

Avitaminosis is a condition in which the body does not get enough vitamins, leading to a variety of health problems. Vitamins are essential for a healthy body andImmune system, and can be obtained from a balanced diet. However, avitaminosis can occur if a person does not eat enough nutrient-dense foods, is unable to absorb vitamins through the digestive tract, or loses an excessive amount of vitamins through sweat, urine, or other bodily fluids. Symptoms of avitaminosis can vary and may include fatigue, digestive issues, skin problems, and weakened immune system. Supplementing is essential to treat avitaminosis, and those affected should consult a doctor for advice.

In order to gain strength, you need to be attentive to your lifestyle and regularly checked by doctors. Persistent fatigue is a sign of some serious illness..

But do not equate chronic fatigue with usual lack of sleep and panic: watch yourself, taking into account all the alarming symptoms.
In this article we will talk about how to deal with fatigue, discuss the main causes and ways to eliminate them..

1. Vitamin deficiency

girl drinks juice

  • If you are deficient in vitamin B12, the nerve and red blood cells work slowly, which disrupts the transport of oxygen to the metabolized tissues. Fatigue is sometimes combined with numbness of fingers, tearfulness and memory problems..
  • Deficiency of vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of sunlight, also provokes weakness. It affects the work of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system.
  • Iron deficiency reduces hemoglobin production. Fatigue appears, shortness of breath, skin becomes pale, and brittle nails.
  • You may not have enough ascorbic acid or minerals: potassium, magnesium, iodine. Hence anemia (a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin) and increased fatigue.

Lack of vitamins shows a blood test. If B12 is not enough, eat meat, dairy products, eggs. With a lack of vitamin D, go on a fish diet, include the liver in the diet, spend more time in the air. Iron-containing foods are meat, legumes, and shellfish. After consulting a doctor, you can buy fortified nutritional supplements..

2. Thyroid problems

doctor examines the thyroid gland

Failures in the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) lead to a change in hormone levels. Because of this, weight differences occur, swelling appears, skin peels, chills and palpitations are felt. Women have menstrual irregularities. Irritability appears. With hyperthyroidism, weakness is only in the arms and legs.

With thyroid problems, you don’t have to figure out for yourself how to deal with constant fatigue – go to the endocrinologist. He will make hormone replacement therapy for you. You’ll have to sit on it for the rest of your life, but the cost of medication will pay off for well-being..

3. Depression


A frequent companion of this disease is weakness, laziness, irritability, lack of appetite or, conversely, frequent overeating.

About 20% of the world’s population suffers from depression. There are many reasons: an imbalance of vital elements or hormones, stress, emotional problems, negative thoughts, alcohol. Neurosis, which appears due to unreasonable experiences, is classified as a condition similar to depression..

How to deal with this problem will tell the psychologist or therapist. You can take a course of treatment with pharmaceuticals, work on yourself and perception of life.

Start playing sports to naturally produce serotonin (the hormone of happiness). When depression is triggered by low levels of dopamine (a hormone that motivates you to achieve goals), continue to do what you love, even if you’re tired. Try to reward yourself for any success in business.

4. Bowel Disease

sick stomach

When the intestines do not digest the protein of cereal crops (gluten), a person does not receive the necessary nutrients because of this. After flour, severe bloating, joint problems and a feeling of fatigue appear – this is called celiac disease or celiac disease..

Go to the gastroenterologist and sign up for an endoscopic examination. Doctor will suggest a tough but effective diet.

5. Heart disease

draws a heart on glass

Prolonged bouts of weakness that appear suddenly may indicate a potential heart attack. The heart attack itself is rarely accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, but when the heart muscle is intermittent, you will feel it. Pay attention to breathing, shortness of breath, appetite, whether or not there is a painful feeling in the chest.

With this set of problems, go to the cardiologist. He will make an electrocardiogram, prescribe an ultrasound of the heart or an echocardiogram. To prevent the development of symptoms, doctors advise you to go on a low-fat diet and do physical activity in an easy mode, for example, swimming or yoga.

6. Diabetes


With a high level of sugar in the blood, glucose – and with it potential energy – goes through the exchange cycle in vain and disappears. The more you eat, the weaker you feel. This may also be the case with potential diabetes..

To understand how to deal with fatigue in problems with sugar levels, bring blood for analysis. The doctor will prescribe you a diet (without simple carbohydrates, refined sugar, premium flour), prescribe medications and exercise, so as not to worsen the condition.

