
Do I need to treat the garden in autumn with copper sulphate – why use, instructions and proportions of the solution

Treating your garden with copper sulphate in autumn is a great way to protect and maintain its health. This post outlines the benefits of using copper sulphate, as well as key instructions and proportions needed for the solution. These include using an in-depth watering method to make sure the copper sulphate penetrates all the soil levels, mixing it with a base fertiliser for increased effectiveness, and calculating the correct proportion needed based on the size of the garden. Following these instructions will ensure your garden remains lush and healthy throughout the seasons.

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A popular question among gardening enthusiasts is the question of whether to treat the garden in autumn with copper sulfate and in what proportion the use of this tool is useful for a tree, berry shrub, rose bush. Along with other traditional methods of protection, the treatment of trees in autumn with copper sulphate is necessary in order to protect against microorganisms, fungal diseases, scab, insect pests against disease-causing.

What is copper sulfate

The water-soluble, colorless, odorless chemical substance copper sulfate has disinfecting properties, is widely used in medicine as an antiseptic, and used in plant growing as a fungicide. Effectively combats fungal diseases of fruit trees, rose bushes. The traditional name is copper sulfate. When interacting with the enzymes of the fungus and bacteria, it causes irreversible changes in the latter.


In autumn, copper sulfate is used in the garden to protect fruit trees, shrubs, flowers and soil from a number of diseases caused by the vital activity of microorganisms and insects. Experienced gardeners recommend autumn spraying with a solution of the drug for preventive purposes and for the destruction of colonies already existing on plants:

  • fungus;
  • scabs;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • phytophthora.

Plants growing on acidic sandy or peaty soils receive too little copper. They have insufficient growth, leaf wilting, with a severe lack of copper, ears and seeds are not formed. In this case, soil treatment with copper sulfate in the fall is a fertilizing procedure. If the fungicide was used as a fertilizer in spring or summer, there is a risk of soil oversaturation with copper.

Flour dew on the leaves

Sulphate spraying in autumn

When asked whether it is necessary to treat the garden with copper sulphate in the fall, gardening manuals answer in the affirmative. In anticipation of cold weather, insects hide in the bark of trees, on branches, in the ground near the roots. Processing the garden with copper sulfate in the fall allows you to destroy single individuals and entire colonies in places where they concentrate, preparing for hibernation. It is necessary to spray gaps in the trunks of trees and bark, branches, soil near the plant.


Experienced gardeners give precise recommendations on the question of whether it is necessary to treat the garden in autumn with a solution of copper sulfate and how to properly prepare the solution. The working fluid should consist of 100 g of powder and 10 liters. water, this amount of solution must be distributed over an area of ​​100 sq.m. When apple trees are treated, the consumption of the drug is 2 liters per tree. In a solution of this consistency, you can soak the bulbs or tubers of plants before planting. For processing apricot, drain requires 50 g of copper sulfate per 10 l of water.

A man sprinkles trees with blue vitriol

Tree processing

Different types of fruit trees and shrubs are sprayed differently. The differences are in the concentration of the drug, season, frequency of use, consumption rate per tree or bush. Some diseases require repeated spraying. In some cases, pure copper sulfate is used, in others – as part of the Bordeaux mixture, sometimes lime is added.

Disease Concentration, gram per 10 l of water First spraying Re-spraying
Quince, apple tree, pear Scab, spotting, drying out 100 In early spring, before the first buds open Autumn, 2 weeks before harvest
Apricot, plum, cherry Spotting, curly leaves fifty In the spring, before the first buds open End of october

Rose processing

In autumn, the disinfection of rose bushes should be carried out if during the season exacerbations of fungal diseases were observed. Rose treatment enhances the immunity of plants, their ability to resist disease. It should be remembered that the spores of the fungus live on branches and on the soil around the bush. Therefore, in order to properly process rose bushes, it is necessary:

  1. Trim and burn dry branches.
  2. Remove fallen leaves and loosen the soil around the bush.
  3. Prepare a 3% solution (dilute 30 g of powder in 1 liter of water).
  4. Sprinkle the plant at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush.

Grape processing

Autumn spraying of grapes with the drug is especially effective, it is carried out after the harvest is fully harvested and the leaves have fallen. Copper sulfate is not only a protection against fungus, but also a supplier of a suitable type of iron for plants. A solution of different concentrations is applied to young and old plants. To properly process the vine, you should:

  1. Perform vine processing before winter: remove fallen leaves, cut dried branches and shorten living.
  2. Prepare a solution based on the following standards: for a young plant, 50 g, for an old plant, 100 g of powder per 10 l of water.
  3. Sprinkle the vine at the rate of 1.5 liters per plant.

Blue vitriol

How to process a greenhouse with copper sulphate in autumn

If the greenhouse is treated with copper sulfate before winter, then by the spring no harmful microorganisms will be present in it. It is necessary to apply the drug not only to the soil, but also to the entire structure of the greenhouse. Previously, the inner surface must be treated with soapy water, clean the place where mold is found and cleaned with sandpaper. Processing the greenhouse should be performed as follows:

  • remove plant residues from the greenhouse;
  • remove dirt from the cover of the greenhouse, wash with soapy water;
  • prepare a solution with a concentration of 50-100 g of copper sulfate per 10 l of water;
  • wash the entire coating of the greenhouse with a mixture;
  • using a watering can, pour a solution of the earth inside the greenhouse with a solution.
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Comments: 3
  1. Harper

    Could you please provide some more information about why copper sulphate needs to be used in the garden in autumn? Additionally, I would like to know the specific instructions and proportions of the solution that should be used. Thank you!

    1. Alexander Ellis

      Copper sulfate is often used in the garden in autumn because it helps control fungal diseases that tend to thrive in the cool, wet conditions of the season. It is especially effective against leaf spot, mildew, and blight.

      To prepare a solution, mix 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate powder with 1 gallon of water. Make sure to wear protective gloves and goggles when handling the solution, as it can be harmful if it comes into contact with your skin or eyes.

      When applying the solution, use a sprayer to coat the leaves of plants thoroughly. It is best to apply the solution on a dry, windless day to ensure proper coverage. Repeat the application every two weeks or as needed depending on the severity of the fungal disease.

      Remember to always follow the instructions on the label of the copper sulfate product you are using and avoid overuse, as excessive copper sulfate can harm plants.

  2. Leo Hayes

    Hi! As a reader, I’m curious about treating my garden with copper sulphate in autumn. Can you please provide insights on why it’s beneficial, instructions on how to use it, and the proper proportions of the solution? Thanks!

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