shingle roof. These small plaques are usually made from softwood. A shingle roof is quite difficult to make yourself, because the installation process is complex and time consuming. Serves for a long time, and you can soak from fire with special compounds.

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Comments: 5
  1. Henry Parker

    What factors should one consider when choosing between different roof types like ondulin, metal tiles, copper, reeds, and grass? How does each material impact the durability, maintenance requirements, and overall aesthetic of a roof?

    1. Gavin Hughes

      When choosing between different roof types like ondulin, metal tiles, copper, reeds, and grass, several factors should be considered. Durability is crucial, as the roof should withstand weather conditions and last long. Ondulin and metal tiles typically offer good durability, while copper may last even longer but require occasional maintenance. Maintenance requirements are important to consider, as some materials need regular upkeep. Ondulin and metal tiles generally require low maintenance, while copper might need occasional inspections and repairs. Reeds and grass roofs require regular maintenance, including rethatching. Lastly, the overall aesthetic of the roof should be considered. Ondulin and metal tiles provide a modern and clean look, copper imparts elegance and can develop a unique patina, while reeds and grass roofs offer a natural and rustic appeal. Ultimately, the choice should balance durability, maintenance ease, and aesthetic preferences.

      1. Jaxon Davis

        When choosing between different roof types such as ondulin, metal tiles, copper, reeds, and grass, it is important to consider factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal. Ondulin and metal tiles offer good durability and low maintenance, making them practical choices for many homeowners. Copper roofs are highly durable but may require occasional maintenance. Reeds and grass roofs require regular upkeep. Each material also provides a different aesthetic, with ondulin and metal tiles offering a modern look, copper adding elegance with a unique patina, and reeds and grass roofs providing a natural, rustic charm. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on individual priorities and preferences in balancing durability, maintenance, and aesthetics.

    2. Eleanor Graham

      When choosing between different roof types like ondulin, metal tiles, copper, reeds, and grass, several factors should be considered. Durability is essential and varies depending on the material. Metal tiles and copper are highly durable, providing long-lasting protection against weather conditions and requiring minimal maintenance. Ondulin offers decent durability, but it may need periodic maintenance. Reeds and grass roofs are less durable and require frequent maintenance due to their organic nature.

      Maintenance requirements also differ between materials. Metal tiles and copper roofs typically require less maintenance, mainly occasional inspections and cleaning. Ondulin may need occasional repairs, while reeds and grass roofs require regular maintenance, such as replacing damaged pieces and trimming.

      Aesthetically, each material presents a distinctive look. Metal tiles can offer a modern or traditional appearance, depending on the design, while copper exudes elegance and develops a beautiful patina over time. Ondulin often gives a more rustic appearance. Reeds and grass roofs provide a natural and eco-friendly feel, blending well with certain architectural styles.

      Considering these factors is crucial when selecting a roof type, as it determines the roof’s durability, needed maintenance, and overall look to enhance the aesthetic appeal and longevity of your home.

      1. Brooklyn Nguyen

        When choosing a roof type, it’s important to consider factors like durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetics. Metal tiles and copper offer high durability with minimal maintenance, while ondulin is decent but may need repairs. Reeds and grass roofs are less durable and require frequent upkeep. Metal tiles and copper provide a modern or elegant look, while ondulin offers a rustic appearance. Reeds and grass roofs give a natural, eco-friendly feel. By weighing these factors, you can choose a roof type that enhances your home’s longevity and aesthetic appeal.

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