
6 life hacks to help increase efficiency

This post presents 6 invaluable life hacks that can help individuals increase their efficiency and productivity. These hacks include planning your day the night before, focusing on one task at a time, scheduling short breaks for yourself, de-cluttering your workspace, writing to-do lists, and removing distractions. Implementing these strategies can result in improved focus, better concentration, and increased motivation, and can help people complete more tasks quicker and with greater accuracy.

Modern people often work overtime to achieve their goals. The work itself takes away their personal time and energy, but still cannot complete the task on time. Steve Jobs also argued that you need to work not 10 hours a day, but with your head, bearing in mind the healthy balance between productive work and good rest. When there is no life left, and work absorbs all your free time, life hacks will come to the rescue, which will help increase the efficiency of your work.

1. Plan tasks (the most important thing first)

increase efficiency

There are many time management and planning techniques that will optimize working time and perform more important and important tasks in the first place. Thanks to the correct ranking of actions, labor efficiency will be significantly higher. According to Pareto law, only 20 percent of completed tasks give 80 percent of the performance. And the remaining 80 percent of the tasks are insignificant and practically do not affect the final result..
Giving most of the time to solving the important, you should focus on your peak activity, while the best time to solve side tasks will be periods of decline in activity. By focusing on the important, you will be easier to reach heights and move forward towards your goal. 

Svetlana Gatsakova, Director of Corporate Information Systems at ALP Group, says: “Result orientation is crucial. I can say this on the basis of personal experience. Work for the sake of the process will not bring satisfaction to anyone. It is important that employees know for what result they are working. Practice shows that employees work more efficiently when they understand why they are doing everything ”.

2. Set real tasks for every day (detail)

increase efficiency

For one day, you should not set more than three important and three current unimportant tasks. It is desirable that their implementation in time coincided with the length of the working day, otherwise there will be an unpleasant aftertaste from unfinished business. If the task is too voluminous, it can either be divided into stages to track the approach to the goal, or delegate part of the actions to speed up the process. When performing complex multi-process tasks, it is important to adhere to a certain order of actions, this will not only systematize the work, but also focus on a specific stage.

At the end of the working day, it will be pleasant to realize that everything planned has been completed. This fact will energize and give motivation for the coming day..

Svetlana Gatsakova: “First – clearly define the goals and the final result that you want to achieve. That is, you need to set specific goals, decompose them, build a logical chain of tasks. For each task, there should be responsible persons and deadlines for the possibility of monitoring their achievement..

Second – there must be proper task planning to minimize costs. Goals must be detailed and unmarted. Each goal must first have a top-level task that needs to be detailed. There should also be specific deadlines for each task, often even in hours rather than days. ”.

3. Focus (remove all external stimuli)

increase efficiency

To achieve maximum concentration and immerse yourself in the workflow, it is enough to limit the flow of information: ask not to disturb for a certain time, turn off notifications on the phone, close extra tabs on the computer. These simple actions will allow you not to be distracted by external stimuli and easily cope with complex tasks..

It is important for those who work from home to achieve concentration and peace, to eliminate the temptation to be distracted by homework or relaxation. Create your own working area, closed from relatives, where you can work calmly and efficiently.

Experts recommend on average every half hour to take small breaks to allow the brain to relax from active work and stretch the muscles. You should not check mail and social networks during this period, answer calls, otherwise the respite will quietly turn into a half-hour rest, and the concentration level will drop several times.

The working environment is also considered important: try to surround yourself with comfort, to exclude from the field of vision everything that is annoying and distracting. 

Elena Lvova, HR Director of Storiqa recommends: “To improve efficiency, we try to create the most comfortable working conditions for employees. In our office we made a real coffee shop with our barista. The menu has different types of tea, coffee, with or without syrups, fresh juices in the morning, as well as cookies and apples for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. We diluted the cold, high-tech interior of the office with green walls with real moss, and with each workplace we planted plants in large pots to make the atmosphere more comfortable and fresh. These decorations create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere for employees. ”.

4. Refuse multitasking (do not do everything all at once)

It is believed that work in several directions is multitasking. The employee believes that he performs simultaneously two or more tasks without losing speed and quality of their implementation. In fact, this is not entirely true: working in several directions, a person alternately switches from one business to another, losing concentration and speed of work. If you perform the same tasks one at a time, the result will be significantly higher.

5. Replenish energy (nuts and exercise)

increase efficiency

In order to stimulate intellectual activity, nuts and chocolate are considered optimal products. Having a snack in the process, you can satisfy a little hunger. It will be appropriate in the mode of extreme intellectual activity to be distracted by a small warm-up and exercise. It activates muscles and gives energy for effective work in the coming hours..

Natalya Sevastyanova, coach, trainer of the Academy of Life Management, says: “Increase physical activity. You can’t go to the gym in the morning – do exercises at home, there are enough complexes on the Internet. In the afternoon, when you go to the toilet, stretch, do exercises to relax the shoulder girdle and neck, and you can remove the stilettos and squat. At lunch, leave the office and walk at a fast pace for at least 20 minutes. ”.

6. Tune in to productive work (develop logic)

increase efficiency

When working on complex and energy-consuming tasks, it is important to be in good shape, not to scatter attention and use all available time management techniques. Having freed consciousness from all that is superfluous, you will perform tasks faster and will be able to increase efficiency. Do not be afraid to delegate, seek help from colleagues.

“Develop your logical thinking skills. We all know that the leader has to make decisions in various difficult situations. But what if the manager lacks information data to make that single right decision? In such situations it is impossible to “not make decisions” at all, or drastically delay decision-making, but it is necessary to analyze all available information, build and answer such questions: “what do we have at the start?”, “What do we want to achieve?”, “How how can this be achieved? ”,“ which of the methods is most attractive in terms of costs, speed and other parameters? ”. – Svetlana Gatsakova reports.

“It is important to praise yourself and reward yourself for the work done – so that the activity brings you pleasure. Then the work will be effective and will be a joy. ” – Veronika Krainova, clinical psychologist.

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Comments: 1
  1. Luna Kelly

    These life hacks seem interesting, but I’m curious to know which one has had the biggest impact on increasing efficiency in your daily life?

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