
What is feta cheese and how it is useful

Feta cheese is a tangy, salty type of cheese made from sheep milk, or a mixture of sheep and goat milk. It is widely used in Greek salads, as well as in other Mediterranean cuisines. One of the distinguishing features of feta cheese is its tangy taste and crumbly texture. Feta cheese also contains a significant amount of protein, making it a great source of nutrition for those looking to increase their protein intake. Additionally, feta cheese is low in calories and it’s lactose free, making it a healthier alternative for those who are lactose intolerant. Feta cheese is a unique and versatile type of cheese that can add a distinctive flavor to many dishes.

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One of the most popular varieties of cheese is brine, which is sometimes called one of its varieties – feta cheese. This dairy product is widely distributed in Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Balkans. Mistresses of these countries prepare this fermented milk product on their own in a water bath. Due to its pleasant taste, it is popular in other countries around the world. It is used as an independent or as an ingredient in other dishes..

Brynza pickle cheese

Brynza is a hard cheese of white or light yellow color. It has a rich sour-milk smell and a medium-salt taste. The consistency will be uniform, without a pattern. During production, the presence of small voids and holes of irregular shape is allowed. There is no crust, a pattern of a sickle, linen, used to separate the cheese mass from the brine, can be seen from the outside. Harmoniously combined with fresh vegetables, so it is added to salads, for example, Greek. Can be found in Romanian, Moldavian, Balkan cuisine.

What milk is made from cheese?

The basis of brine cheese is pasteurized milk:

  • Cow
  • buffalo;
  • goat.

A mixture of these types of milk is often used. Sometimes in production non-pasteurized raw materials are taken with subsequent two-month exposure of the product. Bacterial starter culture is added to curl milk. For this, strains of lactic acid and aroma-forming streptococci are used. This leaven is called rennet (pepsin). It is added to warm milk at a temperature of 28-32 degrees. At home, the role of pepsin is played by the lamb’s stomach. The acidity of cow’s milk should be 18–20 ° T, and the mixture of cow’s milk with sheep, goat or buffalo — 22–26 ° T.

When the cheese mass becomes dense, it is placed on a horizontal surface covered with a sickle. This is followed by swaddling of the future head with a cloth and pressing under pressure of 2-2.5 hours. In production, the resulting bar is cut into 15 cm pieces, then soaked without reheating. For this, a 20-22% brine is used at the rate of 300 grams of salt per 100 liters of milk. This stage lasts five days at a temperature of 8-12 degrees. If necessary, add in wooden barrels.

Cheese feta cheese in a barrel


Brynza is one of the most healthy types of cheese. This is explained by the lack of heat treatment, in which part of vitamins and other useful substances die. This dairy product is recommended for people of all ages, it is rich in such substances:

  • vitamin A;
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin E
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Compared to other hard cheeses, the product does not have such a high calorie content. At the same time, this dairy product contains the maximum amount of protein and a minimum of fat. The table shows the nutritional value of feta cheese and its calorie content:

The name of the component Amount per 100 grams of product
Squirrels 17.9 g
Fats 19.2 g
Carbohydrates 0.4 g
Water 52 g
Calorie content 262 kcal

Types of feta cheese

Brine cheese is a type of cheese, but this does not mean that this product does not have its own classification, especially if we take into account the different types of milk that are used in the production of feta cheese. According to GOST 53421-2009, which was introduced by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, the following production standards for this dairy product are established:

Name of brine cheese The form Fat based on dry matter Amount of salt (sodium chloride) Ripening time, day Weight kg
Kobi Two cones with truncated vertices connected by a wide base 45 4-7 thirty 4-6


Convex cylinder 45 4-7 thirty 4,5-8
Table Rectangular bar


40 2,5-6 5 (no maturation)




Imereti Rectangular bar

Cylinder with slight bulges on the sides

45 2-4 1 1-1.5


Karachaevsky Low cylinder with small bulges on the sides 45 2-5 3 3-4.5
Brynza Square base bar

Cylinder with slight bulges on the sides



2-4 5 1-1.5


Depending on the organoleptic characteristics and packaging method, brine cheese is produced in:

  • marinade;
  • brine;
  • polymer materials.

