
How time management helps manage time

Time management is essential for making the most of our days. It enables us to prioritize tasks, structure our lives, and make sure we don't miss important deadlines. With effective time management, we can get more out of the day, while reducing stress and anxiety. It helps us focus on our goals and encourages us to set achievable milestones. It forces us to create a certain routine while giving us flexibility to work on our own terms. As time management teaches us to value, plan and organize our time properly, it can boost productivity and improve the quality of our lives.

A high rhythm of life and a constant lack of time cause stress and even depression. In order to teach hundreds of thousands of people to follow the daily routine and keep up with their plans, in the 1970s. time management was invented.

What is time management?

man clicks on an electronic watch

Time management is a set of rules that help you allocate and plan time. Its main goal is to increase productivity. When you know how to correctly manage time, you can do a lot, do work more efficiently, and household chores faster.
At first, time management was needed only at work. But then it became clear that any personal goal is also a project that develops on the same principles. Therefore, now there is a family, female and even children’s time management.

Techniques and methods of time management

the man is late

1. “The Eisenhower Matrix”

Dwight D. Eisenhower is the 34th President of the United States who said: “I have two problems: urgent and important. Urgent is not important, but important is urgent ”.

His matrix sorts things into secondary and main ones. The method is suitable for those who can divide tasks into these four groups:

  • Urgent and important – they need to be done immediately.
  • Important, but not urgent – decide when you will do this and set the exact date.
  • Urgent, but not important – delegate them.
  • Not urgent and not important – leave it for later.

2. The Tomato Method

The method is named after the kitchen timer, which is made in the form of a tomato. He has several principles that help to effectively implement his plan:

  • Set the task to be done.
  • Set the timer to 25 minutes.
  • Work and don’t be distracted.
  • After every 25 minutes, take a break of 5 minutes.
  • After each 4th “tomato”, rest for 15-30 minutes.
  • Work in this mode until the task is completed. If you have thoughts about other things that distract you, write them down to return to this later..

3. Franklin Pyramid

A system for planning goals of various sizes (from global to daily). At the base of the pyramid are the main life values. Next comes the global goal. If wealth is your primary value, then the global goal will be to make business-empire.

To achieve this, you need a master plan – the third step of the pyramid. After that comes a long-term plan for 3-5 years. It is followed by short-term for 1-12 months. At the end of the pyramid, a plan for the day and week.

Franklin Pyramid

4. “ABVGD”

Priority task setting method:

  • A – important and urgent matters that must be done.
  • B – things that can be postponed, but also need to be done.
  • In – minor tasks that you can not do.
  • G – what needs to be delegated to another.
  • D – tasks that are removed from the list.

5. Time management technique “Timing”

Type of time management, where you need to record all the actions and record the time spent on them. Timing will show how much you sit on social networks, talk on the phone, work, chat with friends or read.

The technique helps identify “temporary gaps” that you were not even aware of. Carry out such an experiment for 2-3 days. This will be enough to get the big picture..

6. The Eat the Frog Method

“Eating a frog” means doing a small but unpleasant task that you constantly put off. For example, a call to a distant relative, a conversation with management, cleaning the apartment. Such small things gradually accumulate, make us procrastinate, distracting from large tasks.

The essence of the method is to deal with them in the first place, “eat a frog” quickly. Take it two hours a week or decide one each morning.

7. Found time

The technique of performing small tasks at the first opportunity. Select in advance 5-10 small cases for which you do not have enough time, and be prepared to do them when a free “window” appears.

8. The method of “Swiss cheese”

The decision of affairs in any order. When you face a difficult task, it’s easier to start with small steps that seem easier. For example, if you are writing a presentation, start with pictures or headlines, and then work on the text. You kind of eat a lot of small holes in one big piece of cheese.

9. Pareto Law

Pareto is an Italian economist who noted that 20% of the most viable pea pods produce 80% of the crop in his garden. On the basis of this, he formed the law – “20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the efforts give only 20% of the result”.

Later this began to be confirmed in other areas of life. Businessmen say that they get 80% of the profit from only 20% of customers.

Pareto principle calls for finding a “central node”, something to concentrate on. Understanding your “nodes” it is easier to devote time to the main thing, and work less on the secondary.

10. “The formula 10-3-2-1-0”

Productivity depends on the level of mood and well-being. Method 10-3-2-1-0 helps prepare for bed and stay alert for the next day. Here you gradually give up distractions.

  • Give up coffee 10 hours before bedtime.
  • 3 hours from food and alcohol.
  • 2 hours from work.
  • Turn off all gadgets in 1 hour.
  • 0 – the number of times the “snooze” button is clicked on the alarm.

