
What is procrastination and how to overcome it

Procrastination is a common problem that affects people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. It takes many forms, from simple daily distractions to major project delay. This post examines the underlying causes of procrastination and explores effective strategies for overcoming it. The strategies discussed include developing better time-management skills, setting smaller goals, and breaking down big projects into manageable parts. Additionally, it looks at cultivating a growth mindset, using rewards for motivation, and seeking professional help. With a better understanding of the problem and a personalized plan of attack, anyone can learn how to conquer procrastination.

Many people know what it is to write a thesis in one month or even in one week. The topic was known for a long time, the time for preparation was a carriage, but the student still missed the chance to complete the task on time. This is a common example of procrastination..

There are many reasons for this behavior, but all of them can be fought. The main goal: to make the tasks interesting, seem feasible, and mistakes do not have too high a price.

What is procrastination?

adult man launches paper airplane

This is a tendency to constantly put off things until later, because of which problems arise in work, study, personal life. Its periodic manifestations are considered the norm. But when procrastination becomes a system, this needs to be fixed..

How is procrastination different from laziness?

man lying on the bed and looking at a smartphone

Both procrastinating and lazy give in to mechanisms of instant gratification – they watch movies, leaf through the tape in social networks, go for a walk with friends. But the first one is worried and ashamed, and with the approach of the deadline the anxiety develops into a panic. He simultaneously feels stress because he does not want to work and because he does not fulfill his duties. Energy is not restored, as with a planned vacation.

Procrastination Studies

man tells a lecture

American psychologist Hal Hershfield believes that a person does not worry about the future “I”, because he perceives it as a different person. The “do it now, in the future to have more money / rest / freedom” principle works rarely and poorly. We empathize with the present and want to escape from discomfort in order to enjoy.
In support of the theory says the study of Hershfield. He did an fMRI of the brain of people when they thought of three personalities: their present, themselves in 10 years, and celebrities. The pictures showed that when thinking about yourself, the future or the celebrity, the same parts of the brain are active. And while thinking about the present, other areas work. That is, the future “I” is a different person. His problems are less important than “my” current.

Causes of Procrastination

woman sits on the phone at work

There are several theories about why people procrastinate, but not one is universally accepted. Most likely, there are many reasons and each of them affects to a different degree.

• Defensive reaction

Professor Timothy Pickle of Carleton University believes that procrastination is a manifestation of a natural reaction to stress and discomfort. We shy away from doing things to feel good. But this does not happen, because it crushes responsibility: the video with seals on YouTube warms the soul, but the time for the quarterly report is getting less.

• Perfectionism

Here, a person is not distracted from the main task, but devotes too much attention to small details. Some parts of the project are perfect, and the rest are either hastily done or not completed at all.

• Self limitation

This version says that a person intentionally does not allow himself to do everything on time. He is afraid to stand out from the masses, achieve success, show that he is better than others.

• Uncertainty

A condition in which a person does not try to make changes in life, because he fears negative consequences. He is not fixated on trifles, like a perfectionist, but is sure that nothing will work. And so it puts it off until the last.

• Boredom

One of the most common reasons: a person does not want to do work that is boring or hateful to him.

• Excess liability

When tasks seem too complicated, one cannot believe that they can be dealt with at all. It’s not clear where to start, so you don’t have to redo it later. Due to anxiety, a person finds a way to escape. And the project is at a dead end.

• The pleasure of “fever”

There are people who like action and crazy activity. They work more effectively under stressful conditions and deliberately procrastinate in order to push themselves into a tight framework. You can’t talk about real procrastination here, because such a person does not feel anxiety and shame for putting things off.

Theory of Time Motivation

computer engineer thought

This is one of the most justified scientific ideas about the mechanism of procrastination. The theory says that a person’s desire to act depends on how useful and real he considers the task. Four factors influence this:

  • Estimated Remuneration.
  • Term.
  • Confidence in success.
  • Delay Sensitivity.

That is, a person will not want to postpone the matter if he believes that he can handle it, meet the deadline and receive a good reward. The term should not be long – otherwise the task will be perceived as less useful, or too small – the time limit will cause stress and encourage people to do nothing.

How to deal with procrastination

man look out the window at work

The main skills for effectively combating procrastination are task planning and prioritization. If the goals follow each other, and each is perceived as valuable – it is difficult to procrastinate.

