
How to scare away mosquitoes

This post discusses a few easy methods for keeping mosquitoes away from your home. Plants like Lemongrass, Garlic, Citronella, Catnip, and Marigold can all be used to drive away mosquitoes from your living environment due to their strong odors. Additionally, you can opt for using different mosquito repellent chemicals, such as DEET or Picaridin. Finally, you can use natural, homemade mixtures to make DIY remedies and traps to remove these annoying insects from your home. All of these simple solutions are affordable, natural, and effective ways to get rid of mosquitoes and maximize your comfort.

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With the advent of summer, the ubiquitous insects penetrate into houses and apartments, cause trouble to people, pets. Every year, more than 500 thousand people die from the diseases that they suffer. Mosquitoes can be scared away, for this there are special drugs, devices. Good results give folk remedies.

What attracts mosquitoes

Myths about mosquitoes

Insects bite all warm-blooded, but humans are their favorite prey. The eyes of mosquitoes perceive ultraviolet rays, see in the dark, distinguish between movements. They begin to monitor people, animals from a distance of 15 meters.

Insects are attracted to:

  • The carbon dioxide that a person releases when breathing.
  • The smell of blood.
  • Bright or dark clothes – light insects do not notice.
  • The smell of lactic acid, so they like to bite young children.
  • Sweat – a breeding ground for strongly smelling bacteria.
  • Heat radiation – mosquitoes bite moving people more often.

How to choose a mosquito repellent

Means of fighting mosquitoes in nature

It is necessary to determine for what purpose you need anti-mosquito drugs:

  • For personal protection, mosquito repellent bracelets, spray, lotions or powders that create a barrier to insects are suitable..
  • To scare away mosquitoes indoors, it is better to use electrofumigators. Aromalamps and anti-mosquito coils give good results..
  • If protection is needed in open spaces, chemicals are sprayed in the air or fumigated with smoke.
  • Aromatic oils, folk recipes suitable for all occasions.

Chemical mosquito repellent

Insecticides and repellents

Drugs that help scare away insects are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Insecticides. Means contain substances that kill mosquitoes, midges. Often they have high toxicity. Raptor, Gardex, Dichlo stop give good results..
  2. Repellents. Drugs neutralize odors that come from a person. They are produced in the form of pencils, candles, sprays or aerosols, lotions, creams. Popular remedies – Moskidoz, Off, Moskitol.

Features of synthetic substances:

  • Benefits. The preparations are guaranteed to protect against insects, they last a long time – from 3 to 30 days.
  • disadvantages. Means are toxic, poison is dangerous for people and animals. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions.

Natural repellents

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies there are natural remedies to help scare away insects. Essential oils, soapy water, vegetables and plants effectively eliminate mosquitoes.

The disadvantage of such funds is a short period of action, from a few minutes to two to three hours.

Advantages of natural repellents:

  • do not damage the respiratory tract, skin, do not irritate the eye;
  • safe for animals and people regardless of health status, age.

Essential oils

Effective Essential Oils

These substances contain many plants. During evaporation, essential oils emit a special smell, insects cease to feel a person. This scent helps scare away and even kill mosquitoes..

Essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, bergamot and thyme, tea tree and cloves protect against insects. They should be sprayed or dripped in a saucer.

Vegetable essential oils give excellent results:

  • Lavender. Put a bouquet on the table and there will be no mosquitoes within a few meters.
  • Basil. The plant’s oil extract kills insect larvae when they are in the water. The product is effective in humid climates..
  • Mint. Plant oil is a natural insecticide that can quickly scare away mosquitoes. Mint treats insect bites, especially for allergies.

Soapy water

This is an effective home remedy for mosquitoes, aphids, bugs. Prepare a concentrated solution of laundry soap with hot water (30 g per liter). Pour it into the spray gun, process the places where insects are found, nets on the windows.

If you wipe a mosquito bite with a damp laundry soap, the itching will disappear, the tumor will subside.


Heads and cloves of garlic

This vegetable can quickly scare away bloodsucking insects. Garlic is used when it is not allergic..

Not everyone likes the pungent smell, so you need to use this tool with attention to people around you..

Effective ways to protect:

  1. Eat garlic for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Not only your breath, but also the special smell of sweat can scare away.
  2. Rub the skin with garlic juice.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Grind the garlic into a pulp or mince. Pour half a glass of alcohol diluted with water 1: 1, or vodka. Let it brew for a week in a dark place, then strain. Lubricate exposed skin.
  4. Chop the garlic cloves. Spread where mosquitoes appeared.
  5. Plant garlic around the perimeter of the yard. The method is suitable for those who live in their home or in the country.


