
10 habits that drain energy from you

Tired of feeling lethargic and exhausted? This post offers 10 helpful tips to regain your energy by identifying and addressing those everyday habits and activities that are draining your energy. These tips include avoiding multi-tasking and stressful environments, practicing proper relaxation and sleep habits, making sure to stay hydrated, eating nourishing meals, and getting regular exercise. Not only will these practices help you to resolve any current fatigue issues but also prevent the exhaustion from recurring in the future. Try them out now for an energized and productive lifestyle.

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When mental balance is disturbed, a person experiences apathy, sadness, and fatigue. This condition can be caused by habits that consume energy. Try to minimize them – this will help to stay awake for a long time, without feeling a breakdown during the day.

Unbalanced menu

Unbalanced menu

All parts of the body need nutrients: without them, the body cannot function normally. Glucose is a universal energy source. Sugar with food enters the stomach, from where it is transported through the bloodstream to all internal organs. With a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight, the body’s need for glucose is reduced.

To conserve energy, consume approximately 2,000 calories per day from healthy foods. Breakfast and lunch should be nutritious, it is better to make dinner light so as not to strain the stomach before going to bed. Remember that refusing breakfast is harmful: you get very hungry during the day, as a result, eat up at night.

Nutritional products that replenish energy reserves:

  • lean meat;
  • leafy green vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • nuts, soy.



When you do several things at once, a lot of energy is wasted. Multitasking is a bad habit. It disrupts the brain: throwing from problem to problem prevents focus. As a result, you take on several tasks, but do not complete any. Try to do things gradually without jumping from one to the other..


A person who expresses dissatisfaction on any occasion takes energy from the other person. Complaints provoke negative thinking – such an emotional seizure is energy-consuming for all participants in the conversation. Try to suppress other people’s discontent by directing the conversation in a positive direction. Express yours only when the cause of the problem is known and ways to solve it are found.



Dehydration is what takes the body’s energy. A decrease in water level of even 1.5% prevents the brain from working at full strength. The optimal drinking regimen is 8 glasses of water per day. If you are active in sports, drink more. An easy way to check hydration levels is to evaluate the color of your urine. Normally, it is light and transparent, cloudy and yellow means dehydration..

Iron deficiency

The most common cause of energy loss. A lack of iron results in a hemoglobin deficiency. This protein is involved in the gas exchange necessary to maintain normal metabolism. Its lack is reflected in the work of all systems and organs: immunity decreases, fatigue increases, irritability appears. Iron deficiency is often observed in people who do not consume animal products..

Vegetarians need to buy special supplements containing this element. The daily iron intake for adult men is 10–12 mg, for women 20–30 mg. Children 1-12 years old need 22 mg of the element per day. During pregnancy, the mother may need up to 80 mg of iron per day..



You can start managing your energy with physical education: even low-intensity exercises increase your energy level by 20%. To be awake always, move more. If you do not have the opportunity to exercise regularly, take daily walks, try to walk more, exercise in the morning, prefer stairs to elevators.

Phone screen radiation

Finding out what takes all the energy, a person often does not attach importance to a familiar smartphone. The light emitted from its screen violates biological rhythms. This causes insomnia, which leads to a breakdown. If you don’t have to constantly look at your phone, use it as little as possible..

Bad posture

Bad posture

Normally, the spine should be straight – this allows the weight of the upper and lower body to be distributed evenly. If you are stooped, the body expends energy faster to maintain the back in an unusual position. Learn to sit and walk straight, imagining that the spine is one straight line. When your back becomes even, you will feel more cheerful..


The desire to bring everything to the ideal takes a lot of energy. Perfectionists are inflexible and dogmatic: they do not accept failures, they feel the need for control and evaluation. This approach to life is often caused by emotional exhaustion or chronic stress, it is tedious and energy consuming..

The first step to getting rid of the problem is to recognize the unhealthy desire for the ideal. Stop making excessive demands on yourself and others, try to be imperfect. Concentrate not on the result, but on the process. To get rid of negative emotions, use meditation techniques, breathing exercises, visualization.



A cup of coffee in the morning invigorates, stimulates the nervous system, increases concentration, improves mood. Unfortunately, the effect of caffeine is temporary, and already by dinner you can feel tired. To stay awake, give up strong tea and coffee, start getting enough sleep – this is a good way to maintain an adequate level of energy constantly.

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Comments: 5
  1. Giselle

    What are some effective strategies to overcome these draining habits and increase energy levels?

  2. Sage

    What are some effective strategies to combat these energy-draining habits and cultivate more positive and energizing habits in our daily lives?

  3. Clara Wright

    What are some effective strategies to break free from these energy-draining habits and embrace a more revitalizing lifestyle?

    1. Sophia Rice

      To break free from energy-draining habits and embrace a revitalizing lifestyle, it’s important to implement effective strategies. Firstly, self-awareness is key – identify the habits that drain your energy and understand why you engage in them. Then, set clear and realistic goals to develop healthier habits. Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep. Learn to say no to commitments that overwhelm you and set boundaries to protect your energy. Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress. Surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals who inspire and motivate you. Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Finally, maintain a balanced routine that includes regular breaks, leisure activities, and hobbies that bring you joy. Remember, change takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent in your pursuit of a more revitalizing lifestyle.

      1. Brooklyn Griffin

        To break free from energy-draining habits and embrace a revitalizing lifestyle, self-awareness is crucial. Identify the habits draining your energy and set realistic goals to cultivate healthier ones. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, good nutrition, and sufficient sleep. Learn to say no to overwhelming commitments and establish boundaries. Incorporate relaxation techniques and surround yourself with positive people. Challenge negative thoughts with affirmations and maintain a balanced routine with breaks and joyful activities. Change takes time, so be patient and persistent in your pursuit of a more energizing life.

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