
How to water cucumbers to grow faster

This post explains how to water cucumbers to increase their growth rate. The ideal water supply for cucumbers is sufficient to ensure the soil is evenly moist. An optimum watering schedule is suggested so that cucumbers are watered three times a week with 1 gallon of water per plant. When watering, avoiding getting water on the foliage by focusing on keeping only the base of the plant moist. Lastly, adding mulch around the cucumber plants helps to retain moisture in the soil, and using a liquid fertilizer can help to further promote growth. With these tips, cucumbers can be grown much faster than before!

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Favorite, fragrant, crispy vegetable is a cucumber, which is especially loved by summer residents. In a short time, tasty and healthy fruits grow from a small seed. Not everyone can boast a good harvest. I want the cucumbers to grow faster and bear fruit abundantly. How to achieve this, how to water them?

How to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse for growth

A good harvest begins with a properly prepared garden. But fertilizing after planting the plants in the greenhouse is no less important. How to water cucumbers to grow faster? There are different opinions. Experienced summer residents know how to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse. They have proven recipes for fertilizer formulations and apply them according to their schedule. Experts advise to carry out 4 dressings per season:

  • the first – after two weeks after landing;
  • the second – with the beginning of flowering;
  • the third – during the phase of the onset of ripening;
  • the fourth – to lengthen the fruiting stage.

How to increase the yield of cucumbers? Not all gardeners welcome the use of chemical fertilizers in areas, considering that the fruits accumulate harmful elements. For the cultivation of ecological clean products, top dressing is used:

  • organic compounds: manure, chicken droppings, peat compost;
  • infusions of plants, herbs;
  • ashes;
  • proven folk recipes.

It is important not only to know how to water cucumbers so that they grow faster, but also how to do it correctly. If summer pleases with warmth, then the root system of plants is wonderfully strengthened, top dressing must be applied to the soil. In cold weather, growth is inhibited, bushes should be sprayed with nutrient compounds – do foliar nutrition. The following rules are required:

  • fertilize after watering;
  • time – evening or early morning;
  • the weather is cloudy.

Nitrogen Fertilizers

No matter how the summer residents resisted, you can’t do without nitrogen fertilizers. It is only necessary to exclude ammonium nitrate from use – it is it that can accumulate in the fruits. Lack of nitrogen causes rapid growth after planting cucumber seedlings, but under these conditions the formation of ovaries stops. About a deficiency of this element at a later date:

  • thinning one tip of a cucumber;
  • pale green leaves;
  • thin woody lashes.

Chemical nitrogen fertilizers will not benefit during fruiting – all nitrates will accumulate in the fruits. It is advisable to use natural products for top dressing. Urea is practiced, but its use is unacceptable with ash. With a nitrogen deficiency, cucumbers are watered or sprayed:

  • mullein
  • infusion of green grass;
  • chicken droppings.

Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse with folk remedies

How many time-tested folk recipes exist that help cucumbers grow faster. Summer residents willingly share tips that help not only increase productivity, but also fight plant diseases. Proper care and timely feedings help the fruit to ripen over time. It is especially valuable that natural, natural components are used for fertilizers..

Banana lovers can accumulate crusts over the winter, dry them, grind them and put them in the ground when planting seedlings. When rotting, the pieces will release nitrogen and potassium, so necessary for cucumbers so that they grow faster. Huge popularity among gardeners is green fertilizer, which is used for all plants in the country. To cook it, you need:

  • mow grass – weeds come in handy;
  • pour water in a large container;
  • give ten days to wander;
  • add a liter of water to a bucket of water;
  • to water.

Zelenka is rich in trace elements; its composition is distinguished by a high copper content. In order for the cucumbers to grow faster, add 10 drops of green stuff to a bucket of water, pour over the plant with a solution. Such top dressing for marshy areas is especially favorable. Iodine has the same effect. It, like brilliant green, is used not only for nutrition, but also for the treatment of plants. 5 ml of iodine are added to 5 liters of water.

