
Kale cabbage

Kale cabbage is an incredibly nutritious and filling vegetable, high in vitamins like A, C, and K. It can be eaten raw in a salad or cooked in a variety of dishes, and its flavour can range from sweet to nutty. Kale cabbage is a great addition to any diet as it helps to reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol, and improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, kale cabbage is a great source of dietary fiber, is low in calories, and is a good source of many essential minerals and vitamins.

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This culture is famous for its decorative features, many useful properties. With regular use in food, cabbage can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, reduce the risk of serious diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer. Greens may be bitter, but this only enhances its healing effect..

What is kale cabbage

Kale Cabbage Varieties

The vegetable consists of curly leaves, which are located on the petiole in several tiers, forming a loose head. The useful properties of the variety were known to the ancient Greeks in the 4th century. Subsequently, Americans began to grow cabbage massively. Due to the large number of nutrients, antioxidants, the vegetable has gained popularity in Europe, Asia, Africa.

Kale Kale, Curly, Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica, Cale, Gruncol, Brauncol are divided into several bright varieties:

  • Curly.
  • Redbor (Purple).
  • Tuscan (dino, black Tuscany).
  • Red Russian (Siberian).

Vitamin and mineral composition

  • Antioxidants (quercetin, kempferol). Prevent the oxidative effects of free radicals, stop the aging process, cancer development.
  • Vitamin C. Water-soluble antioxidant needed for the synthesis of collagen, protein.
  • Sequestrants of bile acids. Lower blood cholesterol.
  • Vitamin K. An important nutrient necessary for blood coagulation prevents heart disease, osteoporosis.
  • Sulforaphane. Helps fight molecular cancer.
  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene). Participates in the synthesis of proteins, provides the strength of collagen and elastin fibers, improves skin health.
  • Lutein, Zeaxanthin. Powerful eye protection nutrients prevent macular degeneration, cataracts and other visual impairments.
  • Potassium. Its regular consumption lowers blood pressure, prevents the risk of heart disease.
  • Magnesium. Helps prevent the development of diabetes, heart disease.
  • Calcium. Essential for bone health, plays an important role in cell structure.

Useful properties of kale

Useful properties of kale

Vegetable is considered low-calorie, but nutritious due to fiber, high content of nutrients. The product is able to effectively remove toxins, block the effects of free radicals. With regular use of leaves, the body is saturated with antioxidants, gradually cleansed. Cells cease to collapse, various diseases are prevented, including cancer.

With diabetes

The product prevents the development of the disease. When a vegetable is consumed, blood glucose levels are significantly reduced. If there is diabetes, then eating cabbage eliminates all sorts of complications.

With heart disease

It is necessary to increase the use of foods high in potassium, remove salt from the diet. This will help lower blood pressure, prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. The diet should consist mainly of vegetables, among which there is cabbage kale. When you consume 250 g of boiled leaves, the body will receive up to 3.6% of the daily intake of potassium.

Bone health

Calcium and phosphorus participate in their formation. Vitamin K, which is very abundant in cabbage, prevents bone fractures. To fill the deficiency of substances, it is recommended to consume 100-200 g of boiled or fresh leaves daily..

In oncology

Due to the high chlorophyll content, the absorption of heterocyclic amines by the body is prevented. These substances occur during the frying of animal products. The body is not able to absorb them in large quantities, so when the level is exceeded, the cells begin to break down, which leads to the development of cancer.

Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and selenium help prevent oncology. Fiber users are less likely to suffer from cancer. To saturate the body with antioxidants, vegetables are best used fresh.

For skin and hair

Kale cabbage, as a source of beta-carotene, helps to enhance the growth of body tissues. Vitamin C maintains the level of collagen, a protein that is involved in the formation of the structure of the skin, hair, and bones. With daily consumption of 250 g of fresh cabbage, the body will receive up to 20-23% of the daily intake of vitamins A, C.

Eye health

Eating a vegetable for food helps to maintain vision, even in people aged. Vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, zinc are additional benefits for the eyes. With the daily use of fresh leaves, the development of glaucoma, cataract, keratitis is stopped.


Fiber and water, which are very numerous in the product, prevent constipation. With the daily use of raw, stewed or boiled leaves, the metabolism is accelerated, the gastrointestinal tract is established, abdominal pains, nausea pass, appetite is restored.

How to cook kale

In what form do different varieties be used:

  • Curly. Leaves are ideal for cooking, stewing.
  • Tuscan. Greens preserves the texture, color during heat treatment, therefore it is suitable for the preparation of side dishes, chips.
  • Red Russian. Fresh bitter leaves in a small amount are recommended to be added to salads, used in sandwiches.
  • Redbor. Soft-tasting cabbage is best consumed fresh.


Curly kale

Large curly leaves are fibrous and hard, have a bitter, earthy taste, so they are recommended to cook. As seasonings, use spicy, nutty or sweet sauces – tahini, honey. Young cabbage is softer, tender and juicy, it is used fresh, for preparing green salads or decorating dishes.

Tuscan cabbage kale

Tuscan cabbage kale

The variety is known as Cavolo Nero, Lacinato Kale. For many centuries it has been used for cooking Italian dishes. Cabbage has long blue-green leaves with many hollows (pits). In appearance, the surface resembles the skin of reptiles. Leaves retain scaly texture after cooking, stewing. They make chips and salads from them. Black cabbage is very delicate in taste, less bitter than curly.

Red Russian

Red Russian

The stems of the feces are purple, fibrous, the leaves are reddish and tender. Cook red cabbage is recommended after the onset of frost. At this time, the sugars contained in the product turn into starch. The vegetable becomes saturated with fiber, bitterness. You can use it fresh – prepare salads, sandwiches. When cooking, red leaves become less attractive, but more delicate in taste.



Frost-resistant variety with a bright purple stem, curly purple leaves. Sometimes on the surface there are burgundy or red tones. Decorative cabbage is enhanced after the onset of frost. She has a very delicate taste, so you can use it fresh or boiled. During heat treatment, the leaves become softer, sweeter, the bright shade does not change.

Side effects and risks

Eating too much cabbage is unsafe in the following cases:

  • Beta blockers. These substances are often prescribed for problems with the heart, blood vessels. They increase potassium levels. With the additional use of cabbage, there is a risk of exceeding the norm of the substance. This leads to exacerbation of existing heart problems..
  • Kidney disease. Excess potassium creates an additional burden on organs that already function poorly. The kidneys stop eliminating the substance, which can lead to death.
  • Taking blood thinners. Vitamin K, which is saturated with the product, promotes coagulation. It blocks the action of warfarin (coumadin). Blood may begin to clot even more, hypercoagulation will appear.
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Comments: 3
  1. Aspen

    Are kale and cabbage the same vegetable or are they different?

  2. Rowan

    Can you please provide more information about the difference between kale and cabbage?

  3. Wyatt Turner

    What are some delicious recipes or creative ways to incorporate kale cabbage into my meals? I’m curious about its taste and nutritional benefits.

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