
10 phrases people say when they want to cheat

This WordPress post outlines the top 10 phrases people use as a way to cover up their cheating. From the classic "it's not what it looks like" to the more creative "I was exploring my options," this post reveals the secret language of a cheater. It explains the advantages of familiarizing yourself with these phrases and that knowing them gives you a better understanding of the situation and can help you discern whether the person is being truthful or not. With deeper insight into the subject, this post can also help prevent you from being deceived in the future.

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Few people who marry or have a relationship plan to lie to their partner. But in reality, lies are a part of everyday life for many couples. According to statistics, about 16 percent of married women and men are deceiving each other. In order not to be stupid in time, learn to recognize signs that you want to lie.

What would you do if I deceived you

Married couple

Having heard such a phrase addressed to you, admit that in your relationship at least not everything is successful, and there is something that led the partner to such an idea. Perhaps you will soon be deceived, and this signal cannot be ignored..

Do you like my new hairstyle

If your spouse for 10 years wore the same hairstyle, but once came home with a new one, this may mean that she is trying to interest another man. She probably did this not for you and not for herself. The same applies to any drastic changes in appearance: losing weight, updating the wardrobe, wearing makeup frequently.

Sorry for not calling, not writing, today was very busy

Girl with a phone

If a partner previously corresponded with you all day, and now does not find time even for one message or a call a day, and this happens from time to time, be careful: you may be deceived soon. If the partner has ceased to pay attention to you, maybe he gives it to other people. Especially if a sharp decline in interest in you occurred without explanation.

What time of the night will you be home

Sometimes wives or husbands ask this one without a second thought, because they are bored or eager to reunite with their partner. But it happens that they ask to know how long they themselves can be away from home, or for how long they can invite someone to themselves.

Let’s try something new in bed

If the partner wants to bring pangs to your intimate life, this may signal that the current situation does not satisfy him. On the one hand, it’s good that he wants to strengthen your relationship, but on the other hand, because of this, he can look for pleasures on the side. If your partner suddenly began to behave differently in bed, ask yourself who or what caused the change: films and pictures for adults, or another person.

I know you’re fooling me

Spouse conversation

The more often the spouse lies to you, the more you suspect and blame you for it. Thus, he shifts his guilt to you and moves away from his shameful actions. This is a typical manipulation: when he looks upset, it seems to you that he hates a lie and never lies to you, but in fact it is not.

What are you talking about? I always listened to rap

Perhaps he actually found something on these tracks. But it may be that unusual music reminds the spouse of a new object of passion, or he tries to like it, adapting to someone else’s musical taste.

I already said how beautiful you are today

When one of the spouses is close to committing treason, he wants not to give himself away as emotions. Making frequent compliments, he averts possible suspicions, dulls his guilt.

I will need to go to mom

Pay attention to what word is used to describe plans for the future: “we” or “me”. If the latter flashes more often, perhaps in his ideas about the future there is no place for you.

Why are you wondering where I’m going

Frustrated girl

If the husband suddenly began to hide where he is and what he does, it is possible that he goes to the side. At the same time, he can take a defensive position and answer the question “why do you care?” and “it doesn’t concern you”.

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Comments: 2
  1. Harper

    What are some common phrases or tactics people often use when they want to cheat on someone or something?

  2. Luna Foster

    What can one do to detect when someone is attempting to deceive or manipulate others? What signs or behaviors should be considered red flags when it comes to recognizing potential cheating or dishonesty?

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