
The most common types of allergies in dogs

Dogs share many of the same allergy symptoms as humans, but they can be caused by a variety of different sources. This article looks into the most common sources of allergies in dogs, which include environmental allergens such as pollen, dust, and mould, as well as food-based allergens such as wheat, corn, and sometimes even certain types of protein. Understanding these allergies can help pet owners identify the cause of their dog's allergies and learn how best to manage them. By being aware of what causes their pet's allergies, pet owners can take the necessary steps to ensure their furry friend's health and wellbeing.

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Fleas, food, household chemicals, pollen – all this can cause an allergy in a pet. The reaction is manifested by itching, rash, spots, in severe cases, anaphylactic shock develops. The animal’s heart rhythm is disturbed, the face swells, it becomes difficult for him to breathe: without proper help, the dog can die.

Allergic dermatitis in dogs

Allergic dermatitis in dogs

Pathology is caused by insects (fleas, ticks, ants), food, pollen, and other external irritants. The main symptom of dermatitis is itching: the dog violently combes the sides, ears, gnaws at the tail. Such a reaction does not pose a threat to life.

Flea dermatitis

The pet’s body responds to insect saliva that has penetrated the skin. The result is severe itching, especially at the base of the tail: the dog can bite itself to bloody wounds. Over time, they are tightened and covered with scabs. Drops, special collars get rid of flea dermatitis. The first method is preferable, since the constant wearing of ammunition can also cause allergies. If all is well, the symptoms will go away within a week..

Atopic dermatitis

The animal responds to allergens that are carried through the air (pollen, mold, house dust). Pathology is often seasonal, so itching appears at certain times of the year. It can occur on any part of the body, but mostly pets comb their ears, lick or nibble their paws..

Food Allergies in Dogs

Food Allergies in Dogs

An animal can react to any food – corn, wheat, rice, oats, chicken. The main reasons are genetic predisposition, exposure to the same products. For example, if you constantly feed your dog rice with lamb, over time it can cause inflammation of the intestine or “leaky gut syndrome” when an allergen seeps into the blood through the mucous membrane of the organ.

With a food allergic reaction, symptoms appear, as with atopic dermatitis. A diverse diet will help prevent their occurrence. To detect an allergen, change food; do not give your pet cookies or other snacks that can cause a reaction. To reduce skin inflammation, add a source of omega-3 fatty acids (salmon oil) to your food..

The dog should be on a diet for at least 6 weeks – the body will need so much time to completely eliminate allergens. If the itching resolves, then the cause of the reaction was determined correctly..


Allergies in dogs often appear in the form of itchy spots on the skin that look like a nettle burn. They are easy to detect in short-haired animals: with a long pile, spots are not visible, but they can be felt. Foci of inflammation appear 6-24 hours after contact with the allergen. Anti-allergic drugs for dogs help eliminate itching.

Quincke’s edema

Quincke's edema

If the pet has a swollen muzzle, throat, lips, eyelids or ear, an urgent need to see a doctor. This may be a symptom of anaphylactic shock, which leads to death. Some veterinarians consider swelling of the muzzle a good sign, meaning that the dangerous period has passed and the pet is recovering. Quincke edema in dogs often disappears within a few hours after exposure to an allergen. Nevertheless, the swelling of the muzzle suggests that the pet is in danger, so it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

Anaphylactic reaction

Anaphylactic reaction

It is rare, mainly develops after a wasp sting, a bee, an injection of a drug (vaccine). Immunity reacts to an allergen by lowering blood pressure, because of this there is a collapse, then a shock condition. If the dog is not helped on time, he may die within half an hour..

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock:

  • trouble breathing
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • saliva flow;
  • pale mucous membranes;
  • tachycardia;
  • depression or agitation;
  • cramps.

If your dog already had anaphylactic shock, ask your veterinarian how to help her in an emergency. Buy a solution of adrenaline in advance so that it is always at hand during an attack. The medicine will accelerate the heartbeat and stimulate coronary circulation.

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Comments: 1
  1. Mia Davis

    What are the most common symptoms observed in dogs with allergies and how can they be effectively managed?

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