
How to find your calling, work of life and happiness

This WordPress post provides practical advice on how to discover your life's work and true happiness. It introduces a step-by-step process to identify and pursue your core values and talents. It also suggests deferring career decisions until you have clarity on what deeply matters to you, exploring different interests with a growth mindset, taking purposeful action while keeping an open mind to numerous possibilities, and surrounding yourself with inspiring people to help you stay on track. This is an effective approach to finding your calling and life's work, enabling you to generate the courage and motivation needed to pursue real meaning and purpose in life.

Vocation is passion, flame, often it becomes the goal of existence. The life of a person who has determined his vocation changes forever. What is happening breaks up into “before and after”. There is not a bit of exaggeration.

To find your calling and to devote yourself to him without a trace is the road to inner harmony, happiness against the background of material security. It is easier for a person who has realized his mission and performs work according to his calling to succeed in life.

Work by calling – what is it

how to find your calling

There are four indicators that characterize vocation work:

• Time at work goes unnoticed. It seems to a person that he spent an hour on work, but in fact a working day passed.

• People are critical of the person’s occupation, they even offer to change the sphere of activity, they condemn him for a fanatical passion for work, but he, indifferently perceiving the opinions of other people, continues to move in the chosen direction without hesitation and doubt..

• Occupation helps increase energy, causes pleasure, gives a feeling of comfort. Positive results and decent income motivate additionally.

• People ask for help, advice, share their problems.
Everyone is able to find the cause of his life. The way in which you can understand how to find your calling is elementary – you need to carefully analyze the sides of your personality, skills, based on their characteristics.

What prevents the search for a vocation

how to find your calling

The factors that prevent a person from finding his vocation, happiness, and spiritual harmony include:

• Disbelief in one’s own strength, the presence of complexes. People are afraid of changes, going to work annoyed every day, not trying to find another, motivating inaction by the lack of experience, education, vacancies.

• The habit of constantly comparing yourself with other people, because the desire to be like a work colleague, a hero on a popular TV show or an Instagram blogger deprives a person of a chance to find his place in life.

• Lack of perseverance in achieving goals. From the first failures a man gives up.

Business coach Olga Monakova, who has been working in coaching for a long time, notes that many clients admitted to her having a long-term desire to do what she loves. At the same time, desires remained unfulfilled without objective reasons. She is sure that by studying someone else’s bad experience, you can understand in which direction you need to move to achieve success and how to find your calling.

How to determine the purpose

To search for a vocation, you need free time, its limit for each individual. You will also need a pen or pencil, blank paper and perhaps the opinion of your loved ones.

1. Get to know your “I”

how to find your calling

To begin with, you should write out your character traits on a sheet of paper:

• how various emotions manifest;
• what are your favorite activities;
• Opinion on this subject of loved ones. It can be obtained by inviting people to characterize you with several adjectives.

This procedure will allow you to determine the dominant character traits and look at yourself from the outside..

The coach of the Academy of Life Management, coach Natalya Sevastyanova in her classes advises people to analyze their best qualities and, based on this, choose professions in which they can be used in the best way. She recommends seeking the advice of specialists or, if this is not possible, friends and close relatives, as brilliant ideas can come from outside.

Anna Morozova, co-owner of the training course “Way to Success”, recommends analyzing her skills and understanding how ready the results of this knowledge and skills are. The specialist emphasizes that it is quite simple to determine whether the occupation is a true vocation of a person. When thinking about this lesson, a person certainly feels an energetic uplift, joy. He is ready to do what he loves to the detriment of leisure and other matters, not counting on excess profits. Man just can’t help but do this.

2. Explore your own skills and desires

how to find your calling

On another sheet of paper it is worth writing out at least 30 of your skills, interests, abilities and desires. This applies to everything that a person does with pleasure and skill:

• favorite activities from distant childhood;
• activities that are fun today;
• what attracts, what you want to learn;
• all skills;
• questions that others most often ask for your advice.

This list should include everything, even seemingly insignificant or naive dreams and desires, as well as activities, albeit not serious at first glance. This may be the ability to masterly ride a bicycle or a car, creatively set a table for guests, organize holidays. This also includes dreams of jumping with a parachute, enrolling in an art school and starting to paint, as well as plans to do landscape design or open courses to teach people, for example, a foreign language.

3. Honest conversation with yourself

how to find your calling

It is necessary, being extremely frank with oneself, to answer several questions:

• what the outside world does not like, unacceptable, seems imperfect;

• what activities it is impossible to refuse without prejudice to inner harmony, peace of mind, even if the results of the efforts of others are uninteresting;

• what kind of work they are ready to do, not only for themselves, but also for others, with which you can help them;

• how you can change the world for the better.

Everyone is able to understand how to find their calling and place in life, to become happy. In this search, it is important to listen to the inner world, to be as honest as possible with yourself, not to give in to difficulties, to get rid of fears and complexes, and not to neglect the help of qualified specialists and loved ones.

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Comments: 3
  1. Logan Palmer

    Finding your calling, work of life, and happiness is a complex journey unique to each individual. What steps have you taken to identify your passions, strengths, and values? Have you explored various fields, hobbies, or volunteer work? How do you envision a fulfilling life? Can you elaborate on the challenges you face in determining your true calling?

    1. Oliver Willis

      Finding one’s calling, work of life, and happiness is a deeply personal and intricate process. To identify my passions, strengths, and values, I have embarked on a self-discovery journey. I have explored various fields, hobbies, and engaged in volunteer work to gain diverse experiences and broaden my horizons. This has allowed me to understand what truly ignites my enthusiasm and aligns with my core values.

      As for envisioning a fulfilling life, I believe it entails the pursuit of a career that brings both personal satisfaction and contributes positively to society. It involves engaging in meaningful relationships, maintaining a work-life balance, and continuously growing both personally and professionally. Creating a balance between my professional aspirations and personal life is crucial to me.

      However, determining my true calling has its challenges. The fear of making the wrong choice, societal expectations, and the pressure to find quick success can cloud my judgment. This uncertainty can become overwhelming and make it difficult to decipher what truly resonates with my inner self. Self-reflection, seeking guidance from mentors, and being open to new experiences are essential in navigating through these challenges and finding my authentic path.

    2. Tyler Bryant

      To identify my passions, strengths, and values, I have engaged in self-reflection and introspection. I have explored various fields, hobbies, and volunteer work to gain exposure and experience. By immersing myself in different activities, I have been able to recognize what truly excites and fulfills me. I envision a fulfilling life as one in which I am using my passions and strengths to make a positive impact. However, determining my true calling has its challenges. It requires questioning societal expectations, overcoming fear of failure, and navigating societal pressures. It demands continuous self-discovery and adapting to change. But through this complex journey, I am learning more about myself and inching closer to finding my life’s work and achieving lasting happiness.

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