
What foods contain protein – table. Protein Products

This post provides a comprehensive list of protein-containing foods, featuring an easy-to-reference chart with fourteen categories ranging from meat and fish to dairy and grains. Each food item is clearly listed with its corresponding protein content (measured in grams), so readers can quickly identify the best sources of this vital nutrient. With this information, individuals can easily build better diets, improve their health, and get the most out of their meals.

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Proteins are complex compounds of the organic type that consist of more than eighty amino acids. In the human body, they perform such functions:

Which foods contain the most protein??

High protein is easy to find in the following foods:

  • Beef contains a lot of protein. It is best to choose meat no older than two years. Beef should be cooked or stewed, so the body will get the maximum benefit.
  • The liver is an important offal for humans, enriching nutrition with protein. It is better to use it boiled or in the form of paste.
  • Poultry – in addition to easily digestible protein, poultry meat has a low calorie content.

?Poultry - a dietary product

  • Eggs – the protein from this product is perfectly absorbed in the body. Two eggs give 17 g of protein.
  • Cheese – contains a lot of valuable building element, however, it is characterized by high calorie content.
  • Cottage cheese – for better absorption of protein, use with yogurt or kefir with the addition of a small amount of sugar.

?Homemade cottage cheese - a source of animal protein

  • Fish – rich in protein, digestible. It is better to choose anchovies, tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon, mullet, pollock.
  • Brussels sprouts – a leader among vegetables in protein content.
  • Soy – a vegetable substitute for meat.

?Soy - an alternative to meat

  • Cereals – promote good digestion, are easily digested, contain vegetable protein.

Cereals play an important role in nutrition

List of protein foods of plant origin

The essential acids that make up pure protein are found in plant foods. Soy is an excellent source of vegetable protein. The product is free of fat, which has a beneficial effect on the liver. Soy protein is absorbed almost completely. Beans, other legumes and cereals are also a great alternative to meat. Buckwheat is among the cereals in the first place, it is replete with iron and vitamins, has a positive effect on hematopoietic function. Bran and oats contain protein, normalize blood pressure and remove cholesterol.

Sources of Vegetable Protein

If you refused animal food, became a vegetarian, then you should replenish the reserves of vitamin B12. He takes an active part in the processes of metabolism, the activity of the nervous system. As an alternative, choose baker’s and brewer’s yeast, seaweed, green salad, green onion, spinach. These are excellent sources of protein of plant origin..

List of animal protein products

Proteins of animal origin are the most complete, so their quality indicators are higher. Consumption of animal proteins has a positive effect. Their entry into the body of pregnant women in the later stages guarantees the birth of a child with a normal weight. Positive reactions from the use of proteins were observed in the elderly. The protein intake per day is 1.5 grams per kg of weight. What foods contain protein?

Animal Protein Rich Foods

In meat dishes we can find the maximum amount of protein. Depending on the variety, their content varies from 17 to 21%. The meat is replete with mineral elements, vitamins and water. It is imperative to eat poultry, beef, lamb or pork, as they contribute to the recovery process. A valuable supplier of the building element is the rabbit. Game and chicken are better digested. The protein of fish and seafood is also very valuable. Sour-milk and dairy products are rich in calcium and protein..

High Protein Table

Since protein is considered the basis of life, it is necessary to eat foods containing a large amount of it every day. The diet should consist of at least 30% protein. The table below lists the products from which you can get this irreplaceable item. It presents different types of meat, fish and dairy products, which also enrich the diet with healthy minerals and vitamins..

The table of protein content in food

Product Amount of protein Amount of fat Amount of carbohydrates Calories, kcal
Goose meat 29th 22 319
Chicken 25 6 150
Lamb meat 24 25 300
Low Fat Beef Varieties 20,2 7 168
Rabbit 24 9 181
Low Fat Pork Varieties 25 28 226
Beluga 24 4 131
Chum salmon roe 27 13,4 261
Mullet 21,4 4.3 85
Cod liver 24 66 613
Cow’s milk 1% 33 1 0.2 5.1
Hard cheese thirty thirty Up to 4 300
Brynza eighteen 20.1 0 260
Cottage cheese sixteen 0.6 1,6 88
Kefir 3 1,0 4 thirty
Sour cream 1,5 48,2 2 447
Cream cheese twenty twenty 3.8 271

What protein foods are best for weight loss??

Proteins are absorbed by our body for a long time. After a protein meal, I still do not want to eat for a long time. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the caloric content of the daily diet. Protein is required for humans for the purpose of proper metabolism. The absorption of protein-rich foods requires a lot of energy. For muscles to work well, they need protein intake.

Protein diet guarding the figure

An important function of the protein is collagen synthesis. Protein increases the degree of elasticity and skin tone. Due to this, the muscles do not lose their elasticity, which often occurs with improper weight loss. Protein food helps to avoid changes in insulin, blood sugar. That allows you to control hunger, protein does not allow excess glucose to turn into fat. Protein amino acids transport fatty acids, vitamins, minerals to all systems and organs.

On a protein diet, it is necessary to reduce the intake of fats, fast carbohydrates, cereals with gluten, the main emphasis is on protein, fiber. Do not completely deny yourself carbohydrates, because they are required as energy. To lose weight, it is better to give preference to such proteins:

  • milk up to 2.5% fat – it is best to give preference to natural goat milk;
  • diet meat – any low-fat varieties, for example, boiled chicken fillet;
  • fish and seafood;
  • egg whites;
  • tofu, soy milk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

The video below describes the list of products that contribute to finding a slim figure, provided that they are included in your daily diet.

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Comments: 5
  1. Larkin

    Could you please provide a comprehensive list or table of various foods that are rich in protein? I am trying to incorporate more protein into my diet and having a reference like this would be immensely helpful. Thank you!

    1. Caleb Yates

      Certainly! Here is a comprehensive list of various protein-rich foods that you can incorporate into your diet:

      1. Meat and Poultry: Chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, pork chops.
      2. Seafood: Salmon, tuna, shrimp, cod.
      3. Dairy Products: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, cheese.
      4. Eggs: Whole eggs or egg whites.
      5. Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans.
      6. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds.
      7. Soy Products: Tofu, tempeh, edamame.
      8. Quinoa and Amaranth: These are protein-rich grains.
      9. Greek Yogurt: High in protein and also a good source of probiotics.
      10. Oats: A good source of protein and fiber.

      This list should give you a good starting point for incorporating more protein into your diet. Remember to choose a variety of foods to obtain all essential amino acids.

  2. Skylar Reed

    Could you please provide a table or a list of foods that are high in protein? I am looking for a comprehensive list of protein-rich products to include in my diet. Thank you.

    1. Elijah Nash

      Some high-protein foods include chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, fish (such as salmon and tuna), eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, quinoa, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and whey protein powder. Incorporating these foods into your diet can help you meet your protein needs and support muscle growth and repair. Remember to balance your protein intake with other essential nutrients for a well-rounded diet.

      1. Gavin Hughes

        High-protein foods are essential for building and repairing muscle in the body. Incorporating foods like chicken breast, fish, eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, seeds, and legumes into your diet can help you meet your daily protein needs. These foods are not only rich in protein but also provide other essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. It is important to balance your protein intake with a variety of foods to ensure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs. Whether you are an athlete looking to support muscle growth or simply looking to improve your overall health, including high-protein foods in your diet is a great way to achieve your goals.

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