
How to cook paste from flour

This WordPress post explores an easy and foolproof method for making delicious and healthy paste from flour. It details the exact ingredients needed, which vary according to the number of people you are cooking for, and the proportion of each ingredient. It also provides step-by-step instructions for preparing the paste, including details on when to add salt and oil. Finally, it explains how to serve the paste for maximum flavor. With this recipe, you can whip up a tasty and nutritious paste that everyone will love!

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The modern market offers an incredibly wide selection of different types of glue. However, not all of them are of high quality, and the reliability of bonding remains in question. Even our grandmothers themselves cooked such glue, with which it was possible to glue the wallpaper or make some kind of craft.

How to cook flour paste

Mixing ingredients

This is a completely natural and environmentally friendly product, which does not include any hazardous chemical impurities. It is important to know how to prepare a paste from flour, so that the resulting material is of the highest quality – for example, it could keep even very heavy wallpaper on the wall. How to make a paste from flour, what devices and technology features will be needed:

  1. The best choice is a low-quality product, because this product has a high degree of viscosity. Before use, it must be sifted well through a fine sieve to remove lumps.
  2. The main condition for the preparation of a quality product is that cold water should be used..
  3. To mix all components efficiently and quickly, it is recommended to use a mixer or blender.
  4. It is necessary not only to know how to brew a paste, but also constantly monitor the cooking process so that the solution does not burn. Work will be finished only after the lumps are removed.
  5. Cooking should be done on low heat..
  6. The solution is constantly mixed, boiled for several minutes, then removed from the stove, then left for some time to cool well. Hot product cannot be used for work.
  7. If you need to know how to quickly paste paste from flour, it is best to use metal utensils during its preparation.
  8. So that the mixture does not burn, it is recommended to cook it in a water bath, but then the process will be longer.

How to cook glue from flour

Considering the purpose for which home-made flour glue will be used, there are some differences in the process of its preparation. This tool can replace the usual PVA glue. Such a solution is recommended for wallpapering, making children’s crafts, etc. It is not necessary to know how to quickly paste the paste from the flour, because you only need to strictly follow the recipe, otherwise the finished solution will be of poor quality.

For wallpaper

If you are interested in the question of how to cook a paste from flour for wallpaper, you should use the following recipe:

  1. If you need to make glue, pre-sifted flour is taken so that there are no lumps in it (1 cup or 250 grams).
  2. Gradually, it is necessary to add water in small portions until a creamy solution is obtained.
  3. The components are well kneaded to dissolve emerging breasts.
  4. Then the rest of the water is poured – as a result, the total volume should be exactly 1 liter.
  5. If the solution is too thick, a little more hot water is added..
  6. To make a home product, the basis is necessarily taken – PVA glue (0.5 tbsp.).
  7. A metal spoon is taken and the components mixed thoroughly.
  8. The composition is placed in a water bath and cooked over minimal heat for a while, until small bubbles begin to form on its surface.
  9. The finished mixture is removed from the stove and checked for lumps. If they appear, be sure to filter through several layers of gauze.
  10. Knowing how to cook a paste from flour, it must be remembered that it must be completely cooled naturally and only after that it can be used for work.
  11. A characteristic film appears on the surface of the cooled mixture, which must be removed.

Finished product

For papier mache

No child’s lesson in creativity can be completed without crafts, so parents often have a question about how to cook paste from flour. To do this, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour 1 tbsp. rye flour.
  2. Poured 1 tbsp. water and the solution mixes well with a mixer.
  3. Gradually added another 2 tbsp. liquids and mass is stirred until lumps dissolve.
  4. The container is placed on the stove, and the composition is brought to a boil.
  5. Then the solution is removed from the fire, left for a while until completely cooled.
  6. The product is allowed to be stored in glass containers with tightly closed lids, but not more than 2 days.
  7. Having studied the question of how to cook a paste from flour for papier-mâché, you can not worry that the finished craft will fall apart.

How to cook potato flour paste

For cooking starch can be used:

  1. It is necessary to prepare 10 tbsp. l cold water.
  2. 1 tbsp. l potato starch – the composition should resemble thick sour cream in consistency.
  3. Added 0.5 tbsp. water and again everything mixes well so that no lumps appear.
  4. If the solution is too thick, you can pour a little more boiling water.
  5. You need to work very carefully, because if a hand gets dirty in the mixture, washing the skin will be problematic.
  6. Use a starch product within 10 hours after preparation.
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Comments: 2
  1. Clementine

    Can someone please provide me with a step-by-step guide on how to cook pasta from flour? I’m new to cooking and would appreciate any tips or instructions to ensure a successful outcome.

  2. Alexander Reynolds

    “Hi, I’m curious to know the specific steps involved in cooking pasta from flour. Can anyone guide me on how to make pasta dough from scratch and then cook it to perfection? Do you have any tips or tricks to get that perfect al dente texture, or any preferred sauces to pair it with? Appreciate your expertise and advice in advance!”

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