1. Break tasks

It’s easier to take a few small steps than one big jump. If you do not reach the goal, part of the task will still be completed, and continuing is easier than starting from scratch..

2. Start with a small task

Work on a large project requires effort. But it happens that there is not a single good idea in the head. It can be resisted.

Start small. For example, you are engaged in texts. Make one sentence and edit it. You may want to supplement it with others, and then complete the thought in the paragraph. After it logically appears the following.

3. State your goal

Responsibility to the environment is a strong incentive. Write about what you want to do on your page on the social network. Forgetting a public promise is hard.

4. Create multiple deadlines

When you need to submit a report in two weeks, set a goal for yourself – to have a draft in a week. Halfway through, you will have a complete plan and structure. It will only be necessary to “comb” the text. In the event that such a plan does not like, there will be time to finalize it.

5. Make tasks interesting

Do not turn your profession into a routine. Try to diversify the work that seems boring to you. If possible, go to the authorities and frankly say that you want to perform more interesting tasks. Ask if there is a way to move to another department. For example, instead of “cold calls”, start engaging in contextual advertising. Find out under what conditions it will be real.

6. Distribute effort

Successful athletes are able to correctly distribute the load so as not to run out of breath and show the best result. Do not try to do a huge part of the work in a short time – it is so easy to burn out. When you have 10 days to complete, make a plan of 10 equally time-consuming steps. Do not take on a new stage before this is indicated in the plan. Better to experience the pleasure of relaxation than to break out of rhythm.

7. Limit the pleasures

If your procrastination is surfing on social networks, then block access to them..

Use on computers:

  • Gold turkey (Windows)
  • Selfcontrol (Macos)

In browsers:

  • LeechBlock (Firefox)
  • Stay focusd (Chrome)

For smartphones there are applications:

  • Offtime

8. Do not blame yourself

When you are unable to stay on the working wave – do not scold yourself. Self-flagellation will worsen your mood and repulse your last desire to do something. Tell yourself: “Yes, I took the time to rest. This is also important. Now it will be easier for me to advance in my work. ”.

Procrastination Bookswoman reads in public transport

“Win the procrastination!” (Peter Ludwig)

An authoritative psychologist from Europe talks about his experience. The book describes simple methods on how to stop mourning over burning deadlines and start doing everything on time.

“Do not put off until tomorrow. A Brief Guide to Combating Procrastination ”(Timothy Pickle)

This book is based on research by psychologists on the topic of postponement and shifting responsibility. Scientific facts, practical advice and a moderate amount of humor help to easily absorb material, “try on” it and make life full.

The Art of Procrastination (John Perry)

Not every procrastinator can get rid of the problem using a standard strategy. Sometimes this is the result of more complex organizational, psychological or family problems. Therefore, John Perry does not talk about the war with procrastination, but about how to understand it and wrap yourself up.

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Comments: 3
  1. Owen Kelly

    Procrastination refers to the act of postponing or delaying tasks that need to be accomplished. It is a common struggle that hampers productivity. To overcome procrastination, one can begin by understanding the reasons behind it. Then, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable portions can alleviate overwhelming feelings. Setting specific goals, creating a schedule, and using productivity tools like timers or task lists can also help. Seeking support from others, practicing self-discipline, and prioritizing tasks are effective techniques. Have you discovered any successful strategies to overcome procrastination?

    1. Joseph Parker

      Yes, I have discovered a few successful strategies to overcome procrastination. First, I make a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This helps me stay focused and motivated to tackle them one by one. I also set specific goals and break them down into smaller, achievable steps. By doing this, I can track my progress and feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. Additionally, I find it helpful to eliminate distractions, such as turning off notifications on my phone or working in a quiet environment. Finally, I often use the “two-minute rule” where if a task can be completed in two minutes or less, I do it immediately instead of delaying it. These strategies have proven to be effective in overcoming procrastination and boosting my productivity.

    2. Emma Jacobs

      Yes, I have discovered some strategies to overcome procrastination. One is to eliminate distractions by creating a designated work environment free from potential interruptions like social media or loud noises. Breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks with clear deadlines also helps me stay motivated and focused. Additionally, I find it useful to reward myself after completing each task or goal as a way to stay motivated and encourage consistent progress. Having a supportive accountability partner or joining a study group has also been beneficial in keeping me accountable and motivated to complete my tasks on time.

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