What is good feta cheese

The benefits of feta cheese for the body and its uniqueness lies in the fact that calcium, which is more here than in milk and cottage cheese, is easier to digest. You need to consume 100 grams of this product every day to cover the daily dose of this mineral. After injuries, bone fractures, and diseases of the joint and spine, for example, arthritis or osteoporosis, feta cheese is added to the main menu. It is useful for elderly people and diabetics for the overall improvement of the body. Helps increase muscle mass during exercise or sports.

Calcium has a positive effect on hair, nails, teeth. The vitamin composition of feta cheese provides good skin condition, this is especially important for women who care about their appearance. It positively affects the heart, blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Prevents rickets, suppresses nervousness, obesity. Brine cheese enhances the body’s immunity, sour milk bacteria in its composition destroy harmful microorganisms and ensure excellent functioning of the stomach and intestines, eliminate dysbiosis.

Feta cheese

When losing weight

Brine cheese has a positive effect on weight loss, so it is often added to the menu by people who want to lose weight. The value of this product is so great that nutritionists turn a blind eye to its calorie content. Brynza with weight loss is used to unload the body, the duration of which should not exceed three days.

Those who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, adding salt cheese to the diet will not hurt, because its calorie content is minimal. The menu for one day of diet-unloading will be as follows:

  • Breakfast: a sandwich of rye bread and feta cheese.
  • Lunch: a salad of fresh seasonal vegetables and 100 grams of feta cheese.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir, yogurt or an apple.
  • Dinner: a piece of cheese.

During pregnancy and lactation

While waiting for the baby’s birth, as well as after childbirth during breastfeeding, doctors advise the woman to include feta cheese. This menu has many advantages:

  1. A small piece of this fermented milk product will improve the metabolism and intestinal flora, relieve problems with stool, which is often observed in young mothers.
  2. A large amount of calcium in feta cheese is simply necessary for the good development of the fetus or baby. Due to this property, this product will help maintain the health of teeth, which often deteriorate due to a lack of this mineral during pregnancy and lactation..
  3. Hormonal changes can adversely affect a woman’s hair and skin. A piece of cheese used every day will help fix this problem..
  4. Brynza vitamin complex is the key to health and well-being of mother and child.


There is a group of people who are better off giving frequent use of feta cheese. A negative factor here is the saline solution in which this product is aged during manufacture. If you are part of a group of people who are contraindicated in feta cheese and really want to feast on it, then opt for a variety with a minimum amount of salt, for example, Imereti.

Brynza is not recommended for:

  • kidney, liver problems;
  • diseases of the urinary and biliary tract, pancreas;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • intolerance to lactose or milk protein.

Brynza pickle cheese

How to choose feta cheese

The product, when sold, must be in a container filled with marinade, brine or vacuum packed. Cheese should not have a crust; on the outer layer a drawing from a sickle is allowed. The smell is not strong, sour cheese, in the presence of marinade – there must be a flavor of spices. Sheep feta cheese or goats can smell their milk from this animal. The cheese monolith should be without visible damage. The taste may have a slight bitterness. Shelf life of feta cheese – 4 days from the date of manufacture, in the presence of preservatives – one week.

How to use

Bulgarian feta cheese has a delicate taste, so it is often used in salads, as a filling for pies and rolls. If you don’t like the excess salinity of the cheese, just put it in boiling water for two minutes. The creamy consistency of the Moldovan version goes well with poultry, beef, fish, legumes, fruits and other dairy products, for example, sour cream.

You can use it as a component of the famous Greek salad, previously draining the pickle, combine with spinach and herbs in pies. Culinary experts advise to use cheese simply with a slice of bread.

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Comments: 3
  1. Magnolia

    for cooking? Can it be substituted with any other cheese?

    1. Brooklyn Matthews

      For cooking, Gouda cheese can be substituted with other firm and mild cheeses like Cheddar, Colby, or Edam. These cheeses have similar textures and flavors that make them suitable alternatives in various recipes. However, the taste profile might differ slightly, so it is recommended to consider the dish you are making before substituting Gouda with another cheese.

  2. Sophia Turner

    What exactly is feta cheese and what are its uses? I’ve heard some good things about it, but I’m not entirely sure. Can you enlighten me on the origins, flavor profile, and the different ways that feta cheese can be incorporated into dishes? And if possible, any health benefits associated with consuming feta cheese? Thanks!

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