Time Management Rules

girl plans time correctly

1. Make to-do lists

The basis of time management is the planning of all large and small tasks. Fix everything that you have in mind for a day / week / month so as not to prioritize in your mind. You can do this on paper or Excel, but more conveniently – in mobile apps.

To do things faster, indicate in front of each the time needed for its implementation. But remember that to plan does not mean to schedule everything in minutes and stress when reality does not coincide with the plan..

2. Set clear goals

Proper goal setting will help determine the exact vector. In work, it is better to focus on key performance indicators so as not to give vague plans for a week, quarter or year. The correct goal is to increase website traffic by 20% in three months.

Personal goals should also be measurable and achievable, for example, to accumulate 200 thousand for a vacation for six months. So give up tasks like “getting better” or “getting around competitors”.

3. Complete the objectives in stages

Multitasking is the main enemy of time management. Do not try to do everything at once. It’s more important to understand which task is prioritized and when you can complete it faster..

Do everything sequentially, break large goals into small steps to manage to concentrate and smoothly switch. Work regularly and consistently. If you set a goal to learn English, then the step will be to memorize 30 new words every day.

An exception is time management for parents, when some things can be done communicating with children (for example, cleaning up and at the same time telling tales).

4. Less distracted.

One of the main skills of time management is concentration. Set aside a specific time for productive work. Ask your colleagues or family to “forget” about you for this period. Turn off notifications on your phone in chats that are not important for work.

Allow limited time for calls and scrolling online. For example, 40 minutes in the morning to read the news, 30 minutes in the afternoon for communication with loved ones, one and a half to two hours in the evening for interesting content, for unloading thoughts.

For the experiment, make a few “unloading” days when you will not log in to social networks at all.

Register for Rescuetime.com. This software shows which sites “devour” your time more than others..

If you come across an interesting article, install the extension Getpocket. It will save interesting text or video that you can watch after work.

5. Organize routine affairs

Efficiency depends on what surrounds you. Therefore, make your space comfortable and optimize your routine. Write yourself text templates for questions of the same type from customers, and store the contracts in a separate folder on your desktop to quickly check information.

Back up your work and keep it in the cloud. Duplicate other documents online to view them at any time..

6. Delegate

To quickly complete the task that you have been assigned at work, delegate its “links” to others. Feel free to share responsibilities with colleagues if you are working on a common project, and don’t get killed around the clock because of perfectionism.

The same item works well for mothers who do not want to ask for help from their partners or are afraid to entrust their child to them..

7. Learn to say no

Management of working time does not tolerate all kinds of “vampires” – things that the soul does not lie to. When something seems impractical, do not be afraid to refuse people with their projects, proposals and even requests. To stay polite, use the phrases:

  • “Your proposal sounds interesting, but I have a lot to do.” With this phrase you express interest, make it clear that the proposal is good, but you can’t participate in it. It is unlikely to be suitable for relatives, but for unfamiliar people it will work well.
  • “In truth, I don’t know much about this, try to ask Nazar. He is a pro here. ” If you really have little experience in a particular matter, recommend another person. So you free yourself from unnecessary tasks and help with the request.
  • “I can’t do this, but I will help you with this …” A phrase that allows you to get away from obsessions and choose for yourself what you are ready to do.

8. Keep diaries

It is necessary to fix not only future things, but also thoughts, as well as tasks that were not included in the plans.

It’s easier to understand where to spend your free time and not forget the important. In the diary, ask yourself: what needs to be done? what can interfere? how to determine if the day was successful?

For notes, ordinary “notes” in a smartphone are suitable – this is much faster than writing by hand in a paper diary.

9. Follow the “biorhythms”

Live in harmony with your body. Do challenging tasks when the brain is most productive (even if peak performance falls at one in the morning).

Use special mobile apps, that can wake you up, determine the best time to sleep and analyze it.

10. Praise yourself

To keep motivation, encourage yourself. Time management exercises are powerless if you do them through your teeth, depriving yourself of positive emotions.

Choose a thing or service that will bring pleasure when plans are fulfilled: from chocolate to travel on the weekend. Record successes in notes, write down achievements and take stock of the day / week / month.

This is especially important in the framework of time management for women who in everyday life forget that taking care of themselves is also part of the contribution to the family..

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Comments: 1
  1. Ava Brooks

    How can time management techniques effectively help individuals in managing their time in a more efficient and organized manner? What strategies or tips can be implemented to prioritize tasks and avoid wasting valuable time? Additionally, are there any proven methods or tools that can assist in achieving better time management skills?

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