The use of citronella oil

Lemon grass essential oil has a strong odor. A few drops help to quickly scare away mosquitoes. Insects can not tolerate this smell, can not detect the victim. They do not feel the person, even if they are next to him.

Advantages of citronella oil:

  • safe for children, pregnant women;
  • easy to purchase in specialized department stores and pharmacies.

Methods of using citronella oil against mosquitoes:

  1. Application of a spray prepared with alcohol, water.
  2. Aromatic pendant worn around the neck.
  3. Special candles that you can buy in the store.
  4. Aromalamps. They are used in small arbors or rooms..
  5. Oil is added to the lotion, which is applied to the skin..


Universal electrofumigator

These appliances help repel insects indoors. Electric fumigators are designed for a specific area of ​​impact. A container with a liquid or a plate is installed in the device.

When heated, they secrete an insecticide.

The active substance has a nerve agent effect on mosquitoes. After a few minutes, they become lethargic and soon die. Devices are effective, safe, but the substances in them sometimes cause allergies. The instruction does not recommend to be closer than 1 meter from the working fumigator.

Smoke repellent mosquitoes

Smoke Bomb Quiet evening

Oxygen is necessary for all living things. Smoke makes it very difficult for insects to breathe, so they try to stay away from it. You can make a fire, but it’s dangerous to do it in a country house or a suburban area.

To scare away insects, it is better to buy a smoke bomb.

Ultrasonic Repellers

Sound devices

These devices emit sounds of a certain frequency, which mosquitoes perceive as a threat. To repel insects, powerful stationary devices for protecting the house, connected to the mains, have been developed. Handheld devices in the form of a keychain or pendant work on batteries.

Special programs in smartphones are able to generate ultrasound to scare away insects.

Advantages of repellers:

  • Human safety and ease of use.
  • Long service life.
  • Low power consumption.


  • Mosquitoes arrive immediately after turning off the device.
  • Ultrasound does not pass through obstacles.
  • The frequency often does not meet the requirements, so the device does not always repel insects.
  • High price.

Mosquito bracelets

Ultrasonic bracelet

The principle of operation of the device is simple. Inside the bracelet is a plate with oil, which gradually evaporates, neutralizes the carbon dioxide smell of a person.

The device operates at a distance of 2-3 meters.

Advantages of the bracelet:

  • a child and an adult will cope with it;
  • low price;
  • safe natural materials are used for manufacturing;
  • durability subject to storage and operating conditions;
  • skin contact is optional; can be worn over a sleeve of clothing.


  • Strong smell;
  • allergic reactions to essential oils are possible;
  • prohibition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under three years of age and allergies.

Folk anti-mosquito drugs

People use a lot of homemade recipes to fight mosquitoes. Some make traps from plastic bottles where yeast solution is poured. Others do not turn on electric lights, hoping that insects will not see them in the dark. Still others wear light clothing..

To get rid of mosquitoes, preparations are made from natural, safe components.

They are time-tested, always at hand, are inexpensive and give excellent results..

Clove with lemon

Halved Lemon with Cloves

The spice that the hostess has in the kitchen will help scare away insects, protect them from their bites. This lemon and clove remedy will replace the fumigator or anti-mosquito coil..

Recipe for preparation and use:

  1. Cut a few circles from a lemon.
  2. Stick in every 3-4 cloves.
  3. Put on a saucer, put near the bed before going to bed.

Vanillin with baby cream

Baby cream and vanilla

This remedy should not be used if you have asthma or skin diseases. To scare away insects, it must be applied to parts of the body that are not protected by clothing. Less – any rubbish sticks to the skin greased with such a composition.

To make a remedy, to 1 tbsp. l baby cream add 20 g of vanillin, mix thoroughly.

Valerian Broth

Rhizomes and roots of Valeniana

The recipe for the preparation and use of anti-mosquito composition:

  1. On a liter of water, put 4 tbsp. l shredded root.
  2. Boil for 25 minutes, let it brew for 1 hour.
  3. Strain broth valerian.
  4. With the resulting composition, wipe the skin.

Balm “Asterisk”

: Liquid and creamy balm Asterisk

The components of this product are natural substances, the smell of which can scare away mosquitoes. The Zvezdochka balm contains menthol, camphor and essential oils of eucalyptus, cinnamon, cloves and mint. If the product is spotted on the skin, insects will not come close to you.

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Comments: 1
  1. Mason Morgan

    “Any tips on effectively repelling mosquitoes? I’m tired of their incessant buzzing and itchy bites. Are there any natural or DIY methods that actually work? Or maybe recommendations on the best mosquito repellent products available? Please share your insights so I can enjoy mosquito-free evenings!”

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