When the leaves begin to turn yellow, a solution of onion peel can correct the situation. It not only heals plants, but also promotes the growth of cucumbers. A glass of husk is added to the eight-liter pan; after boiling, it is insisted until it cools. Chicken manure is very effective. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • dry litter is placed in a third of the container;
  • fill with water;
  • mix for 5 days;
  • 4 times to water.

cucumbers on the street

How to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground

The stage of rooting of plants in the soil is considered one of the most important. The crop of cucumbers will depend on how the roots are formed. In order for the plants to grow faster and become stronger, when the first leaves are formed, they need to be watered:

  • nitroammofoski solution – stir a spoon in a bucket of water;
  • prepared in advance by mullein composition – add half a liter to ten liters of water;
  • infusion of nettle or other herbs;
  • a potassium permanganate solution.

How to increase the yield of cucumbers with ash

Wise gardeners know that you need to save ash after burning plants, and then there will be no problem – how to feed cucumbers in the open ground. In addition to a huge number of trace elements, ash contains:

  • calcium, which helps the growth of lashes, the formation of green mass;
  • potassium, contributing to the formation of ovaries;
  • rock salt, which serves as a growth activator, accumulates water in plants.

How can you pour cucumbers to grow faster? The answer is simple – with ash water. Dry application is allowed – the soil under the plant is sprinkled before watering. It is important that for the formation of a useful substance it is unacceptable to burn garbage, plastic, paper. It should be tree branches and plants. They feed up to 6 times per season – add a glass of solution to ten liters of water. To prepare ash water you need:

  • take a five-liter bucket of water;
  • add a full glass of ash;
  • interfere 10 days.

Bread dressing for cucumbers

If in the fall or winter at your place there are slices of bread – dry them. In the summer you will not have a question about how to water cucumbers for a good harvest? Home-made organic fertilizer from bread will help bushes to grow and bear fruit faster. This is due to the presence of yeast rich in elements that stimulate the active development of vegetable crops..

Summer residents with experience watered the composition of the plant every ten days. Top dressing lasts the entire period: from planting seedlings to the last fruit. Suitable for open ground, greenhouse planting option. The solution must be diluted three times to water or spray the cucumbers. To prepare the starter culture you need:

  • take a bucket with a lid;
  • put crackers or bread in two thirds of the volume;
  • pour water at room temperature;
  • to close;
  • put a load on top – otherwise everything will pop up and run away;
  • keep the week warm;
  • strain.

How to feed cucumbers with yeast

How to water cucumbers so that they grow faster? If the fruiting process is accelerated when using bread, imagine the effect of using natural yeast. Due to the huge number of trace elements, they are catalysts for plant growth. They are not recommended to be used more often twice a season – better in the first and last feeding. To prepare a solution, a gram packet of yeast is poured with ten liters of water. Watering after 3 hours.

top dressing of cucumbers

Feeding cucumbers during flowering and fruiting with manure

For residents of the village there is no problem than feeding cucumbers in the open ground to grow faster. They have been using manure since ancient times. Summer residents also use this fertilizer. Manure contains a complete set of chemicals necessary for obtaining a high yield: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. It is rich in trace elements. To water the cucumbers, make a solution, which is later diluted 10 times. Preparation depends on the stage in which the manure is located:

  • fresh – diluted in a ratio of 1:20 with water;
  • dry – liquids are poured 4 times more than manure;
  • insist ten days.
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Comments: 4
  1. Magnolia

    What is the best watering schedule for cucumbers to ensure faster growth?

  2. Finley

    How often should cucumbers be watered for optimal growth? Are there any specific watering techniques or tips to ensure faster growth of cucumbers?

  3. Clara Hayes

    Is there a specific watering schedule or technique that can speed up the growth of cucumbers?

    1. Caleb Robinson

      While there is no specific watering schedule or technique that can magically speed up the growth of cucumbers, providing consistent and adequate moisture is crucial for their growth. Cucumbers require regular watering, especially during hot and dry periods. It is generally recommended to water them deeply once or twice a week, ensuring the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged. Applying mulch around the plants can help to retain soil moisture and prevent weed growth. Additionally, using a drip irrigation system or watering directly at the base of the plant can be beneficial in minimizing water loss through evaporation and reducing the risk of fungal diseases. It is important to monitor the moisture level of the soil regularly and adjust the watering frequency according to the specific needs of the cucumber plants.

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