
How to understand that a cat is pregnant

This WordPress post provides helpful information on how to identify if a cat is pregnant. It outlines common physical and behavior changes associated with pregnancy in cats such as an increase in appetite, altered sleeping habits, and a more prominent stomach. It also explains visible signs such as nipples becoming darker, more noticeable, and swollen, an enlarged abdomen, and secretions from the genital area. Furthermore, the post gives advice on how to confirm pregnancy in cats by visiting a veterinarian to get an ultrasound. These tips will help owners recognize the signs of pregnancy in cats earlier and take the necessary actions to provide their cats with the best possible care.

The content of the article

The cycle of gestation of kittens lasts from 55 to 70 days, and the first symptoms appear after three weeks. If the animal behaves unusually, it begins to recover and sleep more, there is every reason to believe that the cat became pregnant. Contact your veterinarian. He examines the pet and gives an accurate definition of her condition..

Signs of Cat Pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms

Darkened nipples, increased appetite, weight gain, rounded belly – this is what a pregnant cat looks like. Some pets have vomiting. Changes occur not only at the physiological, but also at the psychological level. The animal becomes affectionate, sleeps a lot, closer to childbirth begins to “nest”.

Darkened nipples

By the end of the third week of pregnancy, the animal’s mammary glands increase in size, acquire a darker color, and may begin to peel off. Wool around becomes less common. Changes are clearly visible if the animal is smooth-haired, light in color. If the coat is dark and thick, this symptom may not be noticed..

Morning sickness

As in humans, in the first period of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have toxicosis.

Pay attention if the pet feels unwell. Vomiting is a symptom of serious illness. If the cat’s toxicosis does not go away after a week, the animal is lethargic, has an unhealthy appearance, urgently to the vet.

Increased appetite

Kittens in the stomach grow quickly. To form, they need the nutrients they receive from their mother. As a result, the animal is constantly hungry, asking for food all the time. These symptoms of a cat’s pregnancy may not be noticed if it had a good appetite before..

Weight gain

Pregnant cat

By the end of pregnancy, a pet can gain 1-2 kg. This weight is not only kittens, but also the uterus, placenta, amniotic fluid, body fat, enlarged mammary glands. Mass gain is slow. In the first month, changes will become noticeable if the owner weighs the pet weekly.

Rounded belly

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the abdomen noticeably increases. Gently stroking the tummy, you can feel how the kids are moving. Before birth, the abdomen lowers and moves to the hips..

Increased affection and affection

Cat flippers

Before the birth of kittens, the animal becomes tender, requires affection, attention. The cat walks after the owner, asks for arms, often purrs. It happens the opposite – a previously friendly pet becomes introverted, irritable. The usual calm purring gives way to a dissatisfied hiss.

The cat begins to “nest” and sleeps more

Before birth, the animal sleeps a lot. When awake, looking for a quiet, safe place for childbirth. To do this, prepare a basket or box, previously covering it with rags or a soft blanket.

How to determine a cat’s pregnancy at the vet

On examination by a veterinarian

There is such a thing as “false pregnancy”. It can occur even if there was no mating. The condition is accompanied by serious hormonal changes, proceeds with the same symptoms. Only a veterinarian can determine exactly whether the kids will be.

Abdominal palpation

An experienced doctor, using the method of palpation, can detect pregnancy. The procedure is effective no earlier than 17 days, and in some cases even later.

Important: do not try to palpate the abdominal cavity yourself. It can harm a future mother or babies..

Ultrasound Results at the Veterinarian

On ultrasound examination

Such an ultrasound scan reveals embryos at the end of the second week of pregnancy, and a heartbeat at 21 days. An ultrasound examination is best done a month after the alleged conception. By this time, the fetus is clearly visible on ultrasound.


This diagnostic method will help detect false pregnancy or the presence of pyometers. In addition, with its help, the number of kittens is determined in the last week before giving birth. By this time, they have formed skeletons that are clearly visible in the pictures. An x-ray is not the safest method, if necessary it is better not to do it.

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Comments: 4
  1. Oakley

    How can one determine if their cat is pregnant? What physical or behavioral changes should one look out for? Are there any specific signs or symptoms that can help identify cat pregnancy?

  2. Waverly

    Can anyone provide helpful tips or signs to look out for to determine if a cat is pregnant?

  3. Oakley

    How can one determine if a cat is pregnant? What are the signs or behaviors to look out for?

  4. Wyatt Cooper

    Can anyone provide some guidance on how to tell if a cat is pregnant? I’ve noticed some changes in my cat’s behavior and appearance, but I’m not sure if she could be expecting kittens. Any tips or signs to look out for? Thanks in advance for your help!

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