
Tomato care in the greenhouse

Tomato care in the greenhouse provides several advantages and distinctive qualities which make it a viable and cost-effective method of growing tomatoes. It can extend the growing season by starting early, protect against pests, and save on water by recycling greywater and using soil moisture sensors. Additional benefits include improved air circulation, higher yields, and more uniform ripening. With careful attention to the environment, including proper ventilation, humidity control, and artificial lighting, the greenhouse will provide an ideal environment for tomatoes to thrive.

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Many gardeners in our country prefer growing tomatoes in a greenhouse to open ground, because there you can create attractive conditions for a rich harvest, early ripening of fruits. Tomatoes love warmth, therefore, under harsh Russian conditions, you need to grow them on the sunny side, following simple care tips.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

To correctly know how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to follow the simple, but mandatory stages of care, starting from seed treatment and ending with the formation of fruits. Planting vegetables using a greenhouse is popular among gardeners, because the land heats up there faster, the crop appears 2 weeks earlier, and the fruits are not exposed to late blight diseases. The wealth of the crop also belongs to the pluses – tomatoes grown in a greenhouse in their volume by 250% exceed the same volume from the ground.

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomato seed treatment before sowing

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse dates back to the seed treatment period, so that the crop resists viral diseases. To do this, use potassium permanganate treatment, which is performed before germination and includes the following steps:

  • preparation of a special solution – 1 g of the product is taken in a glass of water;
  • a gauze bag is taken, seeds are laid there, lowered into the solution;
  • after 20 minutes, the seeds are washed with clean running water.

This treatment helps the rapid simultaneous emergence of seeds, strong growth of bushes. After processing with potassium permanganate, it is useful to saturate the seeds with useful substances, which is carried out according to the following technology:

  • prepare a solution of 1 liter of warm water with 1 tablespoon of fertilizer (ash, nitrofoska, sodium humate);
  • a container is taken, a bag with seeds is laid there for 12 hours at a temperature of at least 25 degrees;
  • after taking out the dishes with clean water, the bag is put in there for a day.

Such care is useful for undersized varieties, along with hardening, when the bag is placed on the shelf of the refrigerator for 2 days at a temperature of at least 1 degree. During the time spent, the seeds must be constantly sprayed with water so that the bag does not dry out, and immediately after hardening it is planted. Soaking and hardening is not necessary for hybrid seeds and varieties with high stems.

Features of growing tomatoes

Compliance with the temperature regime

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse involves carefully monitoring the temperature at all stages:

  • during sowing, seeds are watered with a warm (up to 40 degrees) sodium humate solution;
  • when germinating seeds, the surrounding air should be heated to 23 degrees;
  • the room for holding seedlings before planting should have a day temperature of up to 17 degrees, and a night temperature of up to 14;
  • when the street temperature reaches 12 degrees in the afternoon, the seedlings are taken out onto the veranda for hardening.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

  • At all stages of tomato care, except for planting seeds, they need watering:
  • seedlings are watered three times for the entire growth period – after germination, after 2 weeks and a couple of hours before transplanting;
  • 10 days after transplanting, it is watered;
  • watering should be carried out after pollination with pollen and before the beginning of active flowering with the calculation of 5 liters per square meter;
  • when flowers form, irrigation and the amount of water increases by 300%;
  • competent watering of the greenhouse from polycarbonate is carried out in the morning to prevent the creation of excessive moisture, and the water itself is poured under the root so that the leaves do not get wet.

Tomato Watering Mode

Topping tomatoes in a greenhouse

When caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse, they need to be fed:

  • at the stage of sowing seeds;
  • 2 weeks after the dive;
  • 2 weeks after transplantation;
  • 3 weeks after planting bushes;
  • then after 3 and 2 weeks.

The formation of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Due to the fact that the summer is short, all the ovaries of tomatoes will not have time to form fruits, so you need to limit them. For this, they carry out pinching and tracing. The first procedure involves the removal of minor shoots between the sinuses, and the second is pinching the tops to stop the growth up and the obstacles to creating new shoots. Each of the care processes has its own nuances..

How to perform tomato formation

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse

To know all the nuances of how to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to turn to the tips of experienced gardeners. They recommend caring for seedlings and bushes:

  • seeds are planted without watering in a glass or plastic box, and the location is chosen warm and well-lit;
  • seedlings should gain strength, and not grow up, so the temperature regime is observed for it;
  • seedlings dive and feed;
  • the distance between the bushes is sufficient to ensure that growth is carried out without problems;
  • bushes after planting in the greenhouse are garter, fed and watered.

How often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

When organizing tomato care, many people ask how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and how often to do it. Gardeners recommend that after planting and flowering, water the bushes every 6 days with a moderate amount of moisture. Water cannot be cold, it must be poured carefully under the root so that the soil does not erode, and the leaves with fruits do not deteriorate. To avoid the greenhouse effect, the greenhouse should be optimally ventilated. With active fruit ripening, the bushes are watered twice or thrice in a week..

Features of tomato care

How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse

The application of useful fertilizers is also called dressing and is done so that the plants grow strong, are resistant to diseases, and the fruits ripen on time and in the right amount. Feeding is best combined with watering and carried out three times – after 3 weeks from the time of planting the bushes, then after the same time and the last time – after 2 weeks. For care, organic fertilizers or mineral fertilizers are used..

Organic fertilizer

How to fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse? Gardeners recommend using folk organic means:

  • mullein;
  • Fertility;
  • peat, chicken droppings;
  • infusion of green slurry;
  • humus, wood ash.

Mineral fertilizers for tomatoes in the greenhouse

Mineral fertilizers for feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse include:

  • nitroammophosk;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • boric acid – it is sprayed before disembarkation;
  • urea.

Greening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

By caring for tomatoes in the greenhouse is pinching – removal of minor shoots from the sinuses, necessary to prevent the formation of new ovaries and the formation of fruits from existing ones. Its correct conduct implies the removal of stepsons, which are considered to be all but the main stem. The first time stepsoning is carried out in 2 weeks from the moment of seedling emergence, then – every 10 days. So that a new one does not grow on the site of the broken stem, you need to leave a couple of centimeters of the old. A properly crafted stem has no more than 4 flower brushes.

How to dive tomatoes

Transplanting each bush of tomatoes from a container with a capacity of 100 ml into a separate pot with a volume of half a liter is called picking. It is carried out 10 days after germination, so as not to damage the small root. A competent transplant involves watering in 2 hours, taking out seedlings and selecting a large pot, watering again. The second method of picking is transshipment, when a few days before transplanting, the bush is no longer watered, due to which the earth dries and freely gets out of the pot. After transshipment, the plant needs to be watered to the best of its ability, so that it is better taken root.

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Comments: 5
  1. Juniper

    Could you share some tips on how to take care of tomatoes in a greenhouse?

    1. Chloe Cunningham

      Here are some tips for taking care of tomatoes in a greenhouse:
      1. Provide adequate ventilation to prevent overheating. Open vents, use fans, or install shade cloth if needed.
      2. Maintain a consistent temperature between 60-80°F during the day and 55-65°F at night.
      3. Ensure sufficient sunlight exposure by placing the greenhouse in a location with maximum sunlight or use grow lights.
      4. Water tomatoes regularly, aiming to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Avoid wetting the leaves to prevent disease.
      5. Fertilize plants regularly with a balanced tomato-specific fertilizer, following the recommended dosage.
      6. Train tomato plants to grow on supports, such as stakes or trellises, to maximize space and airflow.
      7. Prune the plants by removing suckers (small side shoots) to promote better air circulation and redirect energy to fruit production.
      8. Monitor for pests and diseases like aphids, whiteflies, or powdery mildew. Apply organic or chemical controls as necessary.
      9. Regularly remove yellowing or dead leaves to prevent the spread of diseases.
      10. Harvest ripe tomatoes promptly to encourage continuous production and avoid overripe fruit attracting pests.

      1. Scarlett Newman

        Taking care of tomatoes in a greenhouse requires attention to detail. It is essential to provide proper ventilation, maintain consistent temperature, ensure adequate sunlight exposure, water regularly, fertilize appropriately, use supports for plant growth, prune for better air circulation, monitor for pests and diseases, and harvest ripe tomatoes promptly. By following these tips, you can keep your tomato plants healthy and productive in a greenhouse environment.

  2. Clementine

    What specific steps can be followed to ensure optimal care and growth of tomatoes in a greenhouse?

  3. Colton Watson

    What are some key tips for effectively caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse? How can I ensure optimal growth and fruit production?

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