Do what you love

This WordPress post tells us why doing what we love is so important for both our mental and physical wellbeing. It emphasizes that when we love something and find ourselves passionate about it, our performance increases and we generally become more successful in whatever we do. Moreover, it encourages us to recognize the areas in which our strength and talent lies, and to pursue these things with full commitment so that we can excel in them. Doing what we love is also beneficial in terms of our mental and emotional health, enabling us to remain positive and balanced, even when faced with stressful situations. Finally, the post emphasizes how doing something we love provides us with the strength to move forward, despite any challenges or adversity we may face.

Steve Jobs Rules on Success, Entrepreneurship and Business

The authority of Steve Jobs in the business world is undeniable. The innovations of the former CEO of Apple touched on many aspects of life: computers, mobile devices, the Internet, music and cinema. He was a prime example for everyone. His presentations were truly inspiring. Steve Jobs rules – an important legacy of the great inventor and industrial designer for modern people.

1. Do what you love

Steve Jobs Rules

Jobs once said: “With passion, people can change their lives for the better.” And answering the question about the advice that he wants to give to young entrepreneurs, Steve replied: “I agreed to work as an assistant to the waiter or something like that, until I realized that it really fascinated me.” Love of work and inspiration were an important part of what he worked on..

Problems always arise, but enthusiasm will help you not to give up when everything goes wrong.

2. Contribute to this world.

Steve Jobs Rules

Jobs believed in the power of worldview. He once asked John Scully when he was president of Pepsi: “Do you want to spend your life selling sugar water or want to change the world?” Do not lose sight of the general idea of ​​good and bad when you immerse yourself in the business. Try to be helpful to people.

3. Connect different

Steve Jobs Rules

Jobs said creativity unites things. He meant that people with extensive life experiences see things that others do not pay attention to..

Steve took calligraphy lessons from a recognized master – trappist monk Robert Palladino. It was not practical at that time, but laid down the principles for understanding beauty. Jobs used them to develop typography and design for the first Macintosh. Later he traveled to Asia and India, studied design features, traditions of hospitality.

Do not live in a bubble – master different things and create a new one from it. This is what Steve Jobs rules cannot do without..

4. Say no to 1000 things

Steve Jobs Rules

Jobs was proud to be producing Apple, just as much as what they had abandoned. He returned to the company in 1997 and within two years reduced the line of devices from 350 to 10. This made it possible to focus the activities of the best teams on the best products.

Try to separate the important from the secondary and concentrate on it the maximum effort.

5. Get the idea across

Steve Jobs Rules

You may have the most interesting idea in the world, but if you cannot pass it on to others, it will not matter.
Jobs is still the best corporate storyteller in the world. Instead of just giving a presentation, as most do, he inspired, entertained, educated and informed in one show.

6. Sell dreams, not goods

Steve Jobs Rules

Steve Jobs captured the imagination of millions of people because he truly knew his client. He believed that tablets would not gain popularity if they were too complex. Therefore, Steve left only one button on the front panel. Now it can be used even by a two-year-old child.

Customers do not care about your product and do not treat it with indulgence. They are interested in themselves, in ambitions, hopes, pleasure and time. Jobs showed everyone that the one who helps the client to achieve a dream wins.

7. Do not live limited

Steve Jobs Rules

“Your time is limited, so do not waste it on living someone else’s life. Do not fall into the trap of dogma, which makes you focus on the thoughts of other people. Do not let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Feel free to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to become. The rest is secondary ”.

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8. Do not sell slag

Steve Jobs Rules

Making high-quality products is Apple’s most important principle. The quality of the devices of this brand has never been in doubt, and the company remains at the top of popularity for many years. Every year Apple strives for the best, and so they have people willing to pay for it..

9. Build a great team

Steve Jobs Rules

The people with whom you surround yourself determine your future. If they are smart and positive, they share your worldview, then you can only rejoice at your prospects. Remember that, on average, we communicate with five people most of the time. Therefore choose wisely.

10. Be proud of your products.

Steve Jobs Rules

Create items that you can proudly recommend to friends and relatives. Make sure it is really good and helpful. This is the only way people will want to buy and use your product..

11. Focus on the client

Steve Jobs Rules

Clients tend to trust companies that take their work seriously and are willing to spend time deeply understanding the direction. Every day, work to get to know your customers a little better, to delve into their problems. Without a sense of confidence, they are more likely to go to a competitor, even if his proposal is not so profitable. Of course, building trust is only part of the success. Without a product that is important and needed by the target audience, and the ability to show how you make it more valuable, it will be difficult.


There is one story that symbolizes Steve’s entire career at Apple. The executive director of the Disney Store once asked for his advice. And Jobs said to all arguments and doubts: “The dream is more important.” It was brilliant in its simplicity and accessibility..

Dream, seek solutions in insanity, believe in your worldview and be prepared to defend your own ideas. Steve Jobs’s business rules have always tried to convey this to people..

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Comments: 2
  1. Piper

    How can one identify what they truly love to do in life?

  2. Wyatt Brooks

    Is it truly possible to “do what you love” in today’s society, or is it just an idealistic notion? How can one ensure that their passion can sustain a fulfilling and successful career? What are the practical steps one can take to align their interests and work?

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