7. Chronic fatigue syndrome

chronic fatigue

This syndrome is called “white-collar disease.” It is typical for people aged 25 to 45 years who are constantly stressed at their office work or at home..

He is diagnosed when weakness, problems with concentration, memory, weakness in the body are felt for more than six months. With such fatigue, there can be pain in muscles, joints, lack of air, headaches, insomnia, psychological disorders, immunity will worsen.

To begin to deal with chronic fatigue, go to the therapist, but be prepared to go to narrow-profile doctors. When you are anxious or suffer from emotional overload, then a psychologist / psychotherapist will deal with this. A neurologist will relieve tension of the nervous system, and an immunologist will explain how to protect yourself from a cold.

If you want to help yourself, then start by adjusting your diet: remove caffeine, hydrogenated oils and sugar from the menu, eat vegetables and proteins. To reduce stress, consult meditations or herbal medicine. Drink infusions, teas with chamomile, mint, lemon balm, valerian, rose hip. Take a cool shower, take at least 15 minutes to exercise, and take a walk in the evening.

8. Wrong diet

I find a snack

Fast food, convenience foods, alcohol lead to a feeling of weakness – because the daily diet affects hormones, mood and sleep.

Often, fatigue appears after eating, so study your menu in more detail. Do not eat flour, sweets, refined flour products with simple carbohydrates, do not drink coffee.

Overlay on green vegetables, chicken eggs, fish, seeds, nuts. These foods are rich in vitamin B, selenium, zinc, and also include healthy fatty acids..

9. Dehydration

girl pours water from a bottle

Chronic dehydration is a latent process that you will not notice immediately. You may want a sweet one, fall asleep badly, often wake up in the middle of the night, suffer from dizziness. Even a small drop in water volume in the body by 1.5%, leads to severe weakness.

To get rid of this, you need to drink more. From 1.5 to 2.5 liters according to weight. Try to drink water whenever you feel thirsty.

10. Violation of circadian rhythms


Circadian rhythms control mental activity at night and day. The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain, which synchronizes hormones, is responsible for them. In the majority, this core stimulates activity at the beginning of the day, a decline in energy in the afternoon and drowsiness in the evening..

Violation of rhythms is the cause of daytime fatigue, which will not depend on how much you sleep at night..

The volume of rays reaching the eye retina stimulates the adjustment of the internal clock: the rhythms go astray if we get little light in the morning and a lot at night. As a result, in the afternoon we find ourselves sluggish.

If you feel this, then try to reconfigure your biological rhythms. During the day, spend at least an hour on the street, and in the evening turn off all gadgets at 22:00. Give up energy, start playing sports that will ensure the quality of sleep.

11. Poor sleep

Weakness is the main symptom of normal sleep deprivation and generally many sleep disorders. The latter can be triggered by late going to bed, alcohol, stress, medications, sweet or evening coffee.

Try to sleep 7-9 hours a day. Accustom yourself to fall asleep and wake up at the same time on weekdays and weekends. Before going to bed, take baths with sea salt, do aromatherapy with ordinary oriental sticks or aroma lamps. Ventilate the bedroom regularly overnight, eat magnesium supplements and visualize.

12. Sedentary lifestyle

fat girl jogging

The human body is focused on movement, so sedentary work affects well-being.

To remove stress, use free minutes at work for a short charge. Buy a large exercise ball and sometimes replace it with a chair (especially if working at home). During your lunch break, stretch your muscles by walking up the stairs. Physical activity puts hormones in a state of balance, releases endorphins, normalizes sleep.


Do not yourself cope with the fatigue that has been interfering with your life for several months or years. Be sure to go to the doctors when it is accompanied by a change in body temperature, cough, sudden weight loss or weight gain.

If fatigue does not combine with serious symptoms, try to establish a sleep regimen, get rid of possible sources of stress, bad habits, walk and do not forget about sports.

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Comments: 2
  1. Nova Morgan

    What are the main symptoms and causes of avitaminosis, and what can be done to prevent or treat it?

    1. Evelyn Campbell

      Avitaminosis refers to a deficiency of vitamins in the body, which can lead to various symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, neurological problems, and skin conditions. The main causes of avitaminosis include poor diet, malabsorption issues, and certain medical conditions that interfere with vitamin absorption.

      To prevent avitaminosis, it is important to consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Supplements can also be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider if necessary. Treating avitaminosis involves identifying the deficient vitamin through blood tests and then making changes to the diet or taking supplements to correct the deficiency. In severe cases, intravenous vitamin therapy may be required. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of avitaminosis.

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