
Strawberry Jelly for the winter

This post introduces an amazing winter recipe: Strawberry Jelly! This easy-to-make dish is a perfect dessert or snack for cold winter days. Made with ingredients like fresh strawberries, gelatin, and sugar, this fruity jelly is both delicious and nutritious. It is high in Vitamin C, calcium, and fiber and is packed full of antioxidants. Additionally, it is light and refreshing, making it an ideal treat for the winter season.

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Delicious, juicy and incredibly fragrant strawberries created for stunning desserts. Jelly with strawberries, as a preparation for the winter, is ideal to treat guests and loved ones. This sweet will not be harmful to children; it can be offered as an excellent alternative to fatty sweets. Learn How To Make Strawberry Jelly As A Winter Harvest.

How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter


Strawberry jelly for the winter should be prepared from a properly selected variety of berries and pre-prepared. Buying them now is simple: even though it is the berry of the summer season, its red backs often adorn supermarket shelves. Such fruits are suitable for creating a dessert, but the best taste is possessed by homemade berries, which are not grown in the greenhouse, but in the garden without the use of artificial soil and lighting..

Pick the ripe berries for strawberry jelly. Soft or slightly green for a tasty workpiece will not work. Rinse the fruits carefully, not under the pressure of water, but soak in a colander immersed in water. First you need to remove all the stalks so that under the green tail there is no dirt and dust left. If the berries were grown on a film, then they will remain clean, will not need too careful processing.

What kind of dishes do you need

Although this berry is also high in sugar, fruit acid is also present in it. To know this is important in order to avoid the wrong choice of dishes. To close the jelly from sweet strawberries for the winter, aluminum containers will not work, because it is easily oxidized and your jam is filled with aluminum. To prepare a winter dessert, a stainless steel basin or pan is suitable, and for stirring, select a wooden spatula or spoon. To store the finished goodies, you need clean jars, which must first be sterilized and cover.

How to make strawberry jelly for the winter

There is not one option for making delicious strawberries jelly for the winter. You can use gelatin, agar-agar or do without them, prepare sweets from fresh or frozen fruits. You can prepare the workpiece without using the cooking process. Your dessert will surely turn out, as from the photo of culinary magazines, if you follow the correct cooking instructions.

Strawberry Jelly with Gelatin

Even a novice can make light strawberry jelly from gelatin. For the goodies you will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse with water, remove the green tails of the stalks.
  2. In an enamel or glass container, knead, add sugar and mix.
  3. Put on a small fire, bring to a boil, then remove. Cool and bring to a boil again. Leave aside until cool..
  4. While the berry mass cools, you need to do gelatin. Soak gelatin powder in boiled water.
  5. Boil the sugar mixture again, remove from heat. Add gelatin mass, mix well.
  6. Pour hot workpiece for the winter into clean cans and roll up.


Very simple and quick gelatin-free recipe

How to make strawberry jelly without using gelling elements? For this you will come in handy:

  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • greenish apples – 0.5 kg.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Rinse all berries and fruits, remove the stalks. Peel apples and grains.
  2. Grind fruits separately in mashed potatoes. Mix, cover with sugar and over low heat the mixture should boil.
  3. Cook, stir constantly, so that the mixture does not burn, until thick.
  4. Pour the resulting delicacy into banks, roll up. You can eat in the winter as an independent dessert, or as an additive to cereals, desserts.

Fragrant Frozen Strawberry Jelly

Berry from the freezer is suitable not only for decorating cakes or pastries, but also for making very fragrant jelly. For dessert, you need to take:

  • thawed berries – 250 g;
  • cream (10% fat) – 1 tbsp .;
  • sugar – 130 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • lemon juice.

To get two-color jelly, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Pour 10 grams of gelatin with three tablespoons of cream. Mix the rest of the cream with 65 grams of sugar, heat over low heat. Do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add warm gelatin to warm cream, stir until completely dissolved. When the composition cools down, then fill in the form, send it to the refrigerator for several hours, so that everything is well frozen.
  3. Do berry jelly like this: chop berries, mix with the rest of sugar, lemon juice, a glass of water. Put on fire, simmer after boiling for about 10 minutes. Saucepan should be covered.
  4. Pour 10 grams of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of water. After swelling, add to the berry mixture.
  5. Cool the resulting mass, pour into a mold on top of the creamy layer and keep in the refrigerator for at least two hours. The same healthy dessert can be made using cherries, raspberries, blackberries.


How to cook without wild strawberries

It will turn out to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins without heat treatment with jam. Take:

  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

A simple recipe:

  1. Grind the fruit well, adding sugar in the process.
  2. In sterilized jars, pour the mixture to the brim, pour another layer of sugar on top.
  3. Roll up, keep in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product is 1 year..
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Comments: 3
  1. Ember

    This looks like a delicious recipe! I’m curious, can strawberry jelly be made using frozen strawberries or should I wait for fresh ones to be in season?

  2. Colton Anderson

    Where can I find a recipe or store-bought option for making strawberry jelly that can be enjoyed during the winter months?

    1. Jaxon Davis

      You can find a recipe for making strawberry jelly that can be enjoyed during the winter months in various places. One option is to search online recipe websites or food blogs, where you’ll find a wide range of homemade recipes using strawberries. Additionally, many cookbooks also have recipes for making strawberry jelly. If you prefer a store-bought option, you can find strawberry jelly in most grocery stores or supermarkets throughout the year. Look for preserved or canned strawberry jelly in the jam or condiments